Jason Heppler Avatar
Jason Heppler
Writer + environmental historian of the North American West & Great Plains. Wrote an env. history of Silicon Valley, now writing on postwar Northern Plains ag politics. Web dev @ rrchnm.org. Homesteading a 1914 farm in Nebraska. #envhist #naturewriting

Jason Heppler

Catching John Mellencamp, Bob Dylan, and Willie Nelson in Wisconsin.


Jason Heppler

We guarantee that crazed man after crazed man will have a flood of killing power readily supplied him. We have to make that offering, out of devotion to our Moloch, our god. The gun is our Moloch. We sacrifice children to him daily.


Jason Heppler

GBR! 🏈


Jason Heppler

Tomorrow’s F1 race has some potential to be spicy.


Jason Heppler

@gregmoore ugh, sorry. It's going through our household too. I hope it's mild and swift.


Jason Heppler

Good morning.


Jason Heppler

@odd I like it!


Jason Heppler

Toying with the idea of a second micro.blog just for the acreage/farm stuff. Pondering.


Jason Heppler

@jabel Congrats on the projects! Reminds me I’ve been wanting to write up something like this too.

I’m also gearing up for my fall/winter project: overhauling the workshop. Which means patching holes in the metal roof, putting up foam board insulation, patching holes in the metal siding, etc. My main goal is to make the space more comfortable for work and better storage for things that shouldn’t get too hot or cold (and seal it up from critters).


Jason Heppler

Six hours of work later: pickled roasted peppers, sweet and sour pepper relish, and candied jalapeños. Tomorrow, we make habanero jelly.

Various canned peppers on a wooden cutting board.

Jason Heppler

@dwalbert We make a version that doesn’t include frying them. We instead wrap them in a crepe, then arrange in a baking dish, top with ranchero/salsa and cheese, and pop it in the oven for 40 minutes. Turns out great!


Jason Heppler

@wcaleb I’ve gone through a lot of vinyl gloves!


Jason Heppler

It’s days like this, when the heat index is in the low 100s, that I wonder why public school buses don’t have air conditioning.


Jason Heppler

Getting ready to can jalapeños.

A white deep sink filled with floating green and red jalapeños.

Jason Heppler

@dwalbert We’re still deciding. Some might turn into a pepper jelly. Some we’ll pickle or otherwise can. Some I might cook up tonight (I love poblanos and might make rellanos).


Jason Heppler

Just a few peppers from the garden today.


Jason Heppler

@kfitz Happy birthday from a fellow Virgo!


Jason Heppler

@aa Yeah! I caught it at just the right time; only three or four minutes later, and it was already gone.


Jason Heppler

@odd It is! It's been a very nice morning, although we're suppose to get a heat wave over the next few days...


Jason Heppler

@jabel It is! Making some plans to reno the exterior, but the interior is in remarkable shape for its age. Currently just a storage space and a place for the barn cats to hang out.


Jason Heppler

Caught some great sunlight this morning. No editing done to this shot.


Jason Heppler

@aa I'm so ready for flannel season.


Jason Heppler

Crews are in the area installing fiber internet and I cannot wait to get off the line-of-sight signal I currently use.


Jason Heppler

@patrickrhone Man, I cannot wait for flannel season.


Jason Heppler

Collecting some prairie grasses to sow into our pastures.

A collection of prairie grasses in a glass vase sitting in a wooden bowl.

Jason Heppler

Finished reading: Wild Idea by Dan O’Brien 📚


Jason Heppler

Trimmed the pasture to promote grass growth. Probably only the third time this summer I’ve given it a full mowing and it looks infinitely better and healthier than the weedy mess of last year.


Jason Heppler

This gal has become something of an escape artist. She’s gotten out a couple times and now looks for every opportunity to roam.


Jason Heppler

Lost out on that Farmall H, but I see a few more that might be worth pursuing.


Jason Heppler

Today is a great day to check your voter registration.


Jason Heppler

Charred salsa incoming.


Jason Heppler

@ablerism My kiddo is a big fan of the Nathan Hale Hazardous Tales books. He has a couple that go into the 20th century.


Jason Heppler

No one panic, but I found a Farmall H on auction that is shockingly cheap and now I’m wondering if I can arrange the logistics it would take to buy it and haul it…


Jason Heppler

I’m in the process of restoring one of my past digital history projects that I first released in 2012, and I’m pleased with Past Jason for building it as a good static site. Almost no repairs needed and the site still works great. (More updates soon).


Jason Heppler

Good evening.


Jason Heppler

Terrific week at the Digital Humanities 2024 conference hosted by us at RRCHNM. Great to catch up with old friendsiends, make new ones, and learn new things.


Jason Heppler

Writing a Python script that saves me hours of work is nice.


Jason Heppler

@ayjay Hey, happy anniversary!


Jason Heppler

@odd It did! Although I don't think the chickens were very impressed with the wind.


Jason Heppler

@patrickrhone Sorry to hear this, Patrick. We lost both of ours earlier this year, it's tough. Wishing you all comfort and fun memories.


Jason Heppler

@kfitz hear hear!


Jason Heppler

@sramsay I like my no-serious-emergencies software job.


Jason Heppler

@wcaleb Gosh, I haven't thought about Haskell in a long time.


Jason Heppler

@gregmoore Same here. It really is spectacular.


Jason Heppler

@ayjay Watch out for that screen peaker behind you!


Jason Heppler

@wcaleb You’re a wiser man than me, you found a tool that works and stuck to it instead of bouncing around to different ones 😆