Luis Vazquez Avatar
Luis Vazquez
Creative Director by day, aspiring science fiction writer (in training) by night. Lover of all things science fiction, video games and writing. Space opera, cyberpunk and time travel are all my jam.

Luis Vazquez

@lex I lowkey do that too.


Luis Vazquez

@KimberlyHirsh I miss the old Geek & Sundry. I’m a huge Felicia Day fan.


Luis Vazquez

@Archimage I’m from PA. What you speak of is accurate.


Luis Vazquez

@dave_caolo Followed you yesterday after your friend posted about it. I bounce around conversations and follow people that way as well. Discover tab works too!


Luis Vazquez

The summer of 2024, we are in between heatwaves. I didn’t even record the most recent heatwave. Another is slated for next week.

Considering a second job just to pay my electric bill.


Luis Vazquez

@devilgate I was first thinking hockey...


Luis Vazquez

@pratik Good luck, especially with balancing life and career. There never seems to be a clear formula, especially when source of income becomes a concern.


Luis Vazquez

@KimberlyHirsh A couple of years ago my end of year Spotify report listed Switchblade Symphony as my top listen. I had their live album on repeat for SO LONG that year.


Luis Vazquez

@jsonbecker Have you tried using the Force to fix it?


Luis Vazquez

@pratik I'm sorry to read this. Is there another local institution you could go?


Luis Vazquez

The hottest, haziest day of the year calls for the darkest goth playlists. We’re talking Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, Bauhaus, Love Like Blood, Two Witches, Switchblade Symphony and the darkness under a red-orange sun goes on. 💀🧛🏼‍♂️🕶🪦🏴🕸


Luis Vazquez

At a scifi #writing convention a few years ago, I attended a panel: “50 story ideas in 50 minutes.”

Five writers took turns coming up with story ideas. That’s all it was. Many of the ideas were not winners, but the point was to generate the ideas.

They did it in time. It was great to watch.


Luis Vazquez

@amerpie Excellent list. I will use some of these and make sure you get credit.


Luis Vazquez

@bobwertz Yeah, I was determined to be big on Google+, since I had missed the chance on FB and Twitter. 🤣


Luis Vazquez

My favorite Eddie Murphy films are Harlem Nights and The Golden Child.

Though now I’m realizing… The Golden Child is basically Axel Foley as the lead in an urban fantasy film.

WAIT… I just remembered Coming to America. Oh yeaaah.


Luis Vazquez

As a latchkey kid in the 80s, I saw a lot of Eddie Murphy. I stopped paying attention when he started doing the zany/family movies in the 90s and 2000s.

Then I caught Eddie Murphy in Dolemite is My Name, the 2019 biopic.

He should have gotten an Oscar for lead actor.


Luis Vazquez

I just watched the 1984 Beverly Hills Cop. As a lover of 80s movies (and being an Eddie Murphy fan) I’d never seen it.

I don’t see the big deal, unless his wisecracking and OP action skills were a newer thing on screens back then?


Luis Vazquez

I’m really having fun with Album Whale!

Album lists and music discussions, with personal stories all wrapped up in a nice website.

It’s like being in a record shop listening to unappreciated scholars argue about music.


Luis Vazquez

I Don’t Need Your Intro to Goth …five goth bands that made me fall in love with the genre in the early 90s

Check out my album list, I Don’t Need Your Intro to Goth, on Album Whale!…


Luis Vazquez

@amerpie I just played with this. I’m loving it! Also, really digging the folks at GOOD ENOUGH.


Luis Vazquez

@amerpie This is an awesome concept. I watch High Fidelity (the Cusak film) for all the record store scenes.


Luis Vazquez

In light of the latest big name author accused of bad behavior, I’m reminded that I dropped the idea of having artist “heroes” a long time ago.


Luis Vazquez

@bobwertz It was difficult to leave. I didn't have an audience or engagement or anything, but I loved the collective reactions to live events (sports, news, history-in-the-making) ...I miss the idea of Twitter for those reasons. I'm glad that I've moved on to MB, Mastodon and BlueSky. It's not the same, but it does the job.


Luis Vazquez

@lyonsinbeta OH my god. A personal ToS. That's such a great idea. Not joking.


Luis Vazquez

@amerpie Yeah, I completely missed the boat on Haldeman, but I've always heard good things.


Luis Vazquez

@bobwertz Really digging Powertrain and Power Grid.


Luis Vazquez

@jsonbecker I love a good KEXP performance.


Luis Vazquez

@amerpie I can second “The Man Who Folded Himself” but, I’m curious about the Accidental Time Machine. I’ve read a lot of classic SF, but have not tried Haldeman’s work. Plus, I’m very particular about my time travel fiction.


Luis Vazquez

@pgkr Like… 500 stars.


Luis Vazquez

@Gabz Some great stuff here, especially Vampire Hunter D and Ghost in the Shell! I saw that in the theater in 1995.


Luis Vazquez

Lost power for nearly five hours due to severe storms in the middle of the night.

I can handle not having power, but cell service was also down, which means I wasn’t connected.

I don’t like being involuntarily disconnected from the Internet. There’s a certain shame to this fact.


Luis Vazquez

@manton This is specifically why I’m here.


Luis Vazquez

@gregmoore I was wrong about Screencrush, they are on the up and up, but they are using click-baity video titles (ugh.) I checked out A More Civilized Age. I've added it to my podcast list. Can't wait for them to get to the end of Rebels.


Luis Vazquez

I don’t participate in toxic #StarWars or #StarTrek fandom.

I DO participate in constructive criticism of such franchises. In fact, I love these types of conversations.

To be clear: not liking a TV show/movie doesn’t mean you’re a toxic fan. However, reasonable adults know when the line is crossed.


Luis Vazquez

The majority of what #StarWars videos YouTube recommends are toxic “Star Wars is woke!” and “Star Wars SUCKS!” and its very refreshing to find videos discussing JUST the show, easter eggs, etc., which is why Iike channels like Screencrush.

I don’t participate in toxic fandom.


Luis Vazquez

I’m disappointed in seeing a video titled “Has THE ACOLYTE Killed Star Wars?” on the Screencrush YouTube channel. The thumbnail has “RUINING STAR WARS?” on it. I’ve always liked Screencrush. I’m not sure if its a toxic video or constructive criticism.

Do I give them the benefit and find out?


Luis Vazquez

I do the Freman knife salute thing every time I go to cut vegetables or meat.

I’ve cut myself twice.


Luis Vazquez

@pratik I can get with an "edited with AI" label depending on its use. I feel like in journalism (which is not my profession) there should be NO AI manipulation whatsoever. In marketing (my profession) I'm comfortable with the lines blurred. I've already used generative AI to do very fast touch-ups when I've been under deadline (huge time saver.) Should THAT get a label? I'd say no. If the image had a large portion using gen AI for the final, I don't know. I haven't come across that issue yet.


Luis Vazquez

@gregmoore Oh yeah, it’s A LOT to take in. So much to process.


Luis Vazquez

Heatwave, endgame: as far as heatwaves go, this was brutal and long. My remote schedule and combined FMLA kept me mostly inside.

I know others are not so fortunate, so I consider myself very lucky.


Luis Vazquez

Heatwave, Day 6: was only outside for 15 minutes and I felt like I was going to warp and melt like a vinyl record.

Not the best day for yard work.

Current temperature: 94 degrees

Real feel: 100 degrees


Luis Vazquez

Heatwave, Day 5: The temperature lives up to the hype. I haven’t been outside yet, but will be out in long sleeves and pants because DATE NIGHT.

I’m also seeing a music legend perform as part of his final tour.

Current Temperature: 95 degrees

Real Feel: 100 degrees


Luis Vazquez

Heatwave, Day 4: The Cruel Summer begins. I don’t really think that. I just like that song.

The hottest day of the year is predicted for tomorrow. Of course, that’s date night, the first since the arrival of the baby.

Current Temperature: 91 degrees

Real Feel: 98 degrees


Luis Vazquez

Heatwave, Day 3: bracing for the worst that’s yet to come. Lucky enough to remain indoors for the entire day.

I dread my electric bill next month.

Current Temperature: 91 degrees

Real Feel: 98 degrees


Luis Vazquez

Apparently Mark Ruffalo was in town shooting an HBO drama.

A handful of film productions have been filmed in my little metropolis over the years; most notably was the opening sequence in Transformers 2, filmed down the street from my mom’s house.


Luis Vazquez

Heatwave, Day 2: Out and about during the start of the peak high temperatures.

My work clothes consists of long pants and long sleeves, which have now become part of my skin.

Current temperature: 91 degrees Real Feel: 97 degrees


Luis Vazquez

Heatwave, Day 1: it’s technically not a heatwave yet, but the next seven days will see increased temperatures.

The longest heatwave in this area was 10 days, and it was over 80 years ago. We don’t expect to beat that.

Current temp: 89 degrees


Luis Vazquez

“May thy knife chip and shatter.”

-Me, before any culinary competition


Luis Vazquez

Early 80s synth pop is the perfect soundtrack for every Friday morning, especially hazy mornings.

I’m not going to post screenshots of my synth playlist because this isn’t Twitter.


Luis Vazquez

It’s interesting to see different reactions to the recent #AI news on my social media channels…

Pros: Yeah, let’s see where Apple goes with this.

Fans: WOOH!!! LFG!!

Cyberpunks: this is literally our worst nightmare.