Jim Dabrowski Avatar
Jim Dabrowski
I’m a person, father, husband, brother, loooooong time mac user (since the 80s), iOS engineer, business owner making iOS apps until I decided I wanted to make more than a few hundred dollars a year. :)

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step L jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Stap K jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

Today I Learned: When calling one GitHub workflow from another you have to explicitly state the called workflow should inherit all ENV variables otherwise it won’t have any access to them.


Jim Dabrowski

Saguaros are in bloom in the San Tan Valley.

White blooms on a saguaro cactus

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step J jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

Starting planking! #flyingdutchman #modelship #modelshipbuilding

View of Flying Dutchman model ship with two rows of planing completed on the starboard side.

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step I jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step H jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step G jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman G, H, & I. jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

I made these five grates for step G. Now I’m supposed to frame each one in mahogany like that one there but I didn’t get enough in the kit to do that. 🫤 So I ordered some more. I’ll probably move on to Step H in the meanwhile.

Small grates that go on the deck of the Flying Dutchman model ship.

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step F jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

A preview of things to come. Many, many months down the road.

Flying Dutchman model ship with masts in place.

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step E jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

All trimmed and sanded and dots poked in them. Now to varnish and stain and put them on the boat.

Several deck pieces all trimmed and sanded smooth. Ready to be stained and attached to the Flying Dutchman model ship.


Jim Dabrowski

Even the desert can be full of foliage.

A mountain in the Sonoran desert in the Phoenix area with lots of desert foliage growing up around its base.

Jim Dabrowski

Planked up several sections of deck. Here is what they look like front and back. Next step, clean and shape them up.

Section of deck on the Flying Dutchman model ship with planks glued to them. Same sections of deck for the Flying Dutchman model ship except from the bottom side so you can see what is being covered by all the planks glued on.


Jim Dabrowski

Putting my copy of LOTR to good use weighing down some planking while the glue dries.

Hard cover version of Lord of the Rings being used as a weight to keep pressure on some planking while the glue dries.

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step D jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step C jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman: Step B jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

From Terri Kanefield’s blog:

Here’s the thing to remember about democracy in America: We’ve never had a truly representational multicultural and multi-racial democracy.

During the past few decades, we have been moving toward one and this has triggered a powerful backlash. What we are seeing in the Republican Party is the backlash.

I think this is true. I hope we get to one.


Jim Dabrowski

Flying Dutchman Step A jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

@Alligator @Alligator there certainly are times when it is not “fun” but yes, I really enjoy working on these model ships. Takes patience and attention to detail. Something I apparently possess. 😀


Jim Dabrowski

And so it begins...

Start of building the Flying Dutchman model ship. Just keel and bulkheads showing.

Toward the end of my Bluenose build, I was swearing I was done building model ships. Then my wife saw this and convinced me to buy it. So now I’ve started another…The Flying Dutchman!



Jim Dabrowski

A Bluenose Retrospective The hull of the Bluenose model ship being planked. jimdab.com

Jim Dabrowski

@odd it’s been a long, long haul but finally nearing the finish line!


Jim Dabrowski

@Alligator hey there, sorry it took so long for me to reply. I think I need to set up notifications on my app!

Yes, this is from a kit: Bluenose Schooner which I bought way back in 2006 and have been plugging away steadily (or not so steadily) ever since.

My first and only ship, so far. 😉


Jim Dabrowski

@crossingthethreshold thank you! This is our first time here and it’s just amazing. Sooo beautiful. Been trying to make this trip for 2 years now. Glad we’re finally here.


Jim Dabrowski

@rosemaryorchard Hey Rosemary, thanks for reaching out. My other site is at jimdab.com - I have my own domain hosted by github and I use Jekyll to manage the blog. TBH, I’m not sure what I want to do. I’m mostly just poking about capabilities and it seemed like linking the two might be useful.


Jim Dabrowski

@kaa Well that’s an interesting suggestion as well. Can we go both directions? Posts to micro.blog end up on my site and posts to my site end up here? FYI, my other site is simply at jimdab.com.


Jim Dabrowski

@SteveSawczyn Hey Steve, my other “real” blog is at jimdab.com. I have my own domain hosted on github and built with Jekyll. I’ve tried several kinds over the years and tend not to be happy with any of them. I’m a very slow-motion tinkerer.