John Johnston Avatar
John Johnston
Primary school teacher. Scotland. He/him. Microbloggin' from WordPress

John Johnston

A, very, little housekeeping

John Johnston

Listened to WordPress in Education

John Johnston

A stonechat bird perched among tall grasses and wildflowers


John Johnston

Read: Skippy Dies by Paul Murray ★★★★☆ 📚
Irish private boy’s school. Some laugh out loud teenage dialogue, some horrible teenage drama. Multiple voices & pov weave towards a messy ending that didn’t quite pay off for me, although that might be the point. Still kept me reading for nearly 700 pages.


John Johnston

A pool in a small peaty burn. There is a waterfall at the head of the pool. The water is frothy. The pool is surrounded by moss and bracken.


John Johnston

calendar showing July. Harebells in the background

July Noted, One thing a day noticed and noted. Rather late on recording again.


John Johnston

@the another interesting list thanks. On the fruit washing, I was always taught that a lot of the goodness of veg & fruit was in the skin and just under it. Seems not.


John Johnston

@jean lovely waves. I can almost hear them. The movement of water.


John Johnston

Cow Parsley seed head with a bit of spiders web


John Johnston

@fahrni a handsome dragonfly!


John Johnston

The government was originally required to get these measures in place by 2016, and then by 2020. But by 2024, little has been done.

This cannot go on. The Scottish government must end the delays and act now to take this crucial step in helping our seas recover.


John Johnston

I’ve noticed a few follows & folk to follow appearing on Bluesky today. I wonder if they have been driven from X by the latest mess. I’ve been exploring Bluesky, more so Mastodon & less Threads. Treating them as distribution for my blog. is excellent glue for Posse & a nice place.


John Johnston

@BestofTimes lovely, like hills islanded by cloud inversion.


John Johnston

@otak Her wall hangings and Charles Poulsen's large 'drawings' shared a room. Powerful.


John Johnston

Black and white photo of a stone pier with two walking figures and two lighthouses, one mid-way and one at the end.


John Johnston

Grid of photos from top left: interesting 'street lamp' against a blue sky; blue corrugated iron gate; artwork by Charles Poulsen; The harbour to silhouetted figures walk towards the end of the pier B&W; map of when the photos were taken; broken pieces of sea wall; Three colorful slatted wooden chairs against a stone wall, with pittenweem and the sea in the background.;Rounded dormer window on a roof with slate shingles and a stone pigeon sculpture on top; osebay willow herb plants growing on top of a stone wall against a cloudy sky.

Wandering round the Pittenweem Art Festival yesterday. The village is fascinating, a jumble of twists & turns. I particularly enjoyed the work of Pauline Burbidge, Charles Poulsen & Sophie Demery.


John Johnston

Bookmark: Configuring Audacity – nocmig

John Johnston

@frank Happy belated birthday Frank, Love the timeline, mine is not so long but I share some waypoints, pivot! posterous! I loved both of those for different reasons. Also, 'Frankopedia' marvellous. Manny happy returns.


John Johnston

Read: The Lost Wife by Susanna Moore ★★★★☆ 📚
Short but engaging fiction based on a real life memoir. Settlers & Sioux clash in 1855. The narrator, Sarah, has no self pity despite a troubled life. Felt like a realistic picture of the times both filthy & surprising. Characters are complex.


John Johnston

Likes Blog Gardening by Jamie Thingelstad.

It makes me happy to make these small fixes. I bet it is like a gardener that pulls some weeds in their garden. My website will be some part of my legacy, and this small daily task makes that legacy a little bit better all the time.

I’ve be doing something similar with a lot less rigour since I added my on this day page. Some great ideas here for improving my process.


John Johnston


I suggest campaigns post to their own websites first and then share the link.

100% it has always seemed madness for governments, schools, charities and other organisations to use Twitter ( or other places they do not own as much as possible) as their primary place for posting news.


John Johnston

@manton 👍 looking forward to reading some results. The story is a fascinating one.


John Johnston

@jean that is lovely. Great sound.


John Johnston

Green-veined White butterfly on a pink bramble flower.


John Johnston

Bookmarked Adding a delay to the end of an animated gif by Robin. gifsicle -U original.gif "#0--2" -d200 "#-1" -O2 > with-delay.gif This is useful, I am making quite a lot of gifs for Glow Blogs help at the moment. Current workflow: export from screenflow as a mp4, Gif Brewery to create a gif and then t...

John Johnston

From Topleft: Track on Glen Mollochan; Stonechat on bracken; Devil's bit Scabious flower; small group of red deer on hillside; map; eyebright; along Beinn Eich in the clouds; Green-veined White; a pair of green hazel nuts.

Doune Hill & Beinn Eich via Glen Mollochan
Overcast day with a threat of rain later.
Clouds low, on the top of the hill a few times. Quite a breeze higher up.
Quiet, no one else on the hill.
Not much in the way of wildlife, a few deer & the odd raven croak.
Notes & photos: walkmap


John Johnston

@the maybe I marked a bit hard. I do enjoy them. @jean unfortunately for me, I’ve read them in the order I’ve found them in charity shops and 99p kindle sales. Edinburgh is a fascinating place & I say that as a Glaswegian;-)


John Johnston

Read: Hide and Seek by Ian Rankin ★★★☆☆ 📚
I am reading more Rankin, not necessarily in the right order. This early Rebus is a wee bit different than the later versions. A nicely tangled plot woven across Edinburgh society from junkies to the higher reaches. Corruption all the way.


John Johnston

A common ringed plover chick standing on a sandy beach near some green dune grass and wooden planks.
We saw few Common Ringed Plover chicks yesterday on Barassie Beech. Given the numbers of dogs being walked along the beech I am surprised that they survive. The parent birds seem to try and draw us off, buy running along or down the shore, while the wee ones head in the other direction.


John Johnston
@johnjohnston lovely, put this in my head:

I believe I'll go walking by the railroad with my cherry cherry wine If I pass the rumbling station where the lonesome engine drivers pine

Cyprus Avenue, Van Morrison


John Johnston

grid of 9 images: From the top left: Red-tailed bee on knapweed, robin, heron, osprey, map of where whotos were taken, white butterfly, two little egrets, two little egrets again, meadow brown butterfly. I got to watch the osprey and egrets fishing for a while.
I had a walk round Ardmore Yesterday. From the top left: Red-tailed bee on knapweed, robin, heron, osprey, map of where whotos were taken, white butterfly, two little egrets, two little egrets again, meadow brown butterfly. I got to watch the osprey and egrets fishing for a while.


John Johnston

Close-up of birch leaves with a Green-veined White butterfly and a shield bug.

I was watching this green-veined white fluttering across the path and into the birch leaves. It closed its wings and vanished. Scanning with the zoom lens I could not find it until I notice this shield bug then the butterfly behind it. #butterfly


John Johnston

Read: Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah ★★★☆☆ 📚
Dystopia, prisoners fight to the death. Illuminating prisons & racism. Parallels with sport, advertising & reality TV. Quite a page turner, too much on weapons, technical details etc. great footnotes mix fact & fiction.


John Johnston

Close-up of numerous blue-purple harebell flowers among light brown grass.


John Johnston

@alongtheray a lovely picture and a lovely thought.


John Johnston

@manton I love that too. Finding something I'd mostly forgotten about in the depth of my site.


John Johnston

@ChrisJWilson @joshuapsteele the markdown block is a Jetpack one, at least here. Its icon is green in the block inserter.


John Johnston

@Denny that is a lovely creature. I love watching dragonflies jinking in the air.


John Johnston

@KimberlyHirsh as a fairly regular discoverer I can say I am continuing to enjoy the process. Thanks for the work and the explanation.


John Johnston

@hollyhoneychurch lovely, I will pay more attention to clovers now. Usually just checking for bees.


John Johnston

@withers 🤣 I was there for a wee holiday a few year back, beautiful despite the steps.


John Johnston

@Miraz thanks, I was very excited. They were extinct in the uk until they reintroduced themselves in the 1950s. I’ve only seen them a couple of times over 40 years ago. The numbers nesting seem to be rising now.


John Johnston

@MrHenko that is really lovely.


John Johnston

@herself would be a good pick. My class of 9-11 year olds use WordPress. The mostly use it for words and pictures. We find it fine. Takes the younger ones a while to get confident.


John Johnston

@ronkjeffries I use AppleScript to run some shell scripts. I usually do 3x3, on flickr. I duplicated & edited the script to do 5x3 today as a lot of flowers about. The Script, need ImageMagick, exiftool and an api key for geoapify. I did use mapquest but they started needing credit card.


John Johnston

@Miraz that was nice to scroll into, thanks!


John Johnston

@manton there was, or maybe still is, a WordPress plugin that would prompt the archive to archive any links you posted. AFAIR it was meant to point to the archive if links broke. Not sure that it fully worked. I remove it at some point. A great idea though. I’ve got some, probably klunky, JavaScript on my site that changes links to my old school site to ones on the archive.


John Johnston

@SimonWoods now listened, really powerful podcast. As a primary teacher who is keen on some technology it game me a lot to think about.