Patrick Walsh Avatar
Patrick Walsh
Software maker. Tinkerer. Adventurer.

Patrick Walsh

@manton Do you have a way to roll out changes like the editor more gradually in the future, like a beta group or feature flag? I’ve been trying to follow along, sorry if I missed that discussion.

It’s looking nice, btw! ✨


Patrick Walsh

@Denny Awesome! I wish I had something for scale, the clover and bee were huge!


Patrick Walsh

@odd I'll have to wait for the bees to go home to confirm. 😄


Patrick Walsh

Tasty clover!

Bumble bee slurping a giant clover flower.

Patrick Walsh

Excited about the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 news! 🤩 Likely going to wait for the WiFi version, but what a great list of improvements! ✨


Patrick Walsh

@tracydurnell 😆 That gave me a good chuckle! Have you seen False Knees' longer form stuff, like Spores?


Patrick Walsh

Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of foliage.

Shield beetle trying not to be seen on a yarrow stem.

Patrick Walsh

There’s a new Indie Web event, Front-end Study Hall, on April 24th. I plan on being there!


Patrick Walsh

I miss a good bowl of ramen. Instant with extras is pretty tasty though.

Bowl of instant ramen with soft boiled egg and veggies.

Patrick Walsh

Salad is almost back in season! Crinkle cut veggies make it extra fancy.

Salad of lettuce, cucumber, carrot, chicken, fried onions, and ranch dressing.

Patrick Walsh

Replaced the failing rubber pads on my laptop stand. Aluminum and cork is a nice look! 😁


Patrick Walsh

The most delicious brownies I’ve made so far. Until now, I’ve had a chalky texture problem…turns out the fix is to hydrate the cocoa powder. 😋

I learned to do that from Sohla’s new cookbook, Start Here. Lots more knowledge like that in there. Definitely a recommended read to level up on cooking.


Patrick Walsh

@evrowe Awesome! Consolidating could be nice if there’s enough RAM. There’s an add-on for WireGuard on HassOS.

HA does a good job making my Z-Wave devices and IP cameras available to HomeKit. I did a lot with 2 GB. Used to run it on Pi Zeros. 😄

I hope you’ll share how it goes!


Patrick Walsh

@evrowe something like that. This is the first expansion of what started with the PoE switch. 😄 The current compute capacity is a Pi 4 sitting on top running some Docker containers for Minecraft and Wordle, and a Home Assistant Yellow that handles some light automation. ✨ I saw your post about Sonos—do you have any homelab stuff going on?


Patrick Walsh

3…2…1… power online. Quick test fit before I wire up the panel and install the shelf. ⚡️


Patrick Walsh

Slurp! Tasty yarrow.

Honey bee on yarrow bloom with extended proboscis.

Patrick Walsh

Found some old drafting tools and books. I’ve been having fun—learned to draw a triangle with a compass. Managed a 5-point star, too. The precision a compass and a straight edge can achieve is amazing!


Patrick Walsh

Made cinnamon rolls with the kid. 😋

The recipe was a lot of work, but well-written; recommend.

The Vanilla Bean Blog - Cinnamon Rolls


Patrick Walsh

I was inspired by the LastPass situation to write about my password management approach: Managing passwords, securely on


Patrick Walsh

@release I switched in 2011. The investment is quickly recovered. The shave process and blade maintenance will take practice, but otherwise go for it! With regard to "versatility", consider the point shape...square is good for exact work, but you'll want to watch that corner. Round is said to be more forgiving. Shave tips, if you want: - Any time I've been cut, it's lateral blade movement; hold a steady line. With soapy water, things get slippery...ignore any instinct to catch a dropped razor. - Shaving in a hurry sucks even more with a straight razor, e.g. rushing out the door: hair that's soaked a bit is easier to cut. - I'm not sure a strop is strictly necessary...even if you do get a better edge. Every shave really is a rewarding experience. ✨


Patrick Walsh

Managing passwords, securely

Patrick Walsh

I’m hoping to join the next IndieWebCamp Create Day and work on my theme a bit. 🗓


Patrick Walsh

@timmckenna awesome—thanks! 😄


Patrick Walsh

Maximum cozy. Glad to come back around to this chicken noodle soup…it was a hit!


Patrick Walsh

Exciting! I’ll have to dust off one of my old sites and try it out. 😅…


Patrick Walsh

♨️♨️♨️ The hardest part of baking a cake…


Patrick Walsh

I’m hoping to attend the IndieWebCamp pop-up event “Displaying Responses”. 🗓


Patrick Walsh

4K security cameras really test a system’s capabilities! It’s a lot of data for the network and player to handle.

Vendor’s app is 🗑. Store’s options are 💩. Normally, I’d write a web app in this situation, but RTSP is not web-friendly.

Looks like I’m learning Swift finally. 😅


Patrick Walsh

Currently reading: Refactoring by Martin Fowler 📚


Patrick Walsh

Deviled eggs three ways 🥚