Colin Devroe Avatar
Colin Devroe
Photographer. Darkroom printer. Blogger. Antiquarian. Reverse Engineer. Art curator. YouTuber, lol. This is my main social media account.

@blabberlicious pack film? I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Polaroid with this fidelity and range.

@maique What you do for OpenStreetMap I try to do for Apple Maps. I’ve been doing it for a few years to try to help improve the data. Perhaps I should also help out on OSM.

I wrote a post about how I'm having some difficulty deciding what my next computer should be. Feedback welcome.


Also, a discuss on

@pfefferle Thank you! I've been wanting to have my blog join the fediverse properly, but I'm waiting until I can have just a single account!

@pfefferle I have a question re: the ActivityPub plugin that I don't see a clear answer for in the documentation. If I federate my author profile from my own personal domain, can I move my followers to that account from this one? And, can I still use Ivory?

@soffes Shouldn't it be *you're


@jabronus wow, what a cocktail. I only did the new COVID vaccine. Too scared to do everything at once!

My MacBook Pro (2019, Intel) has been “freezing" about once a week now. It isn't a kernel panic. It just freezes. If I wait long enough, I'm taken to the log in screen. shows a crash report for WindowServer.

Is there a good guide for how to read one of these so that I can figure out what app/process is causing WindowServer to freeze?

@indutny Nice! I see you have a very nice license there. I may fork this. I think I want less taps. And, since my hands are always wet, I may want to try to add voice commands.

@siracusa You've likely mentioned this many times, so forgive me, but “Increase Contrast" on macOS creates a rather enjoyable experience. There are a few areas where the OS or an app doesn't handle it well. It is nice to see borders! Active states! Buttons!

hat tip to @johnnydecimal for mentioning it.

@johnnydecimal wow, I'm giving this a try. In many areas of macOS it is a very nice change! Everything is so clear!

@Chris Thanks for the context. So far, for me, this series has diminished my “fear” of Sauron. Perhaps it will swing the other way based on his ability to have such a large scale impact across so many peoples.

I purchased Nick Carver’s 3 Nights in Arizona. Typical Nick on location video. I like it. The Vimeo player? Not so much.


The mirrored tomb of architect Hugh Newell Jacobsen near Delaplane, Virginia. I exposed a few frames of film here as well but I likely won’t develop the rolls for a bit. This one was shot on iPhone 12 Pro Max using @halide’s Process Zero (which I’m loving).

A small house shaped mirrored mausoleum sits in a small green grassy area in front of a white horse fence.

Wait, will there not be an M4 Mac Studio this fall? I was hoping to pick one up before the end of the year.

Making my way through Tomas Frydrych’s free eBook, For The Love of Trees


@craigmod I always imagined Japan was way ahead on contactless payments.

In my area of the US most merchants are swinging back toward cash due to fees. I’m using cash for nearly 100% of all transactions now and saving around 3% everywhere.

@Chris though I’ve read LOTR a few times I haven’t read all of Tolkien. So I find myself wishing they would frame Sauron’s abilities somehow. What can he do? What can’t he? When is he being self constrained?

At a yard sale. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

@stroughtonsmith I can’t believe there isn’t a cross platform standard yet.

Patreon is a great way to give on a schedule. However, you can also donate one-off on the website. Which I just did.

Thanks to Eugen, and so many others, for their work to make and maintain Mastodon.

Don’t forget to also pay for or donate for any apps, plugins, scripts, frameworks, etc that you may use to interact with Mastodon.

I’m very happy to report that we’ve done exactly this… the interesting people are here on the fediverse.

Keep being interesting! Thanks!

@simon If I ask Llama 3.1 8B, via llm, to look at a URL's contents can it do that? I’m thinking it cannot. So it hallucinates.

@crashthearcade Or, use Tumblr's "admin" on any WordPress install?

I totally forgot that's Bridgy Fed has been quietly (and reliably) syndicating my Mastodon posts to Bluesky at

So, if you're on there (or, anything that uses the AT Protocol presumably?) you can follow my posts there.

Kudos to the Waveform team for doing a 1-hour episode on the fediverse. And for providing links!

@aegir Me either. Btw, the @MonaApp seems to handle syncing far better than Ivory. Or - at least - it doesn't seem to have "gotchas" that will have you accidentally resetting your timeline. That said, Ivory is so much better designed in other ways. Ugh.

TIL In the #WordPress editor, if you have a URL on your clipboard, you can highlight text and type CMD+V and it will make a link. I've used this in Slack, but in WP I always used CMD+K+V. Also works in Help Scout and I'm sure other places.

@ivory I tapped the column title. Facepalm.

@ivory Nope. Doing that _always_ scrolls me to the very top. Which I just did. And again, RUINED!

I realize this is a trivial matter and it shouldn't infuriate me as it does. But, I just want a big huge button that says "take me back to where I was”.

@ivory even closing the app and reopening it doesn't force a readjustment.

@ivory Can you add a “Scroll to Previous Read Position” option to the Mac app?

Here is what I think is happening (my fault). I open the Mac app and accidentally scroll the timeline just slightly prior to Ivory downloading the toots in the feed and adjusting the position. But, by then, I'm RUINED!

Thanks to Eliza, I now own a Barbour jacket. I’ve wanted one for as long as I can remember. 😊

@mlanger Your RSS feed is an excerpt only... is this a decision you've made consciously and, if so, have you written on the topic of why?

I try to curate my Apple News with science, nature, travel, arts - you know, interesting things - but it all looks like Taboola to me.

Diversions #4: Tree branches and LLMs — Where I write about a tree that fell in our yard and the lessons learned, using local LLMs, and a few links.


With the vitriol thrown in Apple’s direction over the last few years I’ve thought of this photo of Jobs (edited here by Brand, of course) and how he would not want Apple to be the bully. Jobs always strived to siphon out as much margin as he could - but never to the detriment of the Apple brand. Lately, Apple has been going too far.

I find myself using CMD++ a lot. 👴

@MonaApp Does the mute list not sync between devices?

@simon LLM is great. Thanks so much for making it. I do a lot of basic tasks using ChatGPT currently. Reading and manipulating CSVs, writing quick snippets of code so I don’t have to, etc. etc. But I’d prefer an on-device model. Do you have one you’d recommend for this type of stuff that works well with LLM? Thanks!

If you’re into #FilmPhotography and anywhere near Findland at the end of this month, my friend @danrubin is co-hosting a “Weekend of Film Photography" with the Kamerastore. I really wish I could make it.
