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Jamie Thingelstad
Technologist, leader, and family man with expertise in software, architecture, business, who actively contributes to the tech community.

Jamie Thingelstad

Tyler's Playdate Game: The 5 Piece Sword thingelstad.com

Jamie Thingelstad

I got to thinking how many times we’ve seen The New Standards after we saw them last night. I searched my blog and created a list of The New Standards shows. I was surprised to find 21 shows and an additional 11 Holiday Shows — exceeding our list of Brandi Carlile shows!


Jamie Thingelstad

Weekly Thing 292 / Signal, Checkboxes, Hope weekly.thingelstad.com

Jamie Thingelstad

The New Standards put on an incredible show at The Dakota tonight marking their 20 year anniversary as a band! We had a great night returning with our friends Mike & Ellen Rock for the show.

See list of The New Standards shows.


Jamie Thingelstad

@matthewlang 😂 I've had that same realization.


Jamie Thingelstad

@jack your post made me smile and reminded me how it has never worked out for me to have multiple blogs.


Jamie Thingelstad

@Bricker looks great — enjoy!


Jamie Thingelstad

We visited the Minnesota State Fair three times this year, a record for all of us. Are we becoming “fair people”? Maybe. People complain about the crowds, but that is just part of it. The sea of people every way you look is what makes it the fair. We’ll be back again next year! 🎡


Jamie Thingelstad

Seeing the “Butterheads” in the Dairy Building at the State Fair is a must for me. As a bonus for going on the last day, I got to see all of them finished!


Jamie Thingelstad

We made three trips to the Minnesota State Fair this year and the third visit really happened just because of Peachey’s Donuts. We wanted to go back and try them fresh. The line was crazy long and it indeed took an hour, but these warm and tasty donuts are incredible.


Jamie Thingelstad

My Grandpa Ardell was a “John Deere man”, so whenever I see these green tractors at the Minnesota State Fair I take a moment to look them over. I’m pretty sure he had one very similar to this one.


Jamie Thingelstad

@bjhess Have a great birthday! 🎉


Jamie Thingelstad

@odd @maique I think 1.69258° N, 7.40211° E — so yes, very close! I don't think I've ever experienced a longitude that low. 😊


Jamie Thingelstad

@maique you here? That looks amazing. The walking bridge across the water would be great for photos. 🤩


Jamie Thingelstad

@cyberbobcity Since you have web developer and design chops make sure you checkout the microhooks that @mtt has created for Tiny Theme.


Jamie Thingelstad

@cyberbobcity welcome (back) to micro.blog! I’m a fan and have been for a while. I also have a mostly accurate list of plugins I use. Micro.blog continues to be the most friction-free method to go from thought in head 💭 to a blog post ✍️.


Jamie Thingelstad

@cyberbobcity Meg is amazing and I think it helps that she personally uses OmniFocus as well. Just this morning I wrote about my GTD structure that touches on exactly what you are setting up. Thought you may find it interesting.


Jamie Thingelstad

@cdevroe wow, this really piqued my interest. There is a good overview of it on Jacobsen Architecture and an article from 2022. Mirrored structures are interesting.


Jamie Thingelstad

My GTD Structure thingelstad.com

Jamie Thingelstad

@maique how could I find where you are on a map?


Jamie Thingelstad

Big week for my Famous Foxes mission chests!


Jamie Thingelstad

Was feeling motivated this morning and published a robust iteration of my blogroll that has more sites and context on why I follow it.


Jamie Thingelstad

Good morning! September is starting with a chill in the air.


Jamie Thingelstad

We watched The Fall Guy tonight! Tons of action and a fun movie overall.


Jamie Thingelstad

@manton I deleted my account yesterday so might be 999,999 users. 😁


Jamie Thingelstad

The Singing Sakatah Hills State Trail is closed right by Highway 60 and Dalton Ave near Cannon Lake. They have a section fenced off where the trail edge has collapsed. The record rains must have been too much for this area. Couple of trees down too.


Jamie Thingelstad

@pratik I need a similar thing for the Things 4 Good site.


Jamie Thingelstad

@manton “likes”, follower counts, and algorithmic timelines are the path to narcissism.


Jamie Thingelstad

@pratik if you use 1Password it will do this with a Fastmail integration.


Jamie Thingelstad

@cleverdevil like the hat!


Jamie Thingelstad

@ericmwalk enjoy Labor Day weekend!


Jamie Thingelstad

@cleverdevil congratulations! This is very good news!


Jamie Thingelstad

@dynamitemoth sorry to hear that and hope the rest does it well. The extensive effort of the hike may have irritated and made it worse? I had a torn meniscus after I did a big bicycle effort decades ago and it was for sure caused by the heavy ramp in activity. Thankfully it healed with rest, no surgery.


Jamie Thingelstad

@bjhess totally fair. I’ve used classifieds there to reach new readers for my newsletter but that is a hobby project with no means of calculating an ROI so I just base it on “does it feel right”. :-)


Jamie Thingelstad

@kitt I used to use that approach as well but have switched things to Fastmail’s masking feature for a couple of wins:

  1. When you are in the Fastmail app it hides the masked addresses and instead shows you the label you gave. So I can see that company X emailed the address I gave company X very easily.
  2. A big difference is you can send from masked addresses. So if you wish to you can reply and it comes from that address.
  3. Final big difference is I can easily “turn off” or “block” any one of the addresses.

Fastmail does all this on my custom domain.


Jamie Thingelstad

@maique looks like a tropical paradise. Enjoy the trip!


Jamie Thingelstad

I currently have 326 different Masked Email addresses set in Fastmail. It takes effort but is a powerful way to limit tracking and increase security. 🔒🥸


Jamie Thingelstad

First challenge for my lake camera was getting it off the ground to keep the raccoons from playing with it.

Second was protecting the cable from water and making sure that the cords were waterproof.

Now the third issue is keeping the lawn guys from shredding the USB cable with the weed whipper. 😬


Jamie Thingelstad

Eerie sky as this storm came in. There was a literal calm before the storm and then the wind kicked up big time. 70 mph winds. We’ve all gone to the basement.


Jamie Thingelstad

Serious storm system coming through clearing out this incredible heat and humidity that we’ve had the last two days. There is a lot of energy in the sky. Hoping the 1" hail doesn’t come to pass. Just got very dark.


Jamie Thingelstad

Did a 4-mile walk tonight around Lake Harriet with Tammy and Mazie and claimed the 2024 National Parks Challenge.


Jamie Thingelstad

Scenes as Allianz Field emptied out tonight.


Jamie Thingelstad

Wish the United would have won but we had a fun time (after the shade arrived) with my Mom and Kurt watching them play the Seattle Sounders to a 3-2 loss. ⚽️


Jamie Thingelstad

Floating down Minnehaha Creek in South Minneapolis.


Jamie Thingelstad

Tubing Minnehaha Creek thingelstad.com

Jamie Thingelstad

Don's Bench in Turtle Park thingelstad.com

Jamie Thingelstad

Great night at the Minnesota State Fair with Tiffany & Andrew! 🎉