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Steve Hodgson
Born in the last century. Husband, father, engineer in Edinburgh, Scotland, who gets excited by books, music, walks and beaches, stoicism, and malt whisky. I’m particularly proud of the things my children do as they spread their wings. He/Him.

Steve Hodgson

To my great surprise, I find myself subscribing to Castro as my podcast app again. The (maybe over-opinionated) developer seems to have screwed the pooch on this recent re-write.


Steve Hodgson

When I look at a ‘home’ like this I can appreciate the appeal of minimalism but where are the everyday objects? What a shame to ruin such a home by pinning-up a child’s drawing from nursery.


Steve Hodgson

@cygnoir I’m guessing that might be a consequence of the move to Swift UI


Steve Hodgson

I generally find the UI of the Overcast podcast app over-complex and it seems worse in the new version. There is a grid at the top, then a row of playlists then a column of subscriptions. And none of them quite fit.


Steve Hodgson

I seem to be spotting a lot of circles within squares.


Steve Hodgson

Going to miss having this view for the last week.


Steve Hodgson

I’m enjoying Ben Rich’s book Skunk Works and he is correct here about Concorde here but in that plane you weren’t sealed into a flight suit, were drinking champagne and could walk to the toilet.


Steve Hodgson

My newest ‘barefoot’ shoes have been a big success for swimming off rocky beaches. Big bonus? You can also add charms designed for Crocs!


Steve Hodgson

Micro landscape


Steve Hodgson

My wife and I are away from normal life. For the first time in nearly 25 years it’s just the two of us.


Steve Hodgson

Whenever I create a complex formula in Excel I like to keep it so nested in a single cell that it’s impenetrable! 😈


Steve Hodgson

and Maltese bread. Bought from the bakery in Sliema while still warm this morning.


Steve Hodgson

Prickly pear jam from our friends’ field in Malta.


Steve Hodgson

I’ve only just realised that Gluon was end-of-life. I miss that icon on my home screen.


Steve Hodgson

Two Years at Sea, 2011 - ★★★

Steve Hodgson

@Miraz I hope so too. I have skin in the game as a member of a 🇬🇧 political party.


Steve Hodgson

Radio 4’s More Or Less did a statistical analysis based on a viral Tik Tok video and song…

“I’m looking for a man in finance, with a trust fund, 6’5, blue eyes”

It’s likely there are only 7 men in the UK who meet all these criteria, and most of them will be married!


Steve Hodgson

Voted! ❌


Steve Hodgson

Loving my new little concrete vase from Studio 22. A satisfying mix of brutalist style and nature.


Steve Hodgson

Many, many, years ago I drew this Celtic cross using MacDraw on an early Mac computer. I still have the floppy disc but nothing to read it.


Steve Hodgson

One on my neighbours had this painted on their door by a local sign writer. I love it!


Steve Hodgson

It bugs me that no-one understands how icebergs float! I see this all the time in corporate presentations. Ice is lighter than water so all that stuff below the surface would rise up. It would lie on its side not vertically.


Steve Hodgson

I thought this was interesting. The variation in sunrise and setting times from winter to summer solstice at 56°N. The red ring round the edge of the watch shows the length of the day.


Steve Hodgson

@Gabz always love a screen shot. What’s to the left of Ulysses? And the pink heart and elephant.


Steve Hodgson

@odd The Trainee Animator has a dark sense of humour!


Steve Hodgson

📷 Finally found stock of the Ricoh GR IIIx HDF available in the UK.


Steve Hodgson

Apparently my repeated suggestion to use the food processor to make tray bake was not well-received.


Steve Hodgson

Waiting to hear Nile Rodgers and CHIC play live in Edinburgh.


Steve Hodgson

New rollerball pen from YStudio and it’s rather nice.


Steve Hodgson

@Ron I think I read it’s a bumper year with two different types of cicadas coming out at the same time for the first time in decades.


Steve Hodgson

@philbowell my only real gripe with Things (a deal breaker) is the inability to mark recurring tasks complete early. They appear to have no interest in providing this and I can’t imagine why they favour their approach.


Steve Hodgson

@jeremycherfas Would it stretch to car tyres?


Steve Hodgson

@maique that watch is lovely!


Steve Hodgson

@bsag I think it may have been you first highlighted them to me


Steve Hodgson

@ayjay yes. It’s proving very annoying especially coming from the company where these services are supposed to just work.


Steve Hodgson

@bsag the first two, but not the last. Animated films have been part of our cultural life since the girls were wee (as we say in Scotland). Studio Ghibli in particular but others too.


Steve Hodgson

@bsag That was the first film that the Trainee Animator and I went to see after lockdown was lifted. I was blown away by the representation of the wolves’ senses and we believe these kind of things are more believable as animation that in special effects.


Steve Hodgson

@Munish and that’s before international shipping costs are added too!


Steve Hodgson

@JohnPhilpin for me it would be the serendipity of flicking through pages in my OED to get to the word I’m seeking. For everything else online is more complete.


Steve Hodgson

@kaa @numericcitizen I’ve been testing beta version of the Soulver on iPhone and it’s been rock solid for syncing between iOS and Mac. Worth it for that for me.


Steve Hodgson

@toddgrotenhuis This is my next work logbook so it’s very much a linear set of notes. I like that the Leuchtturm books include an index so I note down references for anything that I may need to refer back to.


Steve Hodgson

@cygnoir sounds like fun. Please add me in.


Steve Hodgson

@artkavanagh just enjoyed an article on the University of London’s Senate House (and how it inspired George Orwell) there.


Steve Hodgson

@anniegreens It’s a very easy recipe and flexible on quantities. It does disappear very quickly!

I’ll share the recipe on a blog post.


Steve Hodgson

@artkavanagh they definitely come from the ‘Brexit Trousers’ wing of the conservative right.


Steve Hodgson

@JohnBrady you can always write to Scotland!


Steve Hodgson

@toddgrotenhuis I believe there are but the only ones I’m aware of are by Swarovski (sp?)


Steve Hodgson

@petebrown and it’s a bit old now as the OED has gone online and no more complete editions in print. I’d like to try the online one but it’s quite steep.


Steve Hodgson

@jessekelber couldn’t really see an origin but may look further tomorrow.