Vincent Ritter Avatar
Vincent Ritter
Crafting software for humans.

Vincent Ritter

I’ve been planning a web based game for a few years now (only ideas)… bought a domain for it a year ago. Maybe it’s time.


Vincent Ritter

@mandaris Yep, that’s the one.


Vincent Ritter

Instead of going to bed slightly earlier last night, due to school starting an hour early on Friday, I watched Ip Man. Great movie! Probably will watch the second one today 😬


Vincent Ritter

@numericcitizen looking for Tim Cook to retire 🤣


Vincent Ritter

@joshuapsteele my daughter was staying with Grandma and I told her she should write a letter… and she did. It was so lovely and amazing, so personal!


Vincent Ritter

@Gabz love the way your blogging has evolved over the years ✌️


Vincent Ritter

@dfr great vibes!


Vincent Ritter

@numericcitizen to be honest… that’s just something for me 😁


Vincent Ritter

The Daylist on Spotify is pretty amazing! Love it a lot.


Vincent Ritter

Made a start this morning with something new on Scribbles that will certainly only be useful for me. Not much sleep this week, but hoping to finish it over the weekend. Hopefully some folks will find it useful. Great for those fire and forget posts…


Vincent Ritter

@jimmitchell I'm the same. Since inception, my parents were Apple people... and it's how I grew up. I do want to invest in a MacBook Air next, although it's nearly 2x more expensive than say a Framework — although I know the MBA will last me at least 5 years. I think Tim Cook totally gutted out Steve's legacy — so I'm sad about it (I miss the guy — because I grew up around Apple computers).


Vincent Ritter

Did a thing! I loaded up the dishwasher. Good night 😴


Vincent Ritter

@V_ but it won’t run on your current machine, so you’ll have to upgrade 🤣


Vincent Ritter

@jimmitchell "Long term" — I think I want to see what happens after Tim steps down, so at least 5 years. It's tough because I'm looking at a new laptop but it's super expensive... Good to form new habits.


Vincent Ritter

@jimmitchell Firefox on the Mac. Feels nicer than the rest, although not perfect. Actually long term I am thinking of moving away from the Mac, so these are baby steps.


Vincent Ritter

@joshuapsteele Firefox. It’s not perfect but feels nicer than other choices.


Vincent Ritter

@7robots they must have reverted that decision then! The option for opening a new window isn’t available in the last update nor the 15.0 public beta. Thanks for reporting that 👍


Vincent Ritter

I’m happy I switched away from Safari on the Mac… because their new version doesn’t allow me to start with an empty view (and just show favourites). It’ll always restore the last “thing” you were on. Terrible. There is no setting that I see to revert that.


Vincent Ritter

@V_ The Apple developer tools are bad in my opinion. They also feel super heavy…


Vincent Ritter

@jimmitchell I know! Gotta talk to my boss and get some stuff removed! I did just add the microphone because I want to record a few videos soon.


Vincent Ritter

Aquapark today, with the backdrop of rollercoasters. Sunny day 🎢☀️ 3 hour drive to get there though… so good for my head because I can think and do some background processing 😜


Vincent Ritter

New weeklog is up for your enjoyment. Always great to reflect back on the week. Has a healing effect for some reason.


Vincent Ritter

Weeklog — August 30th, 2024

Vincent Ritter

@crossingthethreshold Sites are coming back. @manton knows about it.


Vincent Ritter

Xcode not building my project, iOS simulator refusing to start… Apple Music not playing anything except downloaded music. Maybe I’ll do something else today.


Vincent Ritter

Feel like spinning off Scribbles and make a tiny journal app. Just allows you to basically load today and keep writing, auto-saving and then when the next day comes, new entry 🤔 Just for you and not public consumption.


Vincent Ritter

Went from 5 servers down to 3. I have to keep one specific server for some PHP stuff (my site and 2 others)... One big server for Rails stuff and Tinylytics runs on its own. Happy with that. Less than $25 to run a month. Maximum $70 for "run my business" needs.


Vincent Ritter

@aa Digging the vibes! Love the way the trees look on the leather.


Vincent Ritter

@otaviocc Transcripts totally blow my mind! They're really good! cc @maique


Vincent Ritter

Workstation Workstation

Vincent Ritter

@numericcitizen whoops! Just seen Manton's reply 😋


Vincent Ritter

@numericcitizen The new editor was a bigger rewrite that Manton has done. I think it's a marked improvement (especially on keeping it maintained and expanding it) and have seen it mentioned somewhere that auto-saving will come. Sometimes you just have to ship and get it in front of people — it has come a long way in a short period of time though.


Vincent Ritter

Working on auto-saving on Scribbles. Coming along nicely. It's working as I want it and just need to make it look a bit nicer now. It'll work for all new posts you write. Not decided how to handle drafts yet though.

Auto save shown next to the date selector. Auto save shown next to the date selector.

Vincent Ritter

Not that I have the 💸 — what's really stopping me to even think more than just "this might just work" going all in with Linux and a Framework Computer is that I do a lot of iOS/React Native dev for clients (and hope to continue that). I could work on Android Studio of course... but iOS becomes a problem.


Vincent Ritter

I did a thing! Wooo!


Vincent Ritter

Current status... migrating a ~2GB db backup via FTP from one server to the other. Lovely... and slow...


Vincent Ritter

Doing some work on Sublime Feed so it will be down for a little bit. Feeling inspired to cut costs a little and move everything back to one server.


Vincent Ritter

Weeklog — August 23rd, 2024

Vincent Ritter

Feels good deploying code after a few days away from the laptop!


Vincent Ritter

@lmika thank you Leon! Can’t wait.


Vincent Ritter

@aa thank you Aaron! ✌️


Vincent Ritter

Hey everyone, just a quick note to say that I'm away until next week (we're in London). You won't be able to have the support you're used to and things might take time to reply to until I am fully back. Everything should work smoothly until then. See you ✌️❤️


Vincent Ritter

@maique thank you kindly! ❤️


Vincent Ritter

And yeah, we’re heading to London for a long weekend. Can’t wait. Will be awesome. The kiddo is excited. I haven’t been back in nearly over 8 years!


Vincent Ritter

Today I learned that my phone can have an eSIM. Now I have an extra number (and data) for the trip to England. Nice!


Vincent Ritter

I missed my usual weekly update last week… It’ll be back next week. Have been busy and we’re away for a week… so everything is on hold. Support will be super limited. See you then ✌️❤️


Vincent Ritter

Weeklog — August 2nd, 2024