John Johnston Avatar
John Johnston
Primary school teacher. Scotland. He/him. Microbloggin' from WordPress

John Johnston

Reed Bunting bird perched on a green fern with a blurred natural background.

Walk with Christine yesterday afternoon. Unusually quiet, only a couple of folk around. Map & photos:


John Johnston

A great set of links and info. I started gently scratching the indieWeb itch here is 2015 when I installed some of the plugins. I still think it is a good idea.


John Johnston

@alongtheray a lovely picture and a lovely thought.


John Johnston

Read: The Sun Walks Down by Fiona Mcfarlane âââââ 📚 A lost boy in the Australian outback at the end of the 19th century. The many searchers & their tangled involvement with each other, the land & the landscape weave in & out of the story. Great detail about each without losing momentum. This was the time of day when the sun touched the red hill and the gods came creeping out of itâout of the sun. They parted the branches of the cypress tree and stepped with care over the rocks at the top of the hill. They ran like water down the hill, and their footsteps were like water around the corners...

John Johnston

FRom Above: A stream or river with swirling wave patterns of froth, dark water reflecting trees and sky, and green grass on the right shore.


John Johnston

Likes: My current Webmention setup

John Johnston

Calendar icon, background picture of marsh orchid

June Noted, from this idea, started here. One thing a day noticed and noted. Rather late on recording.


John Johnston

@manton I love that too. Finding something I'd mostly forgotten about in the depth of my site.


John Johnston

Read: Big Girl, Small Town by Michelle Gallen âââââ 📚 Majella is autistic but might not know it. Her mum is a hopeless alcoholic, her dad one of Northern Ireland’s disappeared. Her uncle had blown himself up & her grannie has just been murdered. Her house mostly filthy, her town pretty horrible t...

John Johnston

Green-Veined White butterfly on blossoming pink valerian flowers.
Green-Veined White on Valerian #butterflies #butterfly


John Johnston

Read: Long Island by Colm Tóibín ★★★★★ 📚
Quiet, subtle and thrilling. Characters fail to communicate, wait too long for the right moment and miss and hit opportunities.


John Johnston

@ChrisJWilson @joshuapsteele the markdown block is a Jetpack one, at least here. Its icon is green in the block inserter.


John Johnston

3x3 grid of pictures. The center being a map where the others were taken. From Top Left: bround and white feather; track up Troisgeach, meadow pipet; bog cotton; map; erratic boulder with Ben Lui in the background; whinchat; hawksbeard; common lizard on a stone.

A walk yesterday over familiar ground. A few notes and photos on the walkmap.


John Johnston

@Denny that is a lovely creature. I love watching dragonflies jinking in the air.


John Johnston

@KimberlyHirsh as a fairly regular discoverer I can say I am continuing to enjoy the process. Thanks for the work and the explanation.


John Johnston

Close-up of meadowsweet flowers with a buff-tailed bumblebee flying away from them.

This photo from yesterday gave me a smile. I thought I’d caught the #bee on the meadowsweet. #BloomScrolling #bees


John Johnston

Butterfly Day. Walking to Greenside Reservoir this afternoon. Felt like summer. Lots of butterflies. I’d guess over a hundred ringlets, a few meadow browns, some dark green and small pearl-bordered fritillaries, a couple of common blues.

Red Admiral butterfly wings closed on plant.dark green fritillary butterfly, wings closed on thistle flower

John Johnston

The goal of FeedLand is to make news a social thing, following the pattern of social media apps, but using open formats and protocols.

So FeedLand is feeds, news and people and software that connects it all together.

FeedLand: Getting started with FeedLand

John Johnston

Large white cloud against a clear blue sky.


John Johnston

Bookmarked Disabled PostKinds Plugin

John Johnston

Common Blue Damselfly

Lots of Common Blue Damselflies at Loch Ardinning today.

John Johnston

@hollyhoneychurch lovely, I will pay more attention to clovers now. Usually just checking for bees.


John Johnston

3x 3 Photo grid, from top left: Read Deer Stag in velvet; Saxifrage; Sundew; Bell heather; map where the photos were taken; Bog Cotton; Small small pearl-bordered fritillary, wings closed; small pearl-bordered fritillary wings open; Bog asphodel.
Beinn Bhreac & Ben Reoch yesterday.
Bog Asphodel
Bog Myrtle
Bog Cotton
Fox gloves
Marsh orchid
Eye bright
Bog heather
Bell heather
Marsh thistle
map & notes


John Johnston

Read âSometimes I wonder if Iâll come backâ: Palestinian birdwatchers defy danger to scan the skies by Guardian staff reporter Gathering on a wooded hilltop overlooking terraces of olive trees and vineyards, a group of ninth-grade girls from the Aida refugee camp watch as Michael Farhoud, a researcher at the Environmental Education Centre (EEC) in Beit Jala, attaches a ring to the leg of a chiffchaff. The tiny olive-brown warbler was caught in nets that morning. Farhoud explains to the schoolgirls how ringing tracks birds' movements. I saw a chiffchaff or willow warbler with a ring the oth...

John Johnston

Read: The Slain Birds by Michael Longley ★★★★ 📚

The ravens in conversation overhead might be 
Discussing us or that sheep dead in a hollow
With its yellow ear-tag and delicate black feet.


John Johnston

@withers 🤣 I was there for a wee holiday a few year back, beautiful despite the steps.


John Johnston

Icon of a calendar, 12 black squares, 5th red

May Noted, from this idea, started here. One thing a day noticed and noted. Rather late on recording.


John Johnston

Read: Clear by Carys Davies ★★★★★ 📚
I loved this short tale, 1840, 3 characters, the split in the Kirk & the clearances.

There was a word in Ivar’s language for the moment before something happens; for the state of being on the brink of something.


John Johnston

A small Heath Butterfly feeding on Thyme

Small Heath Butterfly on Thyme, seen on the walk up to Greenside Reservoir today. Lots of Ringlets and Goldfinches.


John Johnston

Meadow Brown

Quite a few Meadow Browns around the Kilpatrick Braes today, dozens of Ringlets and a small pearl-bordered fritillary.

John Johnston

Bookmarked: How France Adopts An Open Source-Based Education Strategy

John Johnston

@Miraz thanks, I was very excited. They were extinct in the uk until they reintroduced themselves in the 1950s. I’ve only seen them a couple of times over 40 years ago. The numbers nesting seem to be rising now.


John Johnston

@MrHenko that is really lovely.


John Johnston

Crop of an osprey flying. Not very sharp.
Ardmore, a blustery day. The north bay calm out of the wind. For a few minutes I watched an osprey, circling round, at one point diving into the water, then up, empty clawed. Eventually it disappeared into the drizzle & haze. I got a few blurry photos, this is a crop.


John Johnston

@herself would be a good pick. My class of 9-11 year olds use WordPress. The mostly use it for words and pictures. We find it fine. Takes the younger ones a while to get confident.


John Johnston

@ronkjeffries I use AppleScript to run some shell scripts. I usually do 3x3, on flickr. I duplicated & edited the script to do 5x3 today as a lot of flowers about. The Script, need ImageMagick, exiftool and an api key for geoapify. I did use mapquest but they started needing credit card.


John Johnston

@Miraz that was nice to scroll into, thanks!


John Johnston

@manton there was, or maybe still is, a WordPress plugin that would prompt the archive to archive any links you posted. AFAIR it was meant to point to the archive if links broke. Not sure that it fully worked. I remove it at some point. A great idea though. I’ve got some, probably klunky, JavaScript on my site that changes links to my old school site to ones on the archive.


John Johnston

@SimonWoods now listened, really powerful podcast. As a primary teacher who is keen on some technology it game me a lot to think about.


John Johnston

@jabel read this post a few times now. Really like it.


John Johnston

@cliffordbeshers I’ve come back to this several times. Still no idea of what it is, a stain?


John Johnston

@alexink Gorgeous. Solomon's Seal I think. I've quite a similar image


John Johnston

@Miraz what a cracking bird and super photos. Like others I find the second one stunning!


John Johnston

@thomasrost you can, but I am afraid I've no idea. I use a bridge camera, set to auto, the only thing I touch is the zoom.

The photo is on flickr where you could see the exif data if that is useful.

The only thing I know about exif is the location which I add with exiftool. I love taking photos mostly as a sort of diary, but have no knowledge about it at all 😳


John Johnston

@klandwehr beautiful white blossom and the blue.


John Johnston

@Parag my goodness that was some sky. beautiful photos


John Johnston

@jean Good Luck. Thank you for the amazing job you have done here. That the job existed was one of the most positive things about The way you carried it out made it even more so.


John Johnston

@Denny that is an amazing article. One can imagine other, maybe less impressive, events rippling and vibrating through the system. Thanks!


John Johnston

@adamprocter I've been using it to make up a bunch of example posts from pretend primary school blogs/websites. This struck exactly the same sickly enthusiastic tone.


John Johnston

@Denny great photo, what a good looking insect!