Ben Edwards Avatar
Ben Edwards
When I'm not sailing, taking photos, wrangling the kids or noodling around with electronic music I try and make some time to build websites. Brighton, UK.

Ben Edwards

After 3 years I have finally got this orchid to flower again after our lockdown kitten ate all the old flowers. He’s now a 6.5kg monster, so clearly no ill effect there and happily has stopped eating plants. All sorts of garbage around the internet on how to look after these things, I wish I’d found this g...

Ben Edwards

Splash of yellow on a grey Devon day

Grass helipad surrounded by bright yellow ragwort in front of the Burgh Island Hotel. Grey skies behind.


Ben Edwards

@vincent I have been wanting something like this for a while. Am envious of my friend who still has a Logitech Squeezebox Touch running. You could probably pick one of those up on eBay, but I'm thinking of trying this project with a Raspberry Pi. Or you can go crazy with one of these from Volumio.


Ben Edwards

@matthewlang Nova doesn’t support Copilot, but Zed does. I have been using it a lot recently as a refreshing alternative to VS Code. It’s a work in progress, but that progress is pretty rapid!


Ben Edwards

@adamprocter yep, same here. Our 1997 model burned out an element, but otherwise in excellent shape. My only slight grumble is that the replacement element takes longer to toast. I absolutely love that there are no integrated circuits in this thing, just a clockwork timer and some wires. Should run to the end of time..


Ben Edwards

Eastbourne seafront, rain approaching

#photography #weather #sussex


Ben Edwards

@BestofTimes do you mean separate journals in the app, or separate exports to PDFs? Not sure there is much advantage to the former, but annual PDFs seems like a good idea especially if you have loads of photos.


Ben Edwards

@bsag Very interesting, and sound Covid advice. Just getting through the worst of my second bout myself. It's really messed up my sleep this time which makes it even harder to bounce back. No plans for new hobbies in the recovery, just to apply myself a bit more to my existing ones!


Ben Edwards

Well I’m a heavy Things user, so always interested in shortcuts there, especially with the extra capabilities recently added. Otherwise, used to be mainly Drafts but have been trying Bear out recently and really like it. Have got a bit tired of raw Markdown and enjoying the visuals and more playful interface of Bear.

I saw this very cool Things / AI Assistant shortcut which someone created to use with Craft but is easily adapted to use elsewhere:

Definitely a golden age for this sort of stuff at the moment


Ben Edwards

@heyscottyj this is great, and has led me to your other shortcuts which are also super helpful. Thank you!


Ben Edwards

@bsag Good plan! I’ve got a trial of Apple Fitness+ at the mo, but am in a hopeless loop where I do a 20 minute workout and then feel so stiff and sore for days that I can’t face doing another. And somehow have been thinking that surely 10 minutes isn’t enough to do any good. Thanks for the reassurance that it not only is, but is also bang on trend.


Ben Edwards

@alexsavin what a classic! Funny that it got a ‘cassingle’ release, that wasn’t the case for most dance 12”s then. It shows what a huge breakout hit it was.


Ben Edwards

@nitinkhanna not an app, but I’ve always used @adactio ’s Huffduffer for this and it works really well.


Ben Edwards

@jeremycherfas maybe - but I haven't found the curve too steep. For me Bike is a wonderful tool for thought in the literal sense: ideas out of my head, free-flowing in to a document, easy to synthesise and edit.


Ben Edwards

Bike: Rich text editing

Jesse Grosjean is one of the great artisans of Mac software development. Everyone should buy his stuff.


Ben Edwards

Hello lazy-micro-web! Does anyone have any positive experiences with project management software for mixed teams?

My own are all techie, and I basically live in Github, but company I work with is looking at, ClickUp, Asana and the rest.


Ben Edwards

It’s a beautiful evening in Glasgow


Ben Edwards

@ChrisJWilson if you're looking for interesting, Nick Milo's Cybertron is extremely cool and more usable than you might think on first look! If that's too much, Jamie Brynes' Clair de Lune is really lovely, my fave dark theme so far.


Ben Edwards

I’ve always enjoyed stringing together my two favourite Mac apps, Drafts and Alfred, but Stephen Millard has taken them to a whole new level with Doctor Drafts!

Ben Edwards

@joshuapsteele the Flow State newsletter sends out a single artist each weekday in that general field of music. I’ve made some amazing discoveries through it.


Ben Edwards

@numericcitizen I've used Instapaper for years, and prefer it to Pocket for just reading things (Pocket has other good features). I make a lot of article highlights and have used Readwise for the last few months to store them. The daily digest email of those highlights is just amazing for absorbing those details over time. Highly recommend it.


Ben Edwards

Belatedly pouring one out for Rupert Neve, legend of the mixing desk, who died last month aged 94. He also founded [Focusrite], which still makes excellent audio interfaces, not to mention synths and iOS apps from Novation and Ampify. Keeping the British Sound alive!

Ben Edwards

@ChrisJWilson challenge accepted!


Ben Edwards

@ChrisJWilson Great list! I've also just set up an M1 Air from scratch and been through a strict exercise: every app has to justify its place on that machine. It's been a real eye-opener, I've been surprised and sometime sad at things that haven't made the cut back on (eg MindNode). But just so great to clear the cruft sometimes. BTW, getting a strange text glitch on that page with a big gap after all the apostrophes.


Ben Edwards

I Do Yoga T-shirt | Very British Problems Clothing

After a year of #ywa I am absolutely ready for one of these.

Ben Edwards

@hollyhoneychurch I have a few possible answers, but I was thinking this week that I could survive with nothing but a copy of LTJ Bukem's Earth Vol. 1. Such a perfect record.


Ben Edwards

@jack might be worth looking at NotePlan 3 for Mac and iOS which came out this week. Very focused on a bullet journal-style daily log, all stored in Markdown on filesystem, so good inter-op with other tools. Wiki links and other goodies. Quite expensive on a subscription, but a 30 day free trial available. Am checking it out at the moment and really liking it so far for the use case you have described.


Ben Edwards

Watched the brilliant Daniel Kitson last night on his Tour Of Empty Theatres. As he promised in that blurb, it was “funnier than it sounds” but made me miss being at a live show so much.

Ben Edwards

Official Joy Division / New Order podcast on the way ft. mems Radiohead, Blur, Oasis, more Actress Maxine Peake narrates the eight-part podcast which also features new interviews with Bono, Johnny Marr, Thurston Moore, Damon Albarn, Radiohead’s Johnny and Colin Greenwood, Liam Gallagh...

Ben Edwards

On collaborative zines

Ben Edwards

@nitinkhanna if you put "!g" or "!b" in front of your search string it will search Google or Bing. In testing I just found it out works with "g!" or "b!" as well. It is part of the bangs feature, and there's hundreds of them


Ben Edwards

@baldur I’m a big fan of Whimsical for doing these. Super simple and accessible, but easy to make complex flows. They have great wireframing tools as well.


Ben Edwards

Sitting in the garden, listening to Loscil’s Faults, Coasts, Lines and posting to from IA Writer on the iPad, fantastic! 🎵

Ben Edwards

The Talking Politics podcast spinoff series, History of Ideas is as good as you would expect. Listening to the one on Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan which I found really bizarre and impenetrable when I studied it at uni, but makes a lot more sense with a chunk of life under my belt.

Ben Edwards

Two great pieces on the virtue of adaptability. The current crisis is just one challenge to our ability to adapt, there will be many more. Adapting is hard and like all hard things you need to practice. Adaptability: Change Your Relationship to Change - Key Step Media Coping with chan...

Ben Edwards

One of my favourite Radiohead songs, beautifully rendered in multiple layered cellos.

Ben Edwards

Around this time of year Headphone Commute’s Best of … list drifts out like a slow, evolving chord. Lots of lovely ambience to discover, but so far Grønland by Glåsbird is a real standout for me.

Ben Edwards

Winter Walk In Monsal Dale


Ben Edwards

No Alternative. Brighton

Ben Edwards

And while I’m wallowing in nostalgia, not much can beat the mesmerising Poolside FM, retro disco, 80s desktop & tourist video mashup. (via @kicks)

Ben Edwards

Watching this Patrick Vieira video comp brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye. Of all the Arsenal greats I miss, I miss him the most. ⚽️

Ben Edwards

@help I have tried setting up the new photos page, and even though it shows in the interface (though no photos shown) and in the page links section, the links are not active. Have I missed something?


Ben Edwards

@adders great piece. Especially where work is concerned, the temptation to burn down one set of compromised habits and replace with another is so strong.


Ben Edwards

@adders I read that as ‘Our daily beard', and assumed it was parody!


Ben Edwards

@matthewlang very familiar with that technological paralysis! I mainly work with Django, and on our current project we’re replacing prototype plain HTML pages with Vue talking to the backend API as things settle down. Great way to improve experience while keeping the site solid.


Ben Edwards

@hutaffe I'm surprised no-one has suggested Python, which has excellent web framework options and is a joy to work with as a language. You can start with a micro framework like Flask, or the bleeding-edge Responder, both great for smaller API-driven projects. For bigger sites, you can’t go wrong with the "batteries included" and battle-hardened Django.