Kyle Essary Avatar
Kyle Essary
I'm a husband and father of four lovely children. I'm an elder at Gospel City Church and serve as an Old Testament lecturer in Kuala Lumpur.

Kyle Essary

@KyleEssary Oops. Let me try that again. Send me an email.


Kyle Essary

@bbowman Send me an email and I'll explain some more about the course.


Kyle Essary

I assigned this for my Bible & Science course that begins this morning. As with most of his writings, it’s insightful and enjoyable.

Finished Reading: Born to Wonder by Alister Mcgrath đź“š


Kyle Essary

@manton I agree completely. I have greatly enjoyed using AI for various tasks, but I consistently find that it struggles with interpretation. In the humanities, we often talk about the varieties of interpretation and viewpoint. Despite having access to artifacts of those viewpoints through their datasets, the AI doesn't have access to viewpoints (uniquely human) themselves—and thus it struggles to interpret in creative and interesting ways.


Kyle Essary

@patrickrhone Thank you. I did need some Sarah Jarosz this morning. "Build me up from bones" is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard and she performs it so well in this concert.


Kyle Essary

@marmanold It's extremely common in parts of East and Southeast Asia, where it's not common to invite people into your home—even digitally. On 90% of my calls, I'm the only person without a virtual background.


Kyle Essary

@dswanson That's such a great quote. And his next line is "I don't know where it will end." I'm not sure we are better off now than when Robinson penned her character's comment.


Kyle Essary

@mjkaul We are all hoping for commentary as you read this one. I, too, am looking forward to reading it soon.


Kyle Essary

There Never Was a Pro-Life Case for Trump

When you announce that one can be pro-life and support a philandering womanizer and twice divorced serial adulterer who has been credibly accused of rape, you discredit the cause and tell people you aren’t really serious.

When you announce that one can be pro-life and support a man who was closely associated with Jeffrey Epstein and even joked about Epstein’s alleged pedophiliac assaults of children, you discredit the cause and tell people you aren’t really serious.

Jake Meador saying what he, and many of us, have said for years.


Kyle Essary

@bbowman Have you seen this article by Kathy Keller? It has some related insights:


Kyle Essary

Stuck in the Middle with You Podcast: Texas Baptists and My World

Kyle Essary

After watching a fun Paul Davids video, I grabbed my acoustic and tried to play through the opening riff to Satellite by Dave Matthews. My fingers aren’t nearly as in shape as they were 25 years ago!


Kyle Essary

This was such a refreshing read. Oh that American evangelicalism in the 20th century would have listened to Bavinck instead of Ken Ham.

Finished Reading: Christianity and Science by Herman Bavinck đź“š


Kyle Essary

@ChrisJWilson Wow! I bet this was a great show.


Kyle Essary

@joshuapsteele The Guttmacher institute is often cited on both sides of the debate. Here's a general information sheet that they give. It seems to show a decline until a couple of years ago:


Kyle Essary

@joshuapsteele I'm pretty sure this is false, only because it was common knowledge during the Obama presidency that abortions had declined almost annually for a couple of decades. I don't have a reference, but I have read that they rose immediately following the Roe repeal, which would imply an uptick under at least one Republican president.


Kyle Essary

@jabel I completely understand. My parents are 70 and our kids are 19, 16, 14, and 12. My seminary and organisation responsibilities continue to increase. It's definitely a challenging time that we are struggling to manage.


Kyle Essary

@patrickrhone This seems right to me. Several NeverTrump types have pointed out how well her message resonated with the messaging of Romney/Ryan 2012, as well. The implementation would be quite different, but the messaging sounded very familiar.


Kyle Essary

Fortnightly Health Update

Kyle Essary

@aa That’s a beautiful looking logo.


Kyle Essary

@JimRain I completely agree with this sentiment. If you teach your children to escape conversation, they will. If you want those conversations to be interesting, then you have to put interesting things in front of their eyes. You cannot allow them to simply see and do what everyone else sees and does (i.e. a small selection of games and YouTube feeds).


Kyle Essary

@ChrisJWilson Press on. Dallas Willard’s work is worth the endurance.


Kyle Essary

@patrickrhone I use Dumbify and Social Focus. Both are well made, intuitive, and helpful.


Kyle Essary

@ReaderJohn I really​ enjoyed this discussion. I have enjoyed much of what I've read from Stephen De Young.


Kyle Essary

@johnchandler We did it last year with our eldest. You're never ready. It was incredibly hard. He's been back with us this summer and we are sending him back to Wheaton this Sunday. It's still going to be hard. Know that I just prayed for you and will continue to do so.


Kyle Essary

@ChrisJWilson I think you’re right about both Driscoll. Doug Wilson seems a much better choice. I also wonder if he’s thinking of Driscoll post-Mars Hill, which too be honest, I know almost nothing about.


Kyle Essary

The Importance of Not Caring About Mark Driscoll

Stop caring so much about “evangelicalism” and the celebrities who define it as a sociological phenomenon.

Jake Meador presents much to consider in this article.


Kyle Essary

@ChrisJWilson Ha! We go to a Punjabi restaurant in the area that serves "barfi" for dessert. The name always shapes how we think about the treat.


Kyle Essary

Humanity is tired of doubt and uncertainty.

Herman Bavinck, Christianity and Science, 1904.

Today, humanity has become lethargic in the search. Many recognise the incongruity between their (lack of) beliefs and their experience of reality. But they, nevertheless, won’t accept the answers of their ancestors.


Kyle Essary

@joshuapsteele People define fundamentalist differently, but we used the New City Catechism. It has a kids version.


Kyle Essary

@eastbrad I saw this posted on Tyler Cowen's site. I was surprised that American adults spend more time gaming than American teenagers.


Kyle Essary

@ChrisJWilson This is true for me, as well. I grew up on the NIV, but only know some verses in the KJV translation.


Kyle Essary

@aa Is this an app or site that takes you through a holiday goal making process?


Kyle Essary

Fortnightly Health Update

Kyle Essary

Vance and Walz both talk about forgotten communities. I spent portions of my upbringing in this world. I lived in a trailer park. My stepmom overdosed on fentanyl. I have family in this world. Vance speaks to people like my family. Walz doesn’t. Vance is weird to many. But Vance sounds like they do.


Kyle Essary

On the one hand, this is a brutal book review. On the other hand, it’s an essay full of important pastoral insights.


Kyle Essary

I loved this popularisation of J.H. Bavinck’s ideas. What makes it most valuable are the many, many illustrations from current culture. This helps readers see connections in their own cultures and contexts.

Finished Reading: Making Faith Magnetic by Daniel Strange đź“š


Kyle Essary

These micro-biographies are rarely focused on the individual, but the intellectual and cultural tangents are worth the ride. James could turn a phrase with some of the best.

Finished Reading: Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories from History and the Arts by Clive James đź“š


Kyle Essary

In a world where a multitude of inputs almost constantly spawn or suggest new thoughts, those thoughts need cleansing all the more.

A prayer from the Book of Common Prayer (1552).

Kyle Essary

This is a fine book on paratextual biblical features—canon, title, and text division. I’ve often been skeptical of arguments based on a faulty knowledge of canon. This book does not make such arguments. It’s especially good on the topic.

Finished Reading: Text and Paratext by Gregory Goswell đź“š


Kyle Essary

David Bentley Hart called this is an “elegantly brief book.” But it’s incredibly dense and insightful. I’m sure I regularly will attempt to summarise its ideas.

Finished Reading: A Christian Theology of Science by Paul Tyson đź“š


Kyle Essary

Johann Hari writes such interesting and enjoyable books. I have never taken these drugs and live somewhere where few do. But I still found this book fascinating. A couple of his stories and his conclusion made me tear up.

Finished Reading: Magic Pill by Johann Hari đź“š


Kyle Essary

My family is in Rome for a few days. This is my second time to St. Peter’s. It’s such an awe-inspiring place.

A photo of the inside of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Kyle Essary

But I tell you, love your enemies …

  • Jesus (Matthew 5:44)

Kyle Essary

They’re Both Totally Unfit

Theoretically, we came to this juncture—this choice between incapacity and malice—through the operation of democracy, meaning that it’s a quandary we ourselves chose.

Liz Bruenig makes the point that neither candidate seems fit to serve four years. I don’t disagree, but I might add that they are unfit for different reasons and significantly to different degrees. Yet, as she points out, these were the options America chose. Is the problem unfit candidates or unfit voters?


Kyle Essary

Our church has a cohort of potential elders that meet monthly. We’ve been going through The Trellis and the Vine. Tomorrow, we look at one of my favourite chapters.

A picture of an open copy of “The Trellis and Vine.” It’s open to chapter 5.

Kyle Essary

This was a fun read. It only took three hours, because it has a conversational tone. It’s not complex, but leans heavily (but not overtly) on Calvin, Bavinck, Spykman, and Newbigin.

Finished Reading: God Speaks Science by John Van Sloten đź“š


Kyle Essary

Despite the positive recommendations, I didn’t enjoy this book. I disagreed with much of its exegesis and theological implications.

Finished Reading: Anatomy of the Soul by Curt Thompson đź“š


Kyle Essary

I watched the interview with President Biden:

  1. He looked much better in a planned and pre-recorded debate.
  2. He still struggled at a few points and those will be highlighted.
  3. He still appeared weak.
  4. He didn’t make a case for himself beyond, “Trump is a liar.”

This won’t change the narrative.


Kyle Essary

This book exemplifies quality biblical studies and biblical theology. More importantly, interwoven throughout are helpful applications of its content. It even includes a “How to Take Action” section at the end. This was a brilliant read.

Finished Reading: Stewards of Eden by Sandra L. Richter đź“š