sergio t. ruiz Avatar
sergio t. ruiz
Software developer, Productivity dork, Synthesizer dork, Music dork, Fountain pen and paper dork.

sergio t. ruiz

I have been thinking for a long time about how I can use OmniOutliner as an everyday note-taking tool.…



sergio t. ruiz

I really need to figure out how to get Hookmark at emacs org-roam to play together. I suppose I really need to figure out what that means.


sergio t. ruiz

Went to the second #planetarium on our “Ohio Plantetariums Tour” for father’s day yesterday. #COSI #Columbus. CHECK!


sergio t. ruiz

Elphaba likes listening to the radio, but doesn’t want me to work today.


sergio t. ruiz

@vazquez This is awesome! lots of good stuff on these blogs to start putting something together.



sergio t. ruiz


Holy Mac! that is so fun, and such good work! I need to dig into this!

Did you make your own template and populate that?


sergio t. ruiz

@manton OMG! i can't believe i missed it. and i can't believe it's free.. i was ready to give you my monies!


sergio t. ruiz

Using Micro.Blog for podcasting

sergio t. ruiz

Hold, up, @manton ..

Is this the book you were talking about writing awhile back?

Sorry if I am being dense, I have just been away from for a while.



sergio t. ruiz

If you are proud of your blog site, please send me your url. I have not done anything to mine, but i am interested in checking out my options.

My totally vanilla blog can be found at:



sergio t. ruiz

@manton I kick the idea around every five years or so. I think the biggest expense is the solar panels. The rest is pretty much off the shelf. I also daydream about writing a raspberry pi controller make the panels track the sun to get maximum efficiency.


sergio t. ruiz

@patrickrhone i have been doing the same thing lately. especially when i am just standing in line somewhere or sitting down. trying to correct the urge to pull out my phone. and only do so intentionally.


sergio t. ruiz

@patrickrhone i keep wanting to start designing some kinda solar farm, and checking into how much it would cost to implement.


sergio t. ruiz

Johnny 5


sergio t. ruiz

@Burk omg this sounds so fun. I quit doing pro photo a few years ago. Now i only shoot stuff i want to shoot. life is so much better. i moved everything down to one body and one lens. my first foray into mirrorless.


sergio t. ruiz

@vazquez I would love to make this a clearing house of information I need to spread.


sergio t. ruiz

@Mikehendley The idea that a human is capable of drawing something like this will never stop blowing my mind.


sergio t. ruiz

I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to the trial, but I would really like to see how the Hunter Biden trial would have worked out if he used signal, rather than whatever messaging protocol he used.


sergio t. ruiz

@jtr Thanks! I am gonna take a look into this soon.. I especially like the pixelfed option.


sergio t. ruiz

@pratik Thanks! I think i just need to find out where all this happens.


sergio t. ruiz

@vazquez thanks! I will start digging into this. I should be able to figure it out. I am a crusty old software developer. I should be able to figure this one out.


sergio t. ruiz


Thanks! I will definitely start looking at this and get back with you when I run into snags.


sergio t. ruiz

Okay, I am seeing lots of people who have made cool blogs with I need to figure out how to do this. I think I tried messing with it earlier, but I don’t think I had enough direction.

I still don’t have enough direction, but I wanna do it anyway.


sergio t. ruiz

I really need to get back into this service, but I don’t think i ever got much traction here. I need to figure out how to engage.


sergio t. ruiz

Say, @jtr .. I am curious as to how your are doing your social posting between and #mastodon. Are you using a tool to sometimes/always post to both services at once?


sergio t. ruiz

I keep daydreaming about throwing a party with a bunch of machines crunching out text adventures. Preferably TRS-80s.


sergio t. ruiz

Does anyone else remember waiting patiently for the mailman to bring the latest #Educalc catalog?


sergio t. ruiz

New track from The Shootouts. This is SOOOO good. It’s a Michael Stanley cover featuring Raul Malo. When I grow up, I wanna be Raul Malo. @shootoutsmusic @raulmalo01


sergio t. ruiz

I keep seeing mentions of The Beyonderers everywhere, but I haven’t had a chance to check them out. I heard them on The Summit, and now I gotta go see them! @TheSummitFM


sergio t. ruiz

I think Tajin Peach Rings are probably my favorite things to be obsessed with right now.


sergio t. ruiz

This week, I am using the rules for the solo game #VOID1680AM to generate my playlist. The show is up to episode 158, and I could use some help generating playlists, and this looks so fun! If you’re interested, tune in this week at 8PM EDT on Wadsworth Community Radio.



sergio t. ruiz

The Summit FM is playing Mike Farley as part of their 330 at 330 today! WooHoo!! @TheSummitFM


sergio t. ruiz

This morning, @KTYD is talking about cool band names. I haven’t thought about any of them, as I am old, but I have always wanted to be in a band named:

  • Kings of the third grade
  • The Gaze

sergio t. ruiz

So cool to hear Big Pop on WKSU’s “The Shuffle” this morning. I wish we could make it to Brite Winter 2023, but we’re already hitting another party that night. We’ll see you guys in a few months!…


sergio t. ruiz

so, was the candy “turkish delight” invented in the book, or mentioned in the book?


sergio t. ruiz

Robot vacuum cleans like your drunk buddy walking back to your car


sergio t. ruiz

Friday is always my favorite because I don’t have to program my music or find a good radio station.

DJ Ted spins records for us for “480 minutes”!

I can tune in, and leave it there for 8 hours.


sergio t. ruiz

Biggest lie every told to us by technology?

“Click here to unsubscribe…”


sergio t. ruiz

@kandr3s I really should build a list, but bagel radio is perfection, and I listen to a lot of BBC Radio 6


sergio t. ruiz

@kandr3s oooh! Putting that on my list.


sergio t. ruiz

@kandr3s okay, here we go. Rabbit hole alert. I’m gonna look at this.


sergio t. ruiz

@geofftaylor okay, i think i might have it wired. rather than using perspectives, I made two folders. Personal and Work. Then, I Focus on one of them, and the Forecast works correctly.


sergio t. ruiz

@geofftaylor I am gonna try this again.. My work and personal computer are the same computer, so it's just a matter of switching perspectives. I am gonna see if i can make a perspective to exclude a folder.


sergio t. ruiz

@Ron he has a really good video on the POTA exchange, too.


sergio t. ruiz

@Ron YES! I watch all of his videos. One of the coolest things about them is that he features so many cool rigs!


sergio t. ruiz

@Alligator i hear alot of good stuff about them. I need to look into that. I think my skills are to the point where I can keep working, but i'll probably join to support them.


sergio t. ruiz

@geofftaylor I tried that. I can’t remember why I moved away from it. But it’s probably time to try it again.


sergio t. ruiz

@davidm yeah. He’s such a good cat, though. I’d hate to think that there is someone out there worried about him and missing him.


sergio t. ruiz

@jean plus. We fed him.


sergio t. ruiz

@vincent oh! This all makes sense