Matt Langford Avatar
Matt Langford
Husband to Kalena & Dad to 2 great kids. Pastor at Landmark Church. Web Designer for over 20 years. Louisiana native.

Matt Langford

@warner I’ll try to send you some tips next week. Traveling through the weekend, but I can help once back.


Matt Langford

@willtmonroe Yes, it’s possible. I can try to do a write up for you next week.


Matt Langford

@jarrod Yeah, it is still very under construction. Thanks!


Matt Langford

@aeryn Thank you!


Matt Langford

@DaveyCraney Appreciate it! Thanks for testing.


Matt Langford

@camiel Send me a link when you do!


Matt Langford

@pratik Thanks! Constant tinkering is fun!


Matt Langford

@acfusco Yes, it will. Trying to get that into 1.1 next week.


Matt Langford

@pcora Excited to see what you come up with!


Matt Langford

@cjhubbs Thank you!


Matt Langford

@drose Thank you!


Matt Langford

Introducing Sumo Theme for

Matt Langford

@MitchW The official announcement release is tomorrow and will have a few immediate fixes, that blockquote issue included. Line breaks with buttons, some navigation tweaks, etc also included.

As for the date thing, you’d probably be best served borrowing from @pratik’s site to accomplish that. He’s using Tiny, but it would work with Sumo as well.


Matt Langford

@warner It looks like that response is in an unrelated thread. Not sure what the conversation is?


Matt Langford

@peterw It’s such a nice looking watch.


Matt Langford

@christopherchelpka I will, thanks.


Matt Langford

@acfusco Good plan. I might have to markup the theme from its $0 price to justify it though. Ha!


Matt Langford

@alexandra @nsmsn That’s a classic. And one that’s probably in the finals. The strap from 10 on watch 1 is also a contender.


Matt Langford

@larand I’m not that brave!


Matt Langford

@larand If I could find the SARB017, I would grab it. My one holdup on the new version is the cyclops. I can’t stand those.


Matt Langford

@cjhubbs I like that a lot. Here's a similar one from me.


Matt Langford

@cjhubbs Huge fan. I actually used to have that watch (Murph). I also used to have an active EDC instagram. Here it is on a green NATO and here on a brown leather. And the original black.


Matt Langford

I made this incredibly well designed graphic to help choose a new EDC/GADA watch. I’ve narrowed it down to 12. What do you think? (Criteria: 40-42mm, sapphire preferred, automatic preferred. Will wear casual and dress-casual. ★ = would change strap.)


Matt Langford

@manton Appreciate it!


Matt Langford

@adamprocter I haven't found anything. I've just gotten used to using the built-in Markup feature. Or Shottr on the Mac. Let me know if you do find something.


Matt Langford

@adamprocter We had this problem at my work a couple years ago. I don't remember the exact fix, but it was something to do with our ISP and a firewall blocking the downloads. They're not on device by default and must be downloaded. We were able to get it straightened out, but it was harder than it should've been.


Matt Langford

Episode 2: Kobos, Kindles, and Highlights

Matt Langford

Are there any network/router level options for search privacy? For example, is there a way to force google to its &udm=14 self? Or even redirect queries from one search engine to another (like Google → DuckDuckGo)? Possibly something better I’m not even considering? Update: I haven't been able to find a so...

Matt Langford

I’m aiming for this week to release Sumo Theme for It’ll support a lot of what Tiny Theme supports (same Microhooks, for example). But the real feature is easy & detailed “skinning”. You can see my site using the default color scheme. @lucas has been playing around with it too: 1, 2, 3.


Matt Langford

A little art museum kind of day.

A man wearing a tan cap and brown shirt is looking at a painting of a blue dog with yellow eyes in an art gallery.A four-panel artwork features a stylized close-up of a dog's face with blue and black fur, and striking yellow eyes.A framed painting depicts a sailing ship navigating through choppy waters under a turbulent, cloudy sky.


Matt Langford

I’m developing a new theme called Sumo (I also make Tiny Theme). If you’re the experimental type and would like to help beta test it on your site, let me know. You can see Sumo in action on my personal site. Testing will require you to install it via a github repo and manually update.


Matt Langford

I’ve used Drafts for years for mostly short form stuff, but today I wrote a full 2,500 word lecture using it. And it was…nice!


Matt Langford

I’ve decided to go another direction. Instead of bumping Tiny Theme to v3, I’m going to release an entirely new theme called Sumo next week.

There are still a few bugs and design tweaks to work out, but you can see it in its rough state on my blog.


Matt Langford

Tiny Theme 3 is coming this month.


Matt Langford

I finally have a highlights/quotes setup I like. They are auto-added to Readwise via Kobo & Hypothesis (Safari). Old highlights from Kindle & Goodreads were easily imported. For manual, I hit the + button in Readwise (only time I use the app). Everything is auto-organized & auto-pushed to Obsidian.


Matt Langford

On next week’s todo list: A NetNewsWire theme based on Tiny. Also, ICYMI, here is a Drafts Theme and a Marked 2 Theme.


Matt Langford

The view inside the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame. Skylight window illuminates undulating beige walls and ceiling, blending organic curves and sharp lines, with scattered square and round vents, creating a futuristic architectural interior under a blue sky.


Matt Langford

I need an app that helps store and organize quotes and highlights. I can’t stand Readwise’s approach (although the Kobo integration is solid). Quotify seems OK, but not available for Mac/browser. Any suggestions?


Matt Langford

Trip day carry. Flashlight, knife, coin on a wallet, and pen neatly arranged on a leather surface; tan bag with notebook partially visible. Coin text: “I AM THE MASTER OF MY FATE, I AM THE CAPTAIN OF MY SOUL.”


Matt Langford

If you use the Drafts app, here’s a new Tiny inspired theme you might like.


Matt Langford

If you use Marked 2 for previewing/printing Markdown, I created a basic theme that closely resembles Tiny Theme. It supports headers, paragraphs, lists, code blocks, inline code, bold, italics, links, blockquotes, images, and horizontal rules. Download it and add it in Marked 2 (Settings → Style).


Matt Langford

If you don’t already follow @Kalena (my wife) on, you should change that.

Matt and Kalena, dressed in casual outdoor attire stand on a rocky overlook with a scenic river and forest landscape in the background.

Matt Langford

What are you using for RSS? I’m currently using NetNewsWire (previously used Reeder).


Matt Langford

Anyone need a podcast guest to talk about…anything? I’ve done some internal stuff (business related), and I just started a solo podcast. Would love to add some experience to the job.


Matt Langford

I published a basic edc (everyday carry) page the other day. Based on feedback, I’ve significantly expanded it. I’ll do my best to keep it as up to date as possible. I’d also love your suggestions on products/improvements.


Matt Langford

I added a carry (EDC) page. What are some items you carry every day?


Matt Langford

Episode 1: Welcome to Micro Matt

Matt Langford

Is there a way to have Amazon not use their own delivery service? Or at a minimum, set preferences (no signature, for example)? Their delivery system is a joke here.


Matt Langford

We took the kids to a local indoor rock climbing place today. They’re going to be sore.

A person wearing a yellow top is climbing an indoor rock wall with various colored holds and routes.