Bryan Avatar
Urban & regional planner, transit advocate, affordable housing volunteer, YIMBY, musician, wannabe photographer, tech tinkerer, dillydallier. Husband and father of two kids under five. US-IT citizen living in the Pacific Northwest. 
Toots self destruct.

Noticed a typo at the skate park this afternoon. Can you spot it?

We are pretty much addicted to Himalayan Dumplings by Kyikyi in Beaverton, Oregon. The noodles, the dumplings, the hand pies…all so good. #pdx

The dog days of summer, hopefully coming to an end.

A woman wearing a blue hoodie and black leggings walks hand in hand with a child on a sidewalk.A woman wearing sunglasses is holding a young child in her arms outdoors.A cluster of tomatoes in various stages of ripening is surrounded by lush green foliage.

Ultimately, what it’s going to boil down to for me in terms of social media platform adoption, is the moderation tools. Both Threads and Bluesky have the ability to hide replies for everybody and detach quotes. It’s awesome for de-platforming trolls and mean people!

@hardly_ted that could very well be an issue with mine, I’ll check. It’s a Withings.

The new routine. She insists on carrying his backpack.

A young child with a large backpack walks along a sidewalk, followed by a woman and another child.

There’s this spot on my bathroom floor where, if I move my scale there before hopping on, I weigh like a pound less. What can I say, I love lying to myself!

S: I was born in August, I’m a Leo.
P: What’s a Leo, mom?
S: It means I’m bold.
P: You’re not bald mom, dad is!

I wish the west coast would get on with that whole high-speed rail thing. Tijuana to Vancouver, and all points in between, we want trains.

@Sadsquatch @TheNeedling Same! Though I thought Ballard had been fully gentrified for at least 15 years?

Beautiful morning in the northwest, but time to button up the house until this evening. These temp swings are pretty drastic. #pdx

Happy to have found some #detroit dad hats in 3xl made by ‘47 on a specialty site for the cranially endowed.

Some meetings just require you to put on your best Cillian Murphy.

The phrases “rock music” and “rock and roll” seem anachronistic enough now that I don’t think we need to throw “classic” in front of them anymore.

Pretty nice that you can accept tips and donations natively in #ghost now.

Trying out this app called openvibe that combines your Bluesky, Mastodon and Nostr timelines into one. Can also post to all three simultaneously. I guess Threads is in the works, too.

Totally. Tried to schedule vaccines for my kids before the wave of the newer vaccine…nothing available at all. One of many, many examples. Took me a year to see an ophthalmologist, for example. And don’t even get me started on mental health.

I know that feeling, of seemingly never mastering a single thing.

Spun up a GoToSocial instance in Docker to see how it works. Surprisingly easy. Not as feature-rich as Mastodon, but it's supposed to be a lot lighter on resources.

Here we are on Labor Day and my kids (5 and 2) are already so excited for Halloween that they’re begging us to take them to a store to buy decorations. 🎃

“To make matters even stranger, the pair had also just been acquitted on 11 counts of fraud in the United States that stemmed from the Autonomy sale 13 years prior.”

Little friends at the park.

I need to make more friends on the westside of Portland. Time to get back on Meetup?

Civil War (2024) has got to be one of the most boring movies I’ve seen in years.

Exciting times, lol. Some of the bumper crop of tomatoes from our garden are finally ripening. Tons of tomatoes this year, even though I got started late this year. I attribute their success to the organic fertilizer recipe I got out of the book Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades. Bring on the BLTs and fresh pasta sauce!

@CoastalCoasting thanks. I’m not so sure I have the fortitude to go up in winter though.

@cy is an actual interview form TriMet’s Chief Security Officer. Your desire to keep your head in the sand doesn’t make it my responsibility to educate you. Go somewhere else to start shit.

@abarker easy to say as a male. My wife and children beg to differ.

@cy @abarker ha, you must’ve been living under a rock the last 3-4 years.

@abarker you must not be from the area? Ridership is WAY down, with the biggest reason cited being real and perceived safety of riders.

@bryan How does this work if Fediverse is disabled?

@Judeet88 that looks like something we shouldn't mess around with.