Dr. Adam Procter Avatar
Dr. Adam Procter
I am a practitioner-researcher at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, UK. I designed and run the BA (Hons) Games Design and Art programme, a progressive games course utilising indie style collaborative projects to build new types of games, games for purpose, games as art and highly employable students. The central output of my own practice led research is nodenogg.in. nodenogg.in is a digital canvas for multiplayer thinking used within Art & Design studio based education. nodenogg.in is part of a wider practice of building “Tools for Thought” (Rheingold, 1985) coupled with the process of thinking-through-making (Ingold, 2013). The way we convey, make, and represent the information generated and presented in a community of practice have a direct impact on the various co-created outputs. Our ideation and thoughts are directly affected by the tools we use (Culkin, 1967). As we extend the boundaries of our physical selves into the machine, we must consider the implications for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights within the posthuman. AFC Wimbledon fan and owner, flat hierarchy, co-operative loving evangelist.

Dr. Adam Procter

@KimberlyHirsh sounds great!


Dr. Adam Procter

Warning warning Football Manager 24 is free on the Epic Game Store this weekend ⚽️


Dr. Adam Procter

@philbowell oh nice. I use @NetNewsWire atm but I have always loved Reeder will take a new look at update


Dr. Adam Procter

@thoughtshrapnel nice well not nice but you know what I mean


Dr. Adam Procter

Did someone say MA degree show opening telepathic uniforms ?! I think so 🤣


Dr. Adam Procter

Ok being a sucker for fishing games this is excellent No Mans Sky Aquarius can we have golf next please ?


Dr. Adam Procter

Arts and crafts give greater life satisfaction than work.


Dr. Adam Procter

3 guys in a car pull over while I’m walking my dog “excuse me we are not from around here do you know where to buy weed” me “I’ve no idea sorry” British we apologise even when we shouldn’t 🤣 now I question my walking gear tracksuit trousers, hunters guild gamer jumper and listening to late 90s rave


Dr. Adam Procter

Do I like good lager ✅ Do I like sea salt ✅


Dr. Adam Procter

Hmm why if my link not styled when it’s after a quote



Oh boy something to figure out 🤦‍♂️


Dr. Adam Procter

Today starts the hard transition from holiday mode to work mode

🍺🍺🍺🍺👾👾👾👾🥱🥱🥱 📤📆📈🧹📎🗃️💼📊📑🧑‍💻🧑‍💻


Dr. Adam Procter

I was a big oasis fan back in the day (1994-1999) however ignoring the snark 🤣 this alternative list of bands from Manchester contains some great pics - orllewin.uk/blog/Manc…


Dr. Adam Procter

A long time ago I made an animation about the destruction of Wimbledon FC and then was asked to update it for AFC Wimbledon to support an end of season event. The update featured a special version Fat Man Scoop did of his song for us very sad to hear he has passed away - https://youtu.be/04pk6_9F_pw


Dr. Adam Procter

I had to travel so…


Dr. Adam Procter

I don’t think it’s fair to say other alternative models just haven’t worked because people prefer Big Tech. No, these alternative models have not received the capital they need, the support they need. And they’ve been swimming upstream against a business model that opposes their success.

  • Wired fantastic interview with Meredith Whittaker - Signals President

Dr. Adam Procter

Train Guard you are my superstar. Good job you said your changing at Basingstoke right? Else I would have been staying at my friends in Sailsbury… well I would have been imposing myself 🤣


Dr. Adam Procter

First game of the season for me, well Ipswich in the cup but first game this season tonight… I think I am ready…my football going outfit, blue and yellow trainers, yellow jeans, new warchild home yellow and blue top, replica 1988 walk out FA cup jacket topped with AFC Wimbledon baseball cap

Photo of me (Adam Procter) in my football going outfit, blue and yellow trainers, yellow jeans, new warchild home yellow and blue top, replica 1988 walk out FA cup jacket, AFC Wimbledon baseball cap

Dr. Adam Procter

When your technician says has anyone see the PS5 controllers at work I fear the worst… lets hope they are just misplaced 🎮


Dr. Adam Procter

I bought Train Sim World 3 a while back on steam (for my steamdeck) and have it on my PS5. The free upgrade to Train Sim World 5 (in the first 30 days of launch 17th Sept) is a great way to get people onto the latest update and then purchase content while I am a mega novice I will upgrade.


Dr. Adam Procter

@manton being friends and having alumni at ustwo games I have asked why Netflix doesn't shout more about its games, I have not got a satisfying answer yet. MV3 will be excellent I am sure, one of my alumni was on the core design team for this release ;)


Dr. Adam Procter

We are not going to have just one investor, we will have 40,000 of them. But, however much money you give, you will only get one share. We are not only saying a different football is possible but we are saying a different monetisation of football is possible.


Dr. Adam Procter

Last week and a bit of annual leave. Been taking it easy and helping finish things around the house trying not to get too grumpy as I hate anything DIY but my wife is excellent at it.

Managed to get some solid time in GT7, although not enough eFootball and I spent coins on the upgraded path 🤷


Dr. Adam Procter

@manton ah ok it did work when I went live.... ill do a test as if it still posts the I can ignore the warning


Dr. Adam Procter

@adamprocter to be fair the mastodon error last occured a couple of days ago but it seems its a recurring error I guess its a network thing and eventually it managed to upload....


Dr. Adam Procter

Digging into my micro.blog logs, hopefully fixed github now.. but I see a lot of this error how do I find out more ? @manton

Feed: Error uploading to Mastodon, trying again…

Also any idea why this one keeps coming up

Feed: Skipping item with no GUID, feed 4551754


Dr. Adam Procter

test post


Dr. Adam Procter

Disappointed with the Dons Trust Board at the moment. Yes a number of them are people I know and friends doesn’t mean I don’t disagree with direction of travel. Will be standing at next elections to ensure we (the fans) don’t dilute our shares below 75%.


Dr. Adam Procter

Yeah stuff you Tesco express thanks for moving everything around. I know why you do it. I hate captalism so much


Dr. Adam Procter

Colonialism and nationalism, we’re rejecting all that’: the folk musicians rethinking Britishness


Dr. Adam Procter

Got distracted by YouTube Premium suggesting I don’t live in Argentina, MB bug / feature requests and weirdness and some work work. Half the day on leave gone! Time to do kitchen, make lunch, play some more GT7 VR and maybe a bit of playdate dev with Claude.ai


Dr. Adam Procter

@maique thanks - I dont think it should be here as its from one of my other blogs on my account...


Dr. Adam Procter

@manton put something on the help pages FYI help.micro.blog/t/weird-n... cc @thoughtshrapnel


Dr. Adam Procter

@manton I don’t know but hopefully @thoughtshrapnel can check as I thought it was worth noting…


Dr. Adam Procter

@dajb be careful but also love that you borrowed from neighbour I am such a fan of street sharing these kind of tools


Dr. Adam Procter

@DaveyCraney 🤣 yep. While us in the UK have no idea if we will get Apple Intelligence at all


Dr. Adam Procter

@BestofTimes that isn’t a home that’s someone’s second property (probably third) they never use or if they do it’s a hotel stop of or weekend getaway that’s cleaned by staff after they leave


Dr. Adam Procter

@ArnoldHoogerwerf I would like selective LinkedIn posting from a category but doesn’t seem possible as I don’t want to post everything to LinkedIn generally


Dr. Adam Procter

@manton I only have two devices and switching it on and off in the app has worked! Siri just spoke reply to me I feel so happy 🤪


Dr. Adam Procter

@manton i think it is now working as I turned it on and off inside the app itself not the iOS settings - i dont think I realised that was an option in app before…


Dr. Adam Procter

@ArnoldHoogerwerf it has actually started I switched it on and off inside MB app not the iOS settings


Dr. Adam Procter

@ArnoldHoogerwerf thanks it may have started working 😬👍


Dr. Adam Procter

@manton I have done this a number of times will try again on both iPhone and iPad


Dr. Adam Procter

@Mtt oh right maybe it’s my eero set up it blocks a lot which I am very grateful for


Dr. Adam Procter

@ablerism nice stuff!


Dr. Adam Procter

@brett yeah it was such a great system. One of its downfalls was also slow piracy due to the special disks. It should have done great things for Sega


Dr. Adam Procter

@furstenberg there own MP not mine to note 🤣


Dr. Adam Procter

@furstenberg yeah if I can get family to use that as getting them into 1Password and explaining how to remember a master password had always been the issue 🤣 I know one of them has it on a text somewhere 🤦‍♂️