Aaron Aiken Avatar
Aaron Aiken
100% human, which is an interesting experience so far.

Aaron Aiken

@dwalbert appreciate it :-)


Aaron Aiken

🕸️ Spider Man: Homecoming tonight with popcorn 📼 🍿


Aaron Aiken

🗒️ Day planned. Full Friday ahead!


Aaron Aiken

Grateful Log for Friday July 26, 2024

  1. Met with a client yesterday, face to face is always good to have.
  2. Wrapped up the Ocean Front website and started sharing it.
  3. A nice breeze this morning

Aaron Aiken

Now Available: Ocean Front, leather bag by yours truly. Thanks to everyone who watched up to this point in the process :-) Website is live, commissions via the email form at the bottom of the page can be made, excited to get some made and out there! Please check it out and pass along.


Aaron Aiken

nearly there…


Aaron Aiken

📹 Finishing touches on the walkthrough video of the Ocean Front bag...once I have it on the website I am FINISHED and will launch it!


Aaron Aiken

@dwalbert beautiful! Also, perfection is overrated.


Aaron Aiken

Some purse “repair” action this morning.

A close-up view of a cracked Louis Vuitton checkered fabric accessory with a circular metal ring is shown.A sewing machine is stitching a beige leather handle onto a checkered fabric bag.A checkered handbag with a tan handle is placed on a wooden surface.A close-up shot of a beige and white checkered and repaired handbag with a Louis Vuitton logo.


Aaron Aiken

🔮 Harry Potter on in the background while working this morning.


Aaron Aiken

Voiceover time 🎙️

A condenser microphone is prominently displayed in a home setup, featuring a blurred computer screen, keyboard, and various desk items in the background.


Aaron Aiken

@dwalbert oh yeah, the human tripod!


Aaron Aiken

@dwalbert I have a small photobox that I've used in the past but ended up disliking those results too. Had cloudy conditions when doing the photos and videos earlier, and experimented with angles and exposure and such...think I hit a pretty accurate spot, accurate enough at least. What type of setup do you have?


Aaron Aiken

My third indoor plant to keep alive :-)


Aaron Aiken

☕ Have been hitting an early afternoon crash the last few days. Coffee is needed. Need some positive life stuff too!!


Aaron Aiken

@dwalbert always amazing at just how much time this part of the process takes, and just how tough it is to take photos and videos that don't distort the actual colors. That said, it is fun to get to do this, and then to share it out with folks :-)


Aaron Aiken

@Miraz Appreciated :-) Doing my best!


Aaron Aiken

@gregmoore I appreciate the encouragement. I do need to figure out how to get breaks that are done in a positive light. Right now I've pulled away a bit but mostly due to a negative interaction.


Aaron Aiken

Grateful Log for Wednesday July 24, 2024

  1. Today is the day I’m officially “launching” the ocean front bag (more to follow later)
  2. Got to hang out with Mozzie a bit this morning
  3. Good recovery sleep last night

Aaron Aiken

😶‍🌫️ Quiet today. Stuck to myself even when around family this evening, my natural reaction when attacked. Words hurt. Actions hurt. People are people. I'll get over it with time, but makes me realize just how vulnerable I've made myself. Bunch of issues here that I need to deal with.


Aaron Aiken

@kitt thank you, I appreciate it.


Aaron Aiken

@jabel appreciated.


Aaron Aiken

Email me to purchase. (Feedback appreciated!)


Aaron Aiken

Grateful Log for Tuesday July 23, 2024

  1. today is indeed a new day, it is not yesterday
  2. out for a walk this morning
  3. a slight breeze

Aaron Aiken

🥱 up an hour before my alarm. late to bed as-well. nice start to the day though: walk, coffee, some writing now.


Aaron Aiken

😴 bed for now. tomorrow is a new day.


Aaron Aiken

😑 Man. today ended terribly.


Aaron Aiken

@odd Yep, very light and easy. Clean as far as language, adult humor/situations, violence, etc which make it easy to watch with Mozzie (11yro). Love the adventure aspect of them :-)


Aaron Aiken

Grateful Log for Monday July 22, 2024

  1. Watched National Treasure 2 with Mozzie last night.
  2. A new week
  3. Changes in the weather

Aaron Aiken

@odd all good, I appreciate it! No situation per se, that I’m aware of at least, just hit me and lingered…had some bourbon and that seemed to calm the nerves for now.


Aaron Aiken

Oof. Overwhelming anxiety out of nowhere.


Aaron Aiken

@ningkantida also, if email is easier or more appropriate at this point: aaron@amaiken.com


Aaron Aiken

@ningkantida 'The' is not necessary for this one as it is just "Strathmere Leather". Of the concepts, I do like the clean lines of #1 as a wordmark and #3 for the initials. Looks like both of those ideas include stitching as a detail?


Aaron Aiken

🏊 A bit stalled with what to do next today. Heading to the pool, despite the cloud coverage, for a change of scenery.


Aaron Aiken

@ningkantida Hey now, awesome! I'm good with the approach of focusing more on the craftsmanship than luxury, especially since my aesthetic is quite understated. Impressive that you've already put so much time into the concepts! Will give this some thought today as to which design approach I am drawn to the most...I do like the simplicity of initials only...but let me think about a bit more today :-)


Aaron Aiken

Grateful Log for Saturday July 20, 2024

  1. All of the ideas I’ve been having lately, most of which have come to life!
  2. Good sleep
  3. Being inspired.

Here’s a photo of the neighbor cat enjoying one of the new deck chairs yesterday while I was making dinner :-)

A patio set with cushioned chairs and a table is arranged on a wooden deck, surrounded by lush greenery and a red deck umbrella in the background. A cat is laying on one of the chairs.


Aaron Aiken

@ningkantida Thank you and thank you! It was a very enjoyable site and story to build. I hope it resonates with folks.

I have corrected the link in the footer to point to your Letting with Ning website - and while there I noticed the writeup you did of the Ocean Front logo, love that!

Yes, for Strathmere Leather I was going to do a 'S' in the font that I'm using for the headings on that site, maybe using the color of the footer as the background, and then a diamond shape border using the color of the text...just never got to it :-) feel free to riff on that if you are interested in doing so. I certainly prefer to use a handmade design like yours as opposed to the computer generated look that mine would have.


Aaron Aiken

💡 An idea I had woke me up 30 minutes before my alarm. Brain has been in a heavy creation cycle lately!


Aaron Aiken

@odd smart!


Aaron Aiken

@Miraz yup, all the eggs in one basket.


Aaron Aiken

@V_ ah, exciting! enjoy your holiday!


Aaron Aiken

@Annie only my toes still exist in the IT world. what's happening out there?


Aaron Aiken

@jsonbecker sounds nice!


Aaron Aiken

@V_ good deal :-)


Aaron Aiken

@ningkantida in the process to wrapping up the site shortly...hopefully tonight but maybe tomorrow, will see how much longer I can keep chipping away :-) I have your about page linked in the footer of the site as credit for the logo. Let me know if there is another page you'd like me to link to instead.


Aaron Aiken

@maique been there. the brain spinning in circles to keep you awake. hope you can catch a few 💤


Aaron Aiken

@V_ oh man, 30 by 500, blast from the past! hopefully these are good vibes :-) I remember 30 by 500 and Amy Hoy from way back. Thanks for giving it a read!