Eric Walker Avatar
Eric Walker
Dad x3 | Runner | Backyard Rink Maintainer | Kid's Activity Driver | Books | Podcasts | Dreaming of Mountains and Oceans

Eric Walker

🤔 I am not doing this taking Friday's off right as last Friday and today I am still working about 50-75% of the day. Today I hope to be close to the 50% as I am almost done with what I need to get done for the day. I guess I have next Friday off too so maybe I can drop that percentage more then.😅


Eric Walker

@camiel nice! I always enjoy when one of my kids either runs with me or they used to bike with me when they were little. Also, I have been enjoying seeing the photos of your new scenery as you noted a while back. Sometimes having a new view of everything I know helps motivate me to run 😀


Eric Walker

Today was a run in search of trails to run on and I think I chose a good trail to go ramble on this morning. Felt good enough to complete this run but probably could have been better if I would have gotten better sleep last night. Though glad to get this done as I think we are going to have a real warm on...

Eric Walker

M has been really into baking lately and her newest item is blueberry muffins from scratch. I will have to say they are pretty good!


Eric Walker

It was actually cool out this morning which felt great. Just wish I could say the same for my body during this run .

Trees stand tall amidst dense green undergrowth, basking in early morning sunlight, within a serene forest clearing. Light mist drifts through, adding a dreamy quality to the scene.


Eric Walker

@canion great picture!


Eric Walker

@toddgrotenhuis I am hopeful it will be recoverable. I am trying to figure out if I can get it done for less than the $300 sending it in.

As for stop using it, I used it a bunch the first year and a half I had it. Was a great addition when we went camping with our RVs as a way for me to just explore. However, then I started training for a Marathon that next year and got to the point that I was nervous I would hurt myself so I stopped using it for a while. All that said, I really did enjoy using it and was hoping to use it again.


Eric Walker

😔 After doing some cleanup this weekend I was reconnected with my OneWheel… However, after thinking I was charging it the last couple of days I am sad to say I must have a dead battery as it isn’t charging and won’t turn on.


Eric Walker

Glad to get moving on this run early today as the day seems pretty busy with meetings. Also, helps to avoid some direct sunlight midday and I got an overcast and calm morning which was nice as well.

Calm lake reflecting the cloudy sky bordered by dense green forest creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.


Eric Walker

@patrickrhone so sorry for you and your families loss.. 💔 It looks like he had a great life and created lots of memoires with him.. Thinking of you all.


Eric Walker

Took to the trails running today to change up my normal paths. Not sure if it was any cooler there but gave me something different to worry about.

A deer stands alert amidst a lush, green forest, surrounded by tall plants and trees, illuminated by dappled sunlight.


Eric Walker

🍿 Daddy's Home (2015) - ★★★★☆

Family movie night tonight with one that I think everyone has already seen but they still seemed to enjoy and find funny... So a win in our book.

Daddy's Home poster


Eric Walker

🧇 Do I want to make a big breakfast for the family today once they wake up… Sure I do but since the dishwasher is broken again I am trying to figure out the easiest path forward here that will allow the least amount of dishes to hand wash. 😂


Eric Walker

@camiel does look like some good scenery you found along the way!


Eric Walker

@jthingelstad this is really cool! However, I tried to order and got stuck in the shipping information so I might have to try it again later but the interface was fun enough that I was going to get some coffee 😄. Speaking of… Does this mean you are back drinking coffee again?


Eric Walker

@sexyhermit great comic… Might have to keep that bookmark for the archive to remember this fun time 🤭


Eric Walker

@numericcitizen great post… I actually can’t believe you got booed 😂


Eric Walker

🍿 Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (2024) - ★★★★☆ Not going to say it is the best movie around but it filled the interest as a kid watching 1-3 in the past. Good to see original actors and typical plots.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F poster


Eric Walker

Decided to make it a long run morning and head over Ridge Road. It was humid out but I will take the cooler temps since I did a lot more miles than I have for the last month.

A rooftop with a skylight overlooks a tranquil pond bordered by lush, green trees under a partly cloudy sky.


Eric Walker

👨‍💻 Having been forced to use my Windows computer for the last week I am sitting with nothing to do waiting for tech support to get back to me so I can log in to said Windows computer from this CroudStrike issue. On the other hand my Mac computer is fine but I cannot log into work from there anymore.


Eric Walker

The girls got the whole family playing Volleyball tonight. Well I know it isn’t a regulation net but we made it work with some rule modifications.

Even got Darby to join in at the end 🤭🐶

Four people are playing badminton on a driveway with a low net in the center, surrounded by houses, trees, and parked cars.Two people watch a black dog jump while playing in front of an open garage filled with various items.


Eric Walker

@camiel nice! How long are you shooting for for this weekend?


Eric Walker

This shortcut got me thinking with some modifications might be my best path to get some of the shorter posts I make to DayOne as well. My current shortcut errors out from time to time due to DayOne shortcut steps must not be 100% the same from iOS/Mac. So using Tot would at least kept the text. 🤔


Eric Walker

@ericmwalk looks to have worked this time with Markdown as you suggested thanks @crossingthethreshold!


Eric Walker

Going to try this little Tot to publish shortcut again as it did work as intended but some of the links didn’t translate through as I expected upon waking up today. Here goes!


Eric Walker

@crossingthethreshold ah yes I see where this got a little garbled up when it sent it to Mastodon as well as in the Timeline. I corrected that post and will give the whole shortcut another go again today. Thanks again!


Eric Walker

@crossingthethreshold so it worked but at the end it says no files exists. i mifht poke around a little more but it did post to the web so it is working.


Eric Walker

Giving this shortcut from @crossingthethreshold a try so I can publish to from Tot. Here goes and thanks again for sharing it David! 🥳


Eric Walker

@jarrod sorry to hear hou have been battling some injuries this summer so far. Hopefully, you are close to 100% again.


Eric Walker

The weather seemed too good today to pass up a run after work. The weather was ok but I wasn’t feeling 100% and tried to find a couple hills along the way as I think my lack of miles lately is translating to lack of elevation gains.

A vast green field stretches under a bright blue sky dotted with fluffy clouds, bordered by a line of dense green trees. A single tall plant stands in the foreground.


Eric Walker

☀️ Today is one of those days that I just really want to be outside as the weather looks and feels amazing on my walk to and from the office.


Eric Walker

Early run today was the plan to get some cooler weather. Today was one of those days I decided to add some miles but even when I finished I thought I had run 1 mile less but still was happy. Then I looked closer and realized I matched last weeks mid week long run.

A structure made of sticks leaning against each other in a sunny forest surrounded by trees and dirt paths.


Eric Walker

🔍 Every time I have to do our big team presentations I spend the 2 min before the meeting to figure out the quick key to make Google slides not be in full screen. So I am going to put it here to remind myself and anyone else that might need it. Ctrl + Shift + F


Eric Walker

Found some time today to get a run in. I was super thankful for the overcast sky to at least not have the sun with the heat and humidity. I might have to do a morning run tomorrow.

A pathway stretches into the distance bordered by lush greenery on the left and a black metal fence on the right with overhead power lines running parallel to the path.


Eric Walker

Woke up really early to get the swimmer off to swim in the first car. Then I sat in the camper debating if this run was going to happen. I probably missed a cooler time to complete it but I did end up adding a little bit to check out this old “camp” nearby.

A small stone cabin with wooden doors stands amidst a dense forest surrounded by lush green foliage and a dirt path leading to it.


Eric Walker

Spending some time out on the lake today in this sweltering heat. 🥵

Three people on a lake sitting on paddleboards smiling with forested shoreline visible in the background under a cloudy sky. The text on the paddleboard reads “Founder”.


Eric Walker

Went back and forth in my mind this morning on whether or not this run was going to happen. Mostly with being more busy the next two days I felt I should get this done and due to again the heat. I didn’t wanna wait until this afternoon or evening.

A dirt path stretches forward with overhanging green trees and dense foliage on both sides suggesting a serene wooded area.


Eric Walker

@amerpie nice work! I enjoy reading them when I get the chance.


Eric Walker

@crossingthethreshold nice! Is it in any format to share out?


Eric Walker

Another humid day even during an early morning run. It seemed more like putting in the miles today but overall after a couple miles I just found a groove and stuck with it.

A paved road curves gently between two stone walls with green grass bordered by tall trees and flanked on the left side by a white house nestled among trees.


Eric Walker

@darby3 I have been feeling the same since a couple weeks back on the motivation front. Glad you are getting out of it thought and yes once done with runs I feel recharged but it is act of getting started. I keep putting in miles but after going though one Marathon training cycle even though I was not signed up for one doesn't make me eager to run super long runs again. I am sure I will get there just need some lighter weeks 😄


Eric Walker

@canion wait what! How did I miss this post yesterday. Can't wait to hear more about your pros and cons after using Actual Budget longer. However, if it works, it works!


Eric Walker

@mroutley well done! 🙌 As always I would never be able to make that swimming portion but let alone the whole race.


Eric Walker

@bjhess can't say it enough but I really enjoy looking though these photos you keep posting.


Eric Walker

@darby3 oh don't you worry I am complaining a lot about it. I am sure some are already sick of hearing from me about it... cough @Burk 😂


Eric Walker

@numericcitizen those are two good conditions! I will say up until lately I didn’t know what I was missing working only on Windows until the last 9 months of using my MacBook for work. I know it is an option or they have them at my company so I will look into it for sure. Just need to give it some time.


Eric Walker

@bjhess just amazing pictures!


Eric Walker

@jean such a great photo! 🤩


Eric Walker

@jthingelstad yeah and funny when the people we are camping mentioned it I was like wait a min I think that is the game I have heard about (from your Blog) but never played. I am for sure not to your caliber so if you ever wanted to play you would have to do it blindfolded.


Eric Walker

@mroutley race tomorrow? Good luck you got this!