Jeremy Avatar
happily adrift // I like ur town

Quiet Friday scene

A collection of junk in the garage (cooler, giant ball, workbench) with a TV waiting to start the evenings Olympics program

invidious (adj) - (of an action or situation) likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others; (of a comparison or distinction) unfairly discriminating, unjust.

@patrickrhone hah no i just point and laugh.

Today I learned about the Green Coalition of Gay Loggers for Jesus, still going strong. God bless America.

@jabel you’ve given me words for why I don’t use Amazon: not because they’re an exploitative, terrible company (which they are of course) that I want to bring down but because I don’t want to participate in the rampant consumerism they facilitate. It’s for me. I want my purchases to come with friction. Sort of like why I pay out of pocket for my phones: so it hurts.

I’ve enjoyed perusing this list of methods of divination, though I find it impossible to choose a favorite.

@maique well if it’s any consolation, I’ve found that a few (or more) beers go a long way to alleviating the annoyance. Saúde!

@maique I’m often mortified to be identified as an American when I go abroad because of stuff like this. At least you just have to suffer them through the tourist season. I have to put up with these people all year round over here! 😒

The anxiety experienced in the face of a rising flood is not provoked by the fear that the water will never crest and recede but the real possibility that it might not do so in time to spare the homestead.

@tinyroofnail I can’t imagine the frustration of always having to explain that to someone

Sitting at the strip mall bar, mid afternoon, the plumber began “so I did a job for that gun nut who lives out in Plain City.” Everyone but me, the stranger, nodded like they knew exactly who he meant, and we all waited for the rest. I thought it a perfect beginning. Then he went on like any professional d...

I miss idly flipping through seed catalogs.

I’d like to think that there’s no chatbot in the world that could respond with the turbulent mixture of confusion, intrigue, embarrassment, rage, and ultimately, awkwardness that comes out of my mouth when I’m confronted with the disjointed string of non-sequitors that many people consider to comprise conv...

Went for a walk in the woods today and identified every plant I could. Happy to report that my efforts to cure my plant blindness are further along than I thought.

@odd they’re called “sleeves.” Lol. Sorry, couldn’t resist the dad joke. 😉

@z428 another great one. I look forward these. Thanks for posting them!

@cliffordbeshers wow interesting. A sort of outward-facing noise cancelling headphones for your car I guess. I've read that in cities where they've closed streets, one of the things people comment on the most is how quiet it is. Looking forward to that future.

@tinyroofnail Happy to hear it. Looking forward to reading!

📍 Now I’m in…Columbus, OH

This could be a frequency illusion that has set in since I started paying attention to the birds around me, but I find I’m noticing grackles more often in more parts of North America over the past few years. I said this out loud to no one and my wife texted me this from the bathroom. Now I know that we hum...

A flag gives the man who won’t walk a place to stand

Gado (n, Portuguese) - cattle or livestock, and recently, supporters of Brazilian right-wing dipshit politician Jair Bolsonaro.

Encountered in this article on measuring crowd size at demonstrations using a method based on automated livestock counting.

📍 Now i’m in…Traverse City, MI.

Architecture is the space enclosing a moment.

A moment is an architecture of space in time.

Moments piled up create place,

territory of the past and future.

A map depicts a territory of moments,

an architecture of place.

Enjoyed our trip up the Keweenaw to Houghton, MI.

The Houghton vertical lift bridge is double decker truss and painted blue and white. A view across the Keweenaw waterway of houses against a low green mountainLooking at the Keweenaw waterway from a brewery terrace with empty chairs and tables, and a US flag in the corner in front of the green hills

@odd hah. perhaps you need to be calling the cows home?

Ever come across a note you don’t remember writing and wonder what, exactly, you intended to do with this particular insight?

a screenshot of the notes app reading only "Clearance beer > Clarence Thomas"”></p>

I appreciate that they don’t overcharge you for a beer in the UP

In the right weather, a good raincoat feels like a superpower.

A guy came up to me in the bar this evening and said he wouldn’t cry but I was the spitting image of his son who’d died in August, then we both cried a little and had a great talk. Always be open to others.

You dwell in ignorance as you embark upon new roads, and do not recognize marvels as you live them: stepping out past the familiar, beyond what man has cordoned off, you grown vain in the privilege of discovery, and think yourself the owner of unknown paths, and you tell yourself you can repeat this feat whenever you wish. And one day, you are foolish enough to retrace your steps, thinking that the exceptional can be exceptional again, but when you return, you find the landscape changed, the reference points erased, the informants' faces different…

Alejo Carpentier, “The Lost Steps”

@tinyroofnail I love Andrić! He writes with so many voices and his books are like crash courses in complicated history…I’ve read “Bosnian Chronicle” and “Omer Pasha Latas,” but not “Bridge on the Drina”…guess I know what’s up next!

I am, in fact, the only person I know who frequently uses comma clauses and ellipses (as well as parentheticals)—not mention em dashes—in everyday text messages…

@zbarocas I believe it’s from “No Name in the Street” but I came across it in an article on the moral hazards of extractive space exploration that I can’t find now.

@snptrs I am so glad you asked this question, because I came across it randomly online, but you made me suspicious, so I did some digging. According to this, which carries the weight of actual citations, not only is this quote frequently misattributed, but it has an interesting history, and yes, Yeats is involved. I've updated the post accordingly. Thanks!

@Dunk true! (Had to delete the original post cause I put it on the wrong blog…)

@odd haha I didn’t know there was a place with this name either! Home to 5,000 people and apparently the largest town square in America.

@jabel YES. I've thought about this a lot, but beyond just the timeline to the character of the whole media landscape around me: my priorities, the way I approach problems, the little fantasies that spark in my head, all bent by influences that found me with agendas of their own instead of by influences I sought out in my own pursuits. As a result, I'm growing much more mindful of my information environment, and I try to engage with it on my terms (I'm still working out what those are). This inevitably leads to the whole "how much of me is actually me" question, which is a real trip!

@V_ wow great question. hmmmmm…I like rummaging through the produce for the right items for the dishes we’ve planned for the week, bantering with the folks at the counters, wandering around watching people shop, snooping on the items in their carts. We dedicate our Sundays to acquiring the food we need for the week, so we don’t need to be efficient. I’m envious of people who live places with markets instead of supermarkets; I love the idea of buying veg from the green grocery, meat from the butcher, etc. I don’t live a life conducive to gardening (which I love), so engaging with people when I make my groceries is the next best thing.

@dejus didn’t know commercial campgrounds had that option. Cool! I love how life on the road makes you think creatively

@V_ I don't buy much other than groceries these days (and I love going to the grocery store), but I find there are a few things you cant really find anywhere but amazon. Like esoteric power cords.

@JohnBrady No judgment on anyones purchasing habits intended! Its just unreal to me that such a huge company can apparently invest so little in its UX. I guess thats what market capture does for you?

@dejus So how do you do amazon living on the road, if you don't mind my asking? When we need something we just HAVE to get from amazon, we try to time it with pick up kiosks located along our route, but it feels fraught.

@ReaderJohn YES, another important quality of a down-at-heel retailer! Good luck!