Matthew Lang Avatar
Matthew Lang
Web developer with a preference for Ruby on Rails.

Matthew Lang

@derekpeden Keep going, it keeps getting better!


Matthew Lang

Office for this morning. Refereeing the junior club championship.

A golf course with a flag on the green is partially visible from inside a vehicle.

Matthew Lang

@jthingelstad The “1” balloon kept getting pushed forward and I had to keep batting it back. Thankfully transporting these balloons isn’t a regular thing! 😄


Matthew Lang

TIL, there is no sensible way to transport helium-filled balloons in the back seat of your car when you’re the only one in the car.


Matthew Lang

The new Reeder app probably isn't for me

Matthew Lang

@maique A wonderful sound!


Matthew Lang

This week, I learned how to build my own reporter for Minitest and rolled my own feature flag manager. I love programming in Ruby!


Matthew Lang

I’m unsure how I feel about the AI Chatbot feature in the latest Firefox release. Granted, it’s part of Firefox Labs, an optional experimental feature, but I still don’t see a real need for it.


Matthew Lang

@maique That's tonight's television sorted! Such a good show!


Matthew Lang

I’m enjoying using Hyper for my terminal and Zed for my text editor. A good combination and an excellent alternative to using Visual Studio Code.


Matthew Lang

@jack I replied back to @annie about this and then seen your reply after I posted. I like your take on this with only the lik-er and the lik-ee being able to see them.


Matthew Lang

@Annie I know the idea of likes isn't being considered for, but I also miss the ability to like things. Just being able to acknowledge a post and show you appreciate it without trying to find the words to say so can mean a lot. Even if only the post's author could see the likes - that would be good.


Matthew Lang

@maique I'm curious. How are you sharing your phone screen?


Matthew Lang

I’m still following 25 people on the bird site. I check in here once every few weeks to see what’s what. On a slightly related note, I still can’t understand why more organisations are not running their own Mastodon instances. Too complicated? Unproven technology?


Matthew Lang

@maique I still have my account, but I don't post there anymore. I'm following a few people who are still only active there and nowhere else.


Matthew Lang

Is anyone a user of Hyper? I am looking for recommended plugins and themes. The Hyper homepage seems a bit sparse. I was hoping there might be more themes and plugins out there.


Matthew Lang

After six months of use, I cancelled my Pro subscription with Raycast. I can get the same functionality using Spotlight, Pastebot, Rectangle, and a mix of ChatGPT and Copilot for GitHub.


Matthew Lang

Starting the morning with coffee and some trip-hop. Need the coffee after having spent most of the night listening to a neighbour’s car alarm continually going off, and well, who doesn’t like trip-hop?


Matthew Lang

The downside to getting some new tech in the house is the need for follow-up purchases: screen protectors, cases, and sleeves.


Matthew Lang

@maique I've got it installed on my iPhone, but I haven't had much of a chance over the last couple of days to try it. Can't wait to try it.


Matthew Lang

We upgraded our youngest’s old 7th-generation iPad to a new 10th-generation iPad. I reset the old one, which I now use for reading and surfing. Usually, we re-cycle devices down the way to the boys, but our youngest needed a new one for high school. Happy to take the old one!


Matthew Lang

Not a bad day so far today. A cooked breakfast, to begin with, played golf with my Dad and then headed home to get a few chores done before the rest of the family gets home. I could do with a few more days like this through the year.


Matthew Lang

Took the wee guy to the driving range for a session today. Weather has been awful this week for golfing.

A person is practicing their golf swing on a driving range.

Matthew Lang

I love Michael Wade’s reason for using a fountain pen.

Thoughts flow more smoothly and there is an artistic aspect to the handwritten page.

Return to Old School by Michael Wade


Matthew Lang

This morning, I received a nice little haul from Field Notes. A few items I saw in a recent sale.

Three spiral-bound Field Notes notebooks and a pencil case rest on top of a cardboard box.

Matthew Lang

@maique All these are great photos, but that first one with the sunset is fantastic.


Matthew Lang

@maique Truly beautiful! It's on my list of places to visit.


Matthew Lang

I’m always hesitant about using AI tools while coding, but I have found one good use for AI while coding: naming things. I’m terrible at naming things.

This week, though, I’ve been using Copilot to see if I can improve on the names of the objects and methods I have. I’ve had good results so far.


Matthew Lang

@iconfactory Hello! Welcome to the party!


Matthew Lang

I like the new Journal feature by 37signals included in their Hey product. I’ll explore this for a few weeks as I’m also trying Apple’s Journal app instead of Day One.


Matthew Lang

Another good day for Ethan on the golf course.

He won the Junior County Champion of Champions this afternoon at Paisley Golf Club.

Closing off the golf season with a couple of trophies, well done big yin!

A younger and an older man are standing together indoors, holding a large trophy between them.

Matthew Lang

@Annie Yes! Cookies that we don't need to share with the kiddos! 😉


Matthew Lang

I used the word “huzzah” without thinking during stand-up this morning. I think I might just go with it and use it more often.


Matthew Lang

Turn your phone into a dumb phone.

I love this, and I will definitely try some aspects of it. However, I can’t say if I’ll go the whole way and do everything in this video. If you prefer to read, there’s also a web page with instructions.


Matthew Lang

@odd Fast enough without it! 😁


Matthew Lang

@jeremycherfas Neither did I! A work colleague recommended it after I grumbled about the mat I bought for my office chair continually sliding under it. I bought the mat to protect the floor. With the rollerblade-style castors, you don't need the mat.


Matthew Lang

@manton It happened on the first version of the post. I managed to fix it, but I didn't see the issue until after I published it.


Matthew Lang

@matthewlang @help I managed to resolve it by adding an additional line after the blockquote, but it may also trip others up.


Matthew Lang

@matthewlang @help I can see now that the text after the blockquote has been merged into the blockquote itself, even though I have separated the two with a blank line.


Matthew Lang

@Annie It is always lovely having the kiddos around the house during the holidays, but I also like returning to a typical work day for a while. At least until the next holidays!


Matthew Lang

I replaced the plastic castors on my Ikea office chair with rollerblade-style castors. The difference is like night and day, and the new castors are better for our new wooden flooring in the office. My only gripe is that the office isn’t long enough to see how fast my chair can go!


Matthew Lang

@help Is there an issue with the new editor cutting off posts? My recent post​ has text after the blockquote, but it isn't being published. It does exist in the editor.


Matthew Lang

Procreate is taking a stand on AI

Matthew Lang

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to break out of my comfort zone and build a new Rails application using the latest Rails 7.2 release, which uses a dev container for the development environment. I’m also going to look at using the Zed text editor instead of VS Code.


Matthew Lang

Just finished watching The Marvels on Disney+. Thoroughly enjoyed it! A refreshing change from the MCU I thought. 🍿


Matthew Lang

@maique Intrigued! Installed and already liking what I see. Quite a steal as well from a price perspective.


Matthew Lang

@kjz It's kind of scary to think that in six years he will be finished school. I hope your youngest gets the grades they need.


Matthew Lang

@maique 👌 Superb choice sir!


Matthew Lang

@maique I'm on Mastodon as well and I don't have this issue there. My feed is quite easy to manage. Although I might not follow a massive amount of people here on is more of nuisance than anything else. Instagram and Threads is the two places where I definitely need it the most.


Matthew Lang

@manton Bravo @vincent! Customisable navigation bar in the future? Hope so!