Chris Verbree Avatar
Chris Verbree
I’m a software developer by day and tinkerer by night. I also love to read, mostly fiction. Avatar alt: A waving stick-figure with a rectangular head. A laptop on the left and a stack of books on the right.

Chris Verbree

@joshuapsteele as long as it is slow going I'm interested :-). It is fun to receive letters.


Chris Verbree

@mbkriegh im not yet sure that it is the answer here. I'm actually quite like not having a number to increase. But then I feel the issue of posting into the void as well.


Chris Verbree

@z428 this is an interesting system. What is the reason for not saving the files? Too much overhead?


Chris Verbree

@vincent yeah but soon there will be a new version. It will fix everything ;-)


Chris Verbree

What can we do for the discover timeline on One of the biggest issues I had with it was that it was not updated on the weekends and not when I was awake. But now it is not updated at all. I wonder if a system with voting could work in timezone groups.


Chris Verbree

@acfusco 🍞 not sure if this is true but I like the idea.


Chris Verbree

@Denny it also does not help that we don't have a community manager any more and that the discover page is death.


Chris Verbree

@mbkriegh, there are a lot of good things in this thread already. I also felt the void lately, and then I recognized how often I read something in the timeline and did not write a comment. So, I try to be more active with commenting. But that also takes a lot more work than liking.


Chris Verbree

@jsonbecker I see the connection between Resident Alien and Humans as well. And ​Jumper the movie and the book are two different things :-) Although I suspected that they needed to make part of the changes for the movie as the book was aged from the topic matter.

​Another recommendation would be We Are Legion by Dennis Taylor.


Chris Verbree

@jsonbecker ever read Jumper by Steven Gould (~354 pages)? It is a bit aged but I think it is still fun. Or Humans by Matt Haig (~300 pages).


Chris Verbree

@Gabz I hope it gets better soon.


Chris Verbree

@vincent yep does not sound like a day for work. I've also had it recently that Xcode just forgets all simulators configured for a branch it such a pita. And I need to quit the simulator every third build as it just keeps hanging when installing the app.


Chris Verbree

@Gabz, this is an interesting perspective and very well thought out before making the step. I'm not quite sure whether I understand the last paragraph correctly. Would you (as IP) manage a team of one, or would you join a team of one currently?


Chris Verbree

@benwerd loved this comparison:

Writing a book, on the other hand, requires much more craft: it’s like chiseling a story out of rock.


Chris Verbree

@DaveyCraney it sounds yummy. I hope the are ripe. That is the biggest issue here when we buy one. It is not ripe. When we buy two (needing only one) both are ripe.


Chris Verbree

@maique it was the same for me the last time. My wife and daughter felt it and I'm in the same room but rotated by 90 degrees and did not feel a thing.


Chris Verbree

@maique earthquakes are so surreal. And for the light ones, whether you notice them depends greatly on your position.


Chris Verbree

The movie starts slow, but I think it is worth it. At times it reminded me of a vampire film minus the (sparkling) vampires.

Adopted together after a tough childhood in an orphanage, Nica and Rigel realize that unexpected but irresistible feelings pull them together.

The Tearsmith.


Chris Verbree

@hollie thank you for the insight. This is such a different system compared to my country. But I suspect our elections are also smaller and there is less to screw up (at least it feels this way from).


Chris Verbree

A closeup of a frog statue used as advertising and De oration in a flower store. In front of it are smaller frog sculptures made from sheet metal to buy.

The frog king and his minions.


Chris Verbree

@kev Happy birthday. And I feel you on the pain front. It's just no longer the same as being twenty.


Chris Verbree

I really liked these tips. It is nothing new but it is good to read about them again in one place.

7 visuals about self-care to protect your mental health.


Chris Verbree

@petebrown love the image and the name of the cat! It remind me of one of the cats described in the book To Be A Cat


Chris Verbree

@kev that is the right thing to do when the small ones are not here to observe you :-) It is the same here. The moment she is not home we start eating before the TV again.


Chris Verbree

Our toilets got a makeover this week. The whole mechanism for the water release from the tank was exchanged, and the water path was descaled by removing the bowl from the wall. We should have let this be done earlier. It is so nice to have toilets again that actually flush. And after more than 20 years of ...

Chris Verbree

@hollie you were industrious OO, I should write some Postcrossing cards as well again. Have not done any this month so far.

Are the voter cards for the election a big thing? It is only the second time I've stumbled about this ​concept so far. What are you writing into them?


Chris Verbree

Screenshot of an email showing a movie poster for the Sailer Moon Cosmos film on Netflix. It shows Sailormoon with spread wings in the center, the film title below her, and the antagonist above.

I might watch this movie for the sake of good old times.


Chris Verbree

TIL: You can play Hockey under water.


It’s Hockey, But Underwater (via Manuel Moreale: P&B: Ploum).


Chris Verbree

@V_ Did some searching on the site, looks like it is still working.


Chris Verbree

@moonmehta My initial thought was Flipboard, but it is a long time since I last used them. Not sure it still works like it used to.


Chris Verbree

@matti Yes transforming from one language to another is something which I can see it working quite well. Just had another "fail" again this week perhaps I could have fixed it with some more time. But I needed to make progress, so did not go down the rabbit hole of prompt engineering :-).


Chris Verbree

@amerpie looks very interesting. Unfortunately I don't use Chrome as my daily browser.


Chris Verbree

Another Fail with coding with ChatGTP

Chris Verbree

But you don’t need to wait long for another bad episode. Every time they get an external helping person they are the ones who did it in the end.

The investigation of a famous dead astronaut found in Battery Park has hit a dead end, causing Stabler to ask for assistance from his old mentor, Dick Finley, a former colleague of the victim and an astronaut himself.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Season 10 Episode 4 (Lunacy).


Chris Verbree

Ok, I needed to watch many episodes of this series but every now and then they managed to make a good episode. I liked the story and the acting of the daughter and grandmother.

Stabler is shocked when his daughter, Kathleen, becomes the suspect in an investigation to catch a trespasser. He seeks his estranged mother's help in dealing with his daughter's case.

Law And Order Special Victims Season 10 Episode 3 (Swing).


Chris Verbree

How to make a classroom escape room using Google Forms step-by-step guide. Create your own digital escape room with this easy to follow guide!

How to Make an Escape Room on Google Forms - Teach with Holly Rachel (via Tom Scott (newsletter from 2024/08/12)).

I’m with Tom here I love when users find creative ways to (an)use a tool.


Chris Verbree

A table spread of different fruits and salads ready to eat. In the front, there are grapes, cucumbers, and watermelon on a plate. Some cherry tomatoes, apples. In the back is a breaks and some green salad.

When it is too hot for warm food.


Chris Verbree

If I could decide, I would live virtuously, or rather, I would like to live in a world where using LLMs is a neutral-positive thing. However, if we think about it, nothing is neutral or positive, and everything has trade-offs.

The Way We Use LLMs Makes All The Difference.


Chris Verbree

Blue sky bordered by trees. The sky has multiple white lines from airplanes in it.

The sky over the swimming pool.


Chris Verbree

I a closeup of a small disc sander with a circle-making jig clamped in front of it. On top is a raw circle which is int the process of getting sanded round.

I did the reasonable and spent some time in my shop today. I built a jig to create round discs with my disk sander.


Chris Verbree

Why is it so hard to get the UUID of a iPad (or iPhone) under Windows? Wasted so much time with this yesterday.


Chris Verbree

Why does my mind now think I could build a replica of a mechanical calculator?


Chris Verbree

A tent in the graden with a cat in front of the open tent door.

We survived the night and did not get wet!


Chris Verbree

Sitting in a tent on my parent’s lawn somehow brings me back to my childhood. I hope the tent is still watertight as its raining right now.


Chris Verbree

🎂 Today I’m marks the one year anniversary at my new job – still love it :-D


Chris Verbree

A napkin folded into a cross on festive table.

Happy 1st of August.


Chris Verbree

A screenshot of a custom image picker. The images are shown in a 4x3 grid below a segmented control with which you can select between three different smart albums. The first is all, the second is favourites (denoted with an heart symbol) and the last is  the recent album (denoted by a clock symbol). Most of the image thumbnails are redacted with a light grey box.

I’ve added a better image picker to my blogging app, now I can select the images from the favourite and recent albums.


Chris Verbree

A close-up of a metal door in a read brick wall. The door is nearly black from rust.

A small door in a brick wall.