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"I've always tried to present a positive view of the world in my work. It's so much easier to be negative and cynical and predict doom for the world than it is to try and figure out how to make things better. We have an obligation to do the latter." - Jim Henson 🌱🍄🐰🍩🎶🐲🧛


Currently Reading: Friendship in the Age of Loneliness by Adam Smiley Poswolsky 📚 This is definitely aimed at people who already have lots of friends who want to build stronger relationships. Sooooo, not me. In each of the short chapters the author takes the opportunity to plug his successful friends. Th... thistledown.micro.blog


Finished Reading: Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë 📚

Well, that certainly was a ride.



Been really enjoying this 9-part (zoom) series - Plant Families in Our Food on Wednesday mornings.

It is a nice, casual introduction to botany. Each session focuses on one family.

So far we’ve covered: Rosaceae, Brassicaceae, and Apiaceae.



The absolute thrill of finally finding a book you read as a child but could only remember vague bits of.

Been searching for this FOR YEARS and came across it completely by chance.

Cover of The Dragonslayers by Bruce Coville. Features two young people who appear to be trying to subdue a fierce dragon that is rearing up. In the background are some forest animals and an elderly person.


Finished Reading: Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding by Daniel Lieberman 📚

An enjoyable dive into evolutionary biology and the perfect kick in the butt to start exercising again.



@JohnBrady Yeah, I wasn't aware of that one either, but it looks like it has been a thing for a while.



Heat Death of the Internet

You want to order from a local restaurant, but you need to download a third-party delivery app, even though you plan to pick it up yourself. The prices and menu on the app are different to what you saw in the window. When you download a second app the prices are different again. You ring the restaurant directly and it says the number is no longer in service.



Slow progress.
Chords are hard.

A dulcimer, a notebook, and a tablet on a table next to a wooden chair with sunlight streaming through a curtained window. The date "24 06 04" is visible in the corner.


@bloftin2 Ohhh this song is great! Somehow never heard The Lucy Show before, excited to dig into their stuff more. Thank you.



@val Such a sweet little face.



@alexink They are just so darn cute.



Hearing Dead Can Dance on Peep Show was certainly a surprise. Perfect for the scene though.



@spgreenhalgh lol extremely stressful quizzes that have a joke answer every so often. Please share know how it goes!



"“When you first start out playing Magic, when you’re playing with kids in the schoolyard or around the kitchen table with cards that your older brother played with, that is the way it works. Your friend will have a card you don’t have. But when you enter the store system, then that’s no longer the way it works, you just get many, many more cards, to the point where the magical aspect of having unique cards which nobody else has goes away.” This wasn’t just nostalgia talking. There seems to be something objectively more magical, more infinite-seeming and treasurable about this smaller, more limited ... thistledown.micro.blog


@xxxx Ahhhh! That is fantastic news! I am so happy you enjoyed it!



Finished: Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Deluxe Edition Vol. 1 by Hitoshi Ashinano 📚

An extremely pleasant slice-of-life manga set in a post-apocalyptic world. Instead of disasterporn it focuses on the joys of simple living and appreciating the little things. Looking forward to reading more of the series.

This image is an illustrated scene that features a young woman with short green hair standing outside by a large, weathered concrete structure with an open frame. She is wearing an oversized white button-up shirt that reaches mid-thigh, light blue pants, and has a pair of round glasses dangling from her shirt’s collar. In the background, there is a bright blue sky with a few scattered clouds. Lush green vegetation surrounds the area including tall grass and plants climbing up a utility pole which stands on the left-hand side.  To her left and slightly in the background, a small yellow scooter with red headlights and wooden handles appears to have a brown bag and wrapped items attached. A beverage can labeled "COFFEE" is positioned on the concrete structure beside a yellow cloth featuring a fish drawing. The scene is vibrant with a mixture of natural and man-made elements, depicting a peaceful and sunny day near a body of water which is visible in the distance.


Lol every time I try to share a link or something on micro.blog I always have to redo the post like ten times because I completely mess it up somehow, even when directly copying markdown guides.

Oh well.



Tuesday’s harvest.

Went out and bought the good pita chips for mutubal.

Need to figure out what to make with fava beans. While I love beans I haven’t eaten much of these before. They are fun and easy to grow though! The plants are strong and don’t need a trellis.

A photo of a picnic table with a beige and white table cloth on it. The table cloth is dirty from tree debris. On the table sits a pile of fava beans next to five small globe-type eggplants and a mound of kale. A small black canvas messenger style bag sits nearby. Shadows of the oak trees above cover the entire scene.


@jackdaw Immediately reserved. Thanks for posting the recommendation, excited to read it.



Currently Reading: Brother Cadfael’s Herb Garden by Robin Whiteman 📚

Imagine buying this book in the year 2000 for $30 only to find pages like this.

A photo of an open book. The open page is talking about Ivy. There is a colored photo of ivy at the top of the page and lots of information about ivy below it. the whole page has a background image of low opacity ivy, but this makes the text extremely hard to read.

I’m also disappointed as their definition of “illustrated” is just some border artwork. Glad this is just a library book.



🍞 Tried out a recipe for a faster loaf. The darker loaf is spelt + acorn flour (harvested and processed by a neighbor) the one in the back is just spelt. Came out pretty dense, maybe not enough water?

Baking with spelt is tricky, but I am slowly learning more. First time using/eating acorn!

Two homemade loaves of bread sit on a wooden cutting board on a white tile kitchen counter. They are angled diagonally across the frame. The loaf in the front is a darker brown while the second loaf is much lighter in color.


@kaa Another thing to consider is the extra food that would normally be trimmed off at the store. Things like the tops of beets/carrots/radishes can all be eaten, same with zucchini leaves and blossoms, along with many, many others. So you grow more food than you think and are reducing waste.



@kaa Having that kind of space would be a dream! Don't know your situation/experience, but a lot can be grown in pots. Start with herbs & greens, then radishes, beets, bok choy, tomatoes, zucchini, etc. A few plants doesn't seem like much, but the savings do add up, especially with the greens.



@toddgrotenhuis Have you listened to Poison Ruïn or Pailhead?



When I was young, I had to choose between the life of being and the life of doing. And I leapt at the latter like a trout to a fly. But each deed you do, each act, binds you to itself and to its consequences, and makes you act again and yet again. Then very seldom do you come upon a space, a time like this, between act and act, when you may stop and simply be. Or wonder who, after all, you are.

-Sparrowhawk in The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin

Feelin' this one IN MY BONES.



@jean Nice! I hope you like it.



Finished Reading: Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want to Come by Jessica Pan 📚

Greatly enjoyed following along on this journey. Book is filled with tons of helpful advice and now I have a lot to think about.



@asher Woah. Thank you for mentioning that album. Just listened to it. A lot to take in and really well done.



🌱Millet Quest Update:

Went with this cookie recipe for my first millet flour experiment.

Subbed powdered sugar for the jaggery powder and only had whole wheat bread flour.

Lovely simple cookie with a lot of flavor, sort of like a shortbread but more soft and cake-like. Maybe from the bread flour?

A photo of two light brown cookies sitting on a white plate. The cookies are homemade and have markings on top to show that they were pressed down with a fork. There is a white mug in the background with a cartoon panda on it.


@asher The series is so special. I really hope you enjoy your time with it. There are also a few short stories that are not included in the books (except for the giant red tome), but you may be able to find digital copies. Have you read any of her other work?



@tracydurnell Thank you for the information! Yeah, white is nice. But the pink is just so striking. Love the tiny daffodil-like corona, can definitely see why hummingbirds would love it.



@tracydurnell It is so magical! What type of plant is that?



@val Thank you! The plants did all the work though, I'll pass along your compliment. 😉



Gave a big bunch of celery to a neighbor, who in turn gifted me a huge bag of millet flour she could not use.

New Side Quest:.
🌱Gather millet flour recipes.

Current Side Quests:
🌱Gather celery recipes.
🌱Finalize shirt design for community garden.



May have planted too much celery. Going to give away a ton, but this is also probably a good time to find some new recipes.

Photo of a wooden raised garden bed. Closer to the viewer is a row of romaine and butter lettuce, towards the back is a tall, bushy row of celery plants.


@andrewkfb Welcome to micro.blog! It is an extremely pleasant corner of the internet.



We drove out to the desert to watch Gary Numan and Front Line Assembly play outside in 40°F. Incredible show, can’t stop thinking about it.



@Rym Yeah buddy! That's a nice cozy little setup.



@hollie That's awesome. Apparently it is "the champagne of kombucha" haha so it sounds like you are in for a real treat!



@val That is quite possibly one of the cutest cats to ever exist. Also nice composition with all of those textures and contrast.



@hollie That color is stunning! So this uses green tea instead of black? That sounds lovely!



@Annie Yes!! Do it and check out the cookbook! Really enjoying the reread. Along with the nostalgia, cuteness, and adventure, the book is a nice reminder to focus on the simple things and the importance of a connection to nature. Very grounding.



@BenSouthwood Wow! That must have been a very special experience.



@larissaking Ohh you should do that! Thumbprint cookies is a great idea! For the curd I used this recipe just with blood oranges. It was actually much easier than expected.



@tracydurnell You might be interested in this Zoom talk by Mandy Aftel that's coming up - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-museum-of-scent-a-book-talk-by-mandy-aftel-tickets-827591357027?aff=oddtdtcreator&mceid=ff2b3b5ab6&mccid=54c24b5093