Kris Avatar
Adventurer, father, experimenter, and bicycle advocate. Always working on a project. He/him. Most often found near Minneapolis, Minnesota or in Stockholm, Sweden.

I saw this view of the city last night through one of our shades. I thought it looked interesting.

@BestofTimes I’ve complained about this on two separate occasions to them as well. Still nothing.

@aa I’ve done the same with my Apple Watch. It’s great for running, biking, and hiking. But I love wearing a mechanical watch the rest of the time.

Congratulations to Nemo for winning Eurovision 2024! We enjoyed the performances yesterday, and truly feel that Eurovision has united us by music. I was cheering for both Switzerland and Croatia, and both songs will be in my playlists this year.

Watching Eurovision is one of my favorite yearly activities. I cannot wait for the finals on Saturday.

We enjoyed watching Eurovision yesterday. I particularly liked Croatia and Sweden. But I find it odd the singers from Sweden were from Norway. And whoever is writing the jokes for the hosts is doing a great job!

@markavey Mine arrives on Monday, and I can’t wait. I’m also happy to be leaving the Amazon world for something different!

@jmuscara I might have to try using Swift again. I started to write an app, but later gave up because it started to get difficult. I should try 100 Days of Swift and perhaps I’ll make something useful!

@jimdab Looks like fun! Maybe that’s something I should do?

@duncanhart Nice radio! I’ve had my eye on that one for a while.

Nothing makes you appreciate normal life more than getting a cold and not being able to breathe. I will never take being able to finish my entire sentences again for granted, especially since I need to take a breath halfway through now. And sitting in silence without coughing is golden!

@SimonWoods I’m also a very happy Kagi user. It works really well!

@alans I just ordered an Aurora Sweep, and I’m looking forward to trying it. I am concerned with being able to retrain my muscle memory, but one should always challenge themselves to do something new, right?

@jeffreyflorek I decided to go with a 34-key Aurora Sweep, and placed the order last night. I’m looking forward to trying something new, and I hope I can get used to it.

@bsag Interesting! I made the decision last night to try an Aurora Sweep. Now I just need to find the best keycaps. I’m looking forward to using a split keyboard!

@bsag Any updated thoughs on your keyboard? I’m interested in something different and have been shopping around.

@jeffreyflorek What do you think of your split keyboard? What kind is it? I’m looking for something different.

@alans What do you think of your split keyboard? I’m looking for something different, and am considering one. Any tips or suggestions?

I keep trying to make analog note taking happen. I realized today that it’s just not my style. Not only is my handwriting poor (although I’m from the cursive generation), but my pen is always out of ink. I thrive with typing and technology. I just need to settle for one app now.

This afternoon I had the chance to watch the inagural Minnesota professional women’s hockey team play their first game. It was soooo much fun! Totally different than watching men play, and in many ways it was much better! This was their first home game, and they won, 3-0 against Montreal.

Last night we used a new pizza stone for the first time. The instructions told us to preheat the oven to 500 degrees (F) with the stone in the oven. Then we used a peel (a new term for me) to slide our pizzas onto the stone. It was some of the best pizza we have ever made!

@tkoola I love it! My fingers are cold in the office and typing with normal gloves on is impossible. If they made something thin enough, it could work!

@dwalbert That would also look impressive in my home! A real antique!

Because the new year will be starting soon, I have this undeniable urge to organize my life and do something to improve it. Any suggestions for apps, tools, or things I can use? I use Apple Calendar for my daily meetings, and Bear for notes. I also use Things for tasks. But I want more!

@mattwest No more after the initial few puzzles. They are beyond my skill set. Instead, I’ve been learning to code in Swift now. That’s been fun!

@ChrisJWilson We normally select our yearly theme just before the new year. I’d be interested to know what others have chosen!

I completed an online course on making an iOS app. I now know where to put variables and how to insert my code. Swift is pretty nice, but different from python. If I can find the time, I’ll keep working on the app, with the hope to have something done after the holiday break.

@odd I’m trying to track my biking distance each year. I corrently use Strava, but I wanted to create my own app!

@ericmwalk I’m actually trying to write an app to track distance over the course of a year. That’s all. Mostly for biking, but also for running and walking. I could use Strava, but I want something even easier. Plus, it’s within my capabilities to make (it has to be simple).

@jsonbecker Penzy’s Spices - no question. We just came back from their store yesterday, and they have everything you can imagine. If there isn’t one near you, order online!

@joshuapsteele Congratulations! May you always have a happy home!

I was finally able to get Core Location working in Xcode yesterday. I had the iOS simulator output latitute and longitude coordinates. Now I need to figure out how to do something with those coordinates. Oh, and design a nice user iterface. I don’t think I’ll quit my day job just yet.

Yesterday I began to learn how to create my first iOS app. It was simple, but everything worked perfectly. Of course, I dreamed about nothing else last night. Why does that always happen?

Today I get to move on to step two, and I’m really excited.

@mattwest I’ve also been doing it, but some of the puzzles are beyond my skill set. Yesterday’s was very easy (day 6), so I’m hoping today’s puzzle is also solveable without having to spend hours and hours.

I enjoy knitting and talking. I had a good idea, and I wonder if anyone has done this? There should be a web site where you can connect to other people knitting and just sit and talk while you knit. It should be for small groups, not hundreds of people. You can just drop in. Has anyone done this?

@pajp That bike commute looks awesome! We have no snow here, so I’m only fighting the cold weather on my commute.

@hjalm This is intreguing. Anyone who wants to contact me can use FaceTime, or call another one of my numbers (like the office) and just leave a message.

Just finished our 7th MN State Park hiking club hike today - Interstate State Park. This was our first winter hike, and it was wonderful.

While running this morning, I listened to a Hidden Brain podcast on cognative dissonance. I learned to make a public statement so I’ll feel compelled to do something to match my statement.

I’m going to get my cholesterol and blood pressure into an ideal range. And if I can do it, so can you.

Our sixth Minnesota state park hike was completed yesterday. This time it was Afton State Park. Since the temperature was in the 50’s, the park was quite busy. Half of the hiking trail was paved, and the other half ran along the closed ski area, which will likely be filled in a month or so!

Our Pyrex baking dish completely exploded in our oven yesterday, without any warning. Needless to say, we did not eat that pork roast and ended up ordering pizza. It was quite disappointing.

In 1989, I purchased one of the first graphing calculators on the market - a Casio FX-7000GA for my math class. It used three CR2032 batteries, so when it died, you couldn’t use it for weeks until you could find new batteries. I even programmed it to factor numbers and calculate pi!

Yesterday we completed our fifth state park hike. This time it was Sakatah Lake State Park. The area is surrounded by farmland, so we were quite surprised to find a hiking trail with significant elevation changes. We squeezed this hike in before the snow this winter!

Last night I attended a talk by the author Jesmyn Ward, author of “Let Us Descend.” It was interesting hearing how she developed her characters and what motivated her to write the book. I can’t wait to read it!

I tried to set up a new Windows computer yesterday. One of the programs I installed would not open, and several lost their icons and reverted to a default icon. Then I found out I can’t enable memory integrity because some of the drivers used are conflicting. This is why I use a Mac.

We decided to visit our fourth Minnesota State Park yesterday - this time it was Nerstrand Big Woods near Northfield. It was crowded, but beautiful. There were some big hills, so I’m glad we brought out hiking poles.

Yesterday we completed the hiking club trail at Minneopa State Park. We only took one wrong path, which added another 1.4 miles to our hike, but it was enjoyable despite this wrong turn.

While on a walk yesterday evening, I came to the realization that those things we thought were going to make our lives more efficient are actually making our lives more complicated. Phone calls don’t need to be returned instantly. Take time to visit someone in person. And write a real letter instead of an ...

Yesterday I made the difficult decision to abandon Reddit. I used that site as a way to stay current on trends and topics of discussion. I’m no longer comfortable with the way some organizations are monitizing user’s data, so I’m open to suggestions where to go next.