Craig McClellan Avatar
Craig McClellan
Husband, dad, and nerd living in Auburn, AL and working in EdTech.

Craig McClellan

@humdrum I always thought Pino Palladino was one of the best names in history. Rocco Palladino is a close second.


Craig McClellan

This post from February of 2023 is happening again tonight, exactly as described, but sub oldest daughter for middle. Wish me luck once again. How are my kids so big?


Craig McClellan

@joshuapsteele They are definitely pricey, but really nice. The good news is, they use fairly standard ring sizes/layouts. So if the system is interesting, you can find other binders and just get the plotter refills. Filofax is a good example.


Craig McClellan

@marmanold Glad it was helpful!


Craig McClellan

2024 Planner Audit

Craig McClellan

@kimonostereo I recently had a fedex package that required a signature. I was so paranoid I’d miss it I worked by the front door. I watched him walk up, set it down, walk away, and then got notification of delivery with a fake signature.


Craig McClellan

@ChrisJWilson more recent, but I read Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton last year and loved it.


Craig McClellan

📺 I don’t know who at SNL green lit a Moulin Rouge sketch in 2024, but I’m here for it.

(Also, I was just a few blocks away when they were filming it!)


Craig McClellan

@clorgie it is! I went with the Pro Gear Slim instead of full Pro Gear. My first slim, but it still felt good in hand. But this slim cost more than most standard Pro Gears, so I chose it to not jump significant price tiers.


Craig McClellan

@cygnoir A longer post to come when I have some time to gather my thoughts (and ink up this pen).


Craig McClellan

🖋️ Today was a fountain pen nerd dream come true.

The sign and door of Yoseka Stationary, Brooklyn Yoseka x Sailor Home Pro Gear Slim Fountain Pen

Craig McClellan

I hope everyone had a great Leap Day. Real life is for March!


Craig McClellan

🖋️ Well, I just reserved a room at the hotel for the Atlanta Pen Show. So I won’t just be going up for Saturday. I’m going to see what all the fuss is about in the evening hours of a pen show. Proud of myself for taking a risk and doing something where I won’t know anyone.


Craig McClellan

@cdinu My family often takes post dinner walk when the days are long enough here to do so. Not being able to take them is one of many reasons I dislike winter. They help so much, even as our kids get older.


Craig McClellan

🎵 One of my favorite artists, Thad Cockrell, has a new album out. The only way to listen to it is to buy it for $100. To me, it was absolutely worth it. But I’m not sure how to share it with others when there’s no way to listen to any songs. It’s an interesting risk he’s taking. I hope it pays off.


Craig McClellan

@cygnoir Not sure if I can join, but would love to be alerted when it’s happening!


Craig McClellan

@Brad Excited to hear your thoughts on Heimdall. I love Sazerac, but it may be the worst performing ink I own. More than 48 hours in any pen, regardless of nib size/flow, and it’s too dry to use. Heimdall gets me a really similar color with way better performance.


Craig McClellan

@Burk Mac is the obvious choice for me, but I would really want to somehow have an Apple Watch as well.


Craig McClellan

🖋️ Note to self: Don’t bring a pen inked with Diamine Writer’s Blood to a work event. When you get ink on your hands, you will draw a lot of concern from coworkers.


Craig McClellan

It’s time for my annual first Auburn Gymnastics Meet Pretzel Pic.

A soft pretzel with an arena in the background

Craig McClellan

@Brad I don’t love it as a whole album, but Not Strong Enough and Satanist are great.


Craig McClellan

I just realized that after January 2nd, I switched back to writing 2023 in my Midori 3 year diary every day. I was so proud of how consistently I was writing in it, but I was also consistently wrong. 😂


Craig McClellan

📺 Really enjoying Monarch: Legacy of Monsters on AppleTV+. Love a story that moves back and forth in time to slowly reveal things.


Craig McClellan

Today was surreal and beautiful. I got to take my wife and kids to explore my great grandparents' property in North Georgia (now my grandmother’s). As a child, I spent many hours here, and seeing my own kids playing there brought a tear to my eye.

Three children with bamboo “hiking sticks” walking through farm land.

Craig McClellan

[6] For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

Isaiah 9:6 (ESV)

Merry Christmas everyone!


Craig McClellan

🖋️ I don’t use emoji in posts with titles, so I’m reposting my 2023 planner review in case it’s interesting for folks scrolling the pens category.


Craig McClellan

2023 Stationary Review: The Planners

Craig McClellan

🖋️I’ve always dealt with feathering on Plotter paper, but I just realized today it’s only with Iroshizuku inks. I may have to start phasing those out from being my most used inks now that I know. 😭

Two writing samples. The first featuring feathering with Iroshizuku Tsuki-Yo, the second without featuring Rohrer & Klingner Verdigris

Craig McClellan

🎮 Downloading the Pokemon Violet DLC: The Indigo Disk. My family and I have gotten so much fun out of Violet and The Teal Mask. Very excited for what’s next.


Craig McClellan

📺 No spoilers, but I really enjoyed this run of Doctor Who specials, and can’t wait for the Christmas special.


Craig McClellan

🎙️New Software Updates from Apple! (iOS17, macOS Sonoma, watchOS 9), with Craig McClellan — Robby Burns

I was back on Music Ed Tech Talk to discuss Apple’s fall updates!


Craig McClellan

According to my kids, Alexander Hamilton was present at the birth of Jesus. Batman also made an appearance, but we didn’t get a picture of that.

A small nativity scene with a Hamilton Funko Pop

Craig McClellan

@cleverdevil Completely agree. It feels like FSU is a victim of the committee over correcting for TCU’s obliteration last year by GA.


Craig McClellan

@KyleEssary YES! Apparently the committee didn't agree with us though 🤦‍♂️.


Craig McClellan

🏈 I know I probably won’t get it, but as an Auburn fan who can’t stand Alabama or Georgia, I’m really hoping for a playoff featuring:

  1. Michigan
  2. Washington
  3. FSU
  4. Texas

Even without Jordan Travis, trading a no loss, ACC champion FSU for a Bama who lost to Texas would be a crime.


Craig McClellan

🖋️ I have 3 regular Kaweco Sports, and never enjoyed them. But after seeing @Brad talk about the Mercury Orange AL Sport and suggest an EF nib on his stream, I had to give it a shot. Combined with Wearingeul The Great Gatsby, this pen is completely perfect and a new favorite.


Craig McClellan

Chaperoning my daughter’s 4th grade field trip today to our state capitol. Wish me luck. 😂


Craig McClellan

Hoping iOS 17.2 and its feature that stops music from counting toward your stats is released before the new year. I want my kids to have 0 influence over my 2024 Apple Music Replay. 😂


Craig McClellan

@Gaby I lead a dev team where many are in Romania and others are US west coast. I am always offending someone by my meeting times because there’s no other way, but I feel this deeply every time I put something on the calendar.


Craig McClellan

🏈 Saturday’s Iron Bowl loss was brutal, but the people calling for a head coach’s job when he took Alabama to the last seconds of the game with the worst roster Auburn has had in years are crazy. I’m sad at how impatient so many college football fans are now.


Craig McClellan

@bradbarrish I still keep triggering it accidentally 😂 Glad to hear it was a hit!


Craig McClellan

@danielpunkass My company uses slack, so I’m forced to be there, but it takes so much more time to get to any messages or understand what the notifications came from with this design.


Craig McClellan

@kimonostereo you modding a pedal or building one?


Craig McClellan

@humdrum just the worst. I also hate messaging someone and just getting to the point only to have them come back with “Good morning.” And then wait a few minutes to actually respond with the quick answer I need.


Craig McClellan

@brad The “They’re good dogs, Brent” reference in your Pilot Nib article this morning made my day. 😂


Craig McClellan

@christopherchelpka Love to hear this!


Craig McClellan

@craigmcclellan well, there are still 6 episodes, so I have to see if it can stick the landing. But I will say my expectations were met with the first 2. Loved it.


Craig McClellan

@bradbarrish I have discovered that making one v with your fingers does balloons. 2 does confetti. Enjoy in your next session.


Craig McClellan

@vincent I love a more native feeling client, so Gluon is the app I go to first for most things m.b (though I still have use cases for the 1st party app). Love seeing the continued improvement and appreciate the thought you put into it.


Craig McClellan

@Brad I'm excited to try the weeklies. I didn't get them before, but as my usage has changed, I feel like I have a place for them.