Timo Koola Avatar
Timo Koola
My blog about things I do or skills that I want to learn. In no particular order: * Writing good software * Learning languages * Learning music Based in Helsinki, Finland

Timo Koola

Finished reading: Translation State by Ann Leckie 📚

Such a lovely book about Presger translators and their capabilities (and their appetite)


Timo Koola

Currently reading: The Anglo-Saxons by Marc Morris 📚


Timo Koola

Finished reading: The Dark Tower I by Stephen King 📚. Something I already finished on my holiday. I must say I won’t read this series further, definitely not for me. Somehow I do not care for the characters even if the world looks interesting. I felt I must have missed something as this seems to be general... blog.timokoola.com

Timo Koola

Hi micro.blog, long time no see! Trying to reactivate. How is everyone here?


Timo Koola

@news 谢谢!


Timo Koola

I’ve been so happy with Airpods Pro noise cancellation before I started using WH-1000s. With big headphones I can imagine outside world sounds don’t exist at all and that has now ruined airpods ANC for me. But I don’t want to wear heavy headphones all the time either


Timo Koola

Currently reading: Translation State by Ann Leckie 📚


Timo Koola

Finished reading: Provenance by Ann Leckie 📚. Finally finished this. This is not quite Raadchai trilogy level, but then again, what is?


Timo Koola

This is called ”takatalvi” in Finnish. There was no snow here last week and now 😳


Timo Koola

I am ”ah, large text, amazing” years old

Page from Translation State in delightfully large text


Timo Koola

My to read list manifested itself physically

Translation State, Lake of Souls books by Ann Leckie on top of each other on a piano chair


Timo Koola

Assumption that everyone knows how to use computer is wrong. Just a reminder to myself. Taking several steps back and starting from ”this is a web browser”


Timo Koola

I have really started liking ”connections” the NYT game. Very good vocabulary exercise for a non-native speaker like me


Timo Koola

How do I express ”no value set” with HTML slider? Is there a recommended way to show the difference between ”zero value” and ”no value”?


Timo Koola

That moment of pleasure mixed with horror when you find out that that hot sauce you bought is indeed hot


Timo Koola

Currently reading: Provenance by Ann Leckie 📚

I didn’t even know there were more Radch books! My favourite thing in the world is to discover books that I am going to love.


Timo Koola

Finished reading: Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie 📚


Timo Koola

I have a system that is Django and static HTML with some sprinklings of Javascript, no build tools for frontend, no libraries and very little structure. Now I have one more compliacated dialog that would benefit of some more structure. What is the best way to add that? Vanilla JS and custom web component? ... blog.timokoola.com

Timo Koola

I think I’ve read Lord of the Rings like almost ten times but not in years. I feel that re-read is coming soon


Timo Koola

”Apple, like most religions, don’t pay taxes”, genuine laugh out lod moment from Macbreak Weekly (and Andy Ihnatko)


Timo Koola

Finished reading: Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie 📚


Timo Koola

I first tried to ignore whole British royalty related scandal, then I tried to read what was it all about, and I still don’t understand whats and whys of this story


Timo Koola

@chrisfoley oh, nice, probably not this but was worth the read


Timo Koola

Is there a song or a poem with a line like this: “Question I am asking 1am: would love exceed time?” (or something similar)?


Timo Koola

Fact-checked the newspaper. Winter has indeed come back

Newspaper story with headline Winter will come backView outside my window, winter indeed came back. There is a fresh layer of new snow


Timo Koola

@lewism very nice! I have lived in Pihlajamäki and I do love WeeGee building (I am a fan of the style for some unknown reason).


Timo Koola

How do you see Twitter’s endgame? Will it end up like Yahoo!/Tumblr being sold multiple times to someone who thinks they can turn it around, or will we see a glorious meltdown at some point?


Timo Koola

Weirdly niche question: why does the audiobook reader of Ann Leckie’s Ancillary serier read ”Anaander Mianaai” more like ”An’ander Miatna’ai”? Is this based on some existing human language or explained somewhere?


Timo Koola

@maique thank you ❤️


Timo Koola

@jean ❤️. That kindergarten photographer took great picture


Timo Koola

@odd ”Odd’s law of resting and sleeping well” EU Directive 2026/12/EC


Timo Koola

@jean that is very soothing


Timo Koola

@val that looks amazing (and a bit scary) either way


Timo Koola

@val is that some sort of intestine dish or what? 😳


Timo Koola

@mejh thanks, very interesting, but perhaps beyond my skills


Timo Koola

@mejh trackpad bluetooth yes, but I don’t trust BT for mice quite 100%. And that is one thing that needs to do 100%. Now I am using both


Timo Koola

@manton he is such a delight. He does absolutely impossible looking stuff. One game I was checking how short the opposing player was. He just threw over someone 6’8” making the other guy look like a child


Timo Koola

@mejh every 5 years this check until 70 and I think after that it tightens somehow. It starts at 50 for me as my license includes a truck driving license, normally checks only start at 60


Timo Koola

@mejh yes! I in theory believe that if you create something, you get to name it, but inventor of GIF was too late with their ”actually it is jif” claim. The ship had already sailed


Timo Koola

@manton I kind of like this development, it is like the early days of social media, where Orkut was big in Brazil, there was IRC-Galleria in Finland and many others


Timo Koola

@tkoola also: unexplained nuclear explosion to kick things off 🧑‍🍳😘


Timo Koola

@Annie I forgot, I also did gain some experience in medical studies! I mostly remember the bits that make me not want to do it ever again 😒


Timo Koola

@sod oh! Death sounds extremely interesting and yes, sewers and especially sewer networks are very interesting


Timo Koola

@V_ so many people have some connection to banking…


Timo Koola

@jaymy I think so. I would have hard time explaining what happens in this book besides character development. And I love character driven stories, I think, especially like this, where seemingly unrelated characters eventually feature in each others’ stories. But somehow I wished there was a bit more action


Timo Koola

@atpfm that was some unfortunate timing w/re EU app stores talk. The whole world changed between the recording and release of the episode


Timo Koola

@odd yes! Then there was stuff like Beavis and Butthead that happened in between music videos. Perfect television