Khaled Abou Alfa Avatar
Khaled Abou Alfa
My name is Khaled and I post about the Built Environment, Coffee, Cooking, Engineering, Stationary, Text Editors, Typography, Watches & Technology. Currently transitioning to a new life in Canada.🍁

Khaled Abou Alfa

Finished reading: Paper Girls Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan 📚. I love BKV. He’s brought me hours of joy and is one of the best writers of comics, but this series did not connect with me. I just wasn’t all that interested. Equally I returned the first Incredible Hulk volume by Jason Aaron (another writer I lov...

Khaled Abou Alfa

⚽️ The attack is not coming together at the moment. Just a little off. A little soft. A little hard.


Khaled Abou Alfa

⚽️ The stationary nerd in me wants to grab EtH and upgrade his BIC multi-pen (and whatever paper he is writing on). You deserve better.


Khaled Abou Alfa

⚽️ Close one for United. Glad for VAR for once.


Khaled Abou Alfa

⚽️ This is the big one…so early in the season. My prediction? 2:1 United.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@mike wabi sabi. Just change the way you’re thinking about it I guess. You now own a unique piece…


Khaled Abou Alfa

Finished reading: The Algebra of Happiness by Scott Galloway 📚


Khaled Abou Alfa

@pratik sorry to hear that, but certainly onwards and upwards.


Khaled Abou Alfa

The perfect scoop. Lemon meringue from Zuzus.


Khaled Abou Alfa

Fjorden acquired by Leica. Totally missed this news, but pretty exciting news for the Fjorden team. Hopefully this means that maybe the grip will slowly get some material science help from the Leica team to improve the wearability of the grip itself (mine is already showing wear in the corners). Also would...

Khaled Abou Alfa

Last days of summer.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@kaa Really unlucky result. Bad defending in two moments but chances taken away is just blah. Still team will bounce back.


Khaled Abou Alfa

⚽️ Really close game so far. Should have been ahead (or at least level at the moment). I hope they make a proper game of this and just go for it.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@manton Wow, totally missed that, but that is pretty damn amazing.


Khaled Abou Alfa

First day back at work. I feel refreshed and ready to go. Game face is on, let’s see how long I can keep my holiday calm in place.


Khaled Abou Alfa

Procreate’s Stance on generative AI. Straight to the point and totally on point. Love this company and both their products.


Khaled Abou Alfa


Khaled Abou Alfa

@jean I thought you were on safari…damn nature really came to town


Khaled Abou Alfa

Finished reading: Shubeik Lubeik by Deena Mohamed 📚. Great summer read. Can totally understand the praise this work has received. Fantastically original, great scope, well written and drawn. Celebrating Arab culture as it is now (rather than as it was). Highly recommended.


Khaled Abou Alfa


Khaled Abou Alfa

Yes, People Do Buy Books. I also buy books, but nowhere near as much as I read and listen - mainly because of the insanely great public library system. To get into my personal collection, that book has to work overdrive. Thankfully there are those books, but they are the exception.


Khaled Abou Alfa


Khaled Abou Alfa

Just finished reading the first chapter of Shubeik Lubeik, and it was exceptional. Been a long time since I read a black and white comic with such emotional power.


Khaled Abou Alfa

⚽ I love Onana. Now Sancho messed it up…poor.


Khaled Abou Alfa

Making The Cut. This year I watched the Olympics with my Canadian hat on (typically I’ll root for the Lebanese, the Greeks, the Brits and now the Canadians). I missed the swimming competitions which would have been awesome to watch. The Canadian women’s beach volleyball team has been another highlight. Sha...

Khaled Abou Alfa


Khaled Abou Alfa

Part of the joy of relaxing on holiday is being given the autonomy to work at my own pace on stuff that matters to me on a personal level. At the moment I’m editing the BEC (Built Environment Compendium) Vol.2. Back into the warm embrace of the Pages app, which I’ve learnt to love, two pens (one to scribbl...

Khaled Abou Alfa

Summer in Ontario.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@manton I think the yearly security certification issue is happening again :). Me think you might want to find a way to automate that bastard...I could be completely wrong and it's just my site that is down....


Khaled Abou Alfa

I’ve been thinking a little about how I can take in more information from the non-fiction books I read. The first tip I’m going to try is The Blank Sheet Method. The second thing that I’ve discovered is the excellent scanning/OCR feature of the It’s not 100% perfect, but honestly I can deal with...

Khaled Abou Alfa

⛈️ Damn is absolutely chucking it down today.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@manton Done :).


Khaled Abou Alfa

@JohnPhilpin there is a great video about this. all foul and rainwater overflows head into the seine. they built a tank to mitigate this. clearly it didnt work hard enough or there was too much rain.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@mbkriegh this one is definitely on the monetary side, but also the freedoms that this brings with it. The book calls it f-you money :).


Khaled Abou Alfa

@dennyhenke Also like Blair (going into Iraq under completely false pretences) his legacy will be tainted by his actions - not that I give a shit about his legacy but change is made by those bold enough to make it happen.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@dennyhenke thats what infuriates me about my relationship with America (for reference my wife is half American). On the one hand I like Biden and can see the stability he has brought to the US in times of polarization.

On the other hand this is the man with the fucking keys and he’s supporting and enabling the daily systematic murder of innocents. The definition of schizophrenic.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@jthingelstad and it doesnt hang its hat in Minnesota :)


Khaled Abou Alfa

@jthingelstad cute, but there is only one United :).


Khaled Abou Alfa

@pratik Oh fuck, completely forgot 🤣...


Khaled Abou Alfa

@maique what a look 😂


Khaled Abou Alfa

@ia did not know that! Nice feature!


Khaled Abou Alfa

@manton not sure if its me but my site is down, Got a 503 server error?


Khaled Abou Alfa

@jean amazing catch.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@pratik agreed :).


Khaled Abou Alfa

@skoobz 😂


Khaled Abou Alfa

@bryan yeah I hear that. Thankfully I’m not the hoarder (I have no sentimental attachment to stuff, but that wasn’t always the case). My wife however tries to keep some things which is ok I guess (but my view is that it’ll we will get rid of it at some point).


Khaled Abou Alfa

@skoobz its soo true. the officiating is also a little off (lets plenty of shit through).


Khaled Abou Alfa

@thestevepbrady went for an Addisdive field watch. Knew the bracelet was going to be garbage (it is), but the actual watch is great…except for the mechanism (that us Japanese) and didnt work for setting the date.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@numericcitizen sometimes availability is an issue, most times price is an issue, but options that tick these reasonably limited criteria is the most limiting factor.


Khaled Abou Alfa

@numericcitizen I’m looking for a reasonable summer break for the family (2weeks tops). Has a pool for the kids, is somewhere in nature (so dofferent to the concrete jungle we live in), and its not been an easy find at all. We’ve spent hours this weekend and havent gotten very far…