Matt Langford Avatar
Matt Langford
Husband to Kalena & Dad to 2 great kids. Pastor at Landmark Church. Web Designer for over 20 years. Louisiana native.

Matt Langford

@pratik What is your current cross post strategy? Are you maintaining separate accounts everywhere? I currently just use the Mastodon account thing.


Matt Langford

@grubz @larand Thanks. I thought I’d seen a couple blogs where replies showed, but I might’ve gotten stuff mixed up.


Matt Langford

@pratik Same issues for me.


Matt Langford

@pratik It’s definitely an improvement with the open in thing. And yes, lots of room for more. If they continue to develop, I can see them both being useful.


Matt Langford

@DaveyCraney This definitely eases the pain point. It’s not perfect but at least better.


Matt Langford

For those of you that cross post to different services (Mastodon, Bluesky, Threads, etc)…do replies on those services appear on your site?


Matt Langford

My initial thoughts on these new aggregator apps like Reeder and Tapestry are:

  1. It’s nice to have so many sources in one place.
  2. But all of them have limits, meaning you’ll need other* apps anyway.

*If you ever plan on replying, creating new posts, or using native features other than merely reading.


Matt Langford

Reeder (new) vs Tapestry (beta). Hmm.


Matt Langford

@pratik If you send me a sketch (can be really rough) of what you’re thinking, I’ll let you know what I would’ve quoted when I did freelance as a reference for you.


Matt Langford

@gregmoore Hmm makes sense. What other things have you made?


Matt Langford

@gregmoore That’s really cool. I wish there was a brick and mortar place I could go around here. Maybe there’s something I don’t know about.


Matt Langford

@gregmoore I don’t even know where to begin with that. Qualities and thickness and threads and stitching and all that. Got any photos of what you’ve done?


Matt Langford

@gregmoore @otaviocc I have the sheath in the photo. I’ve also ordered a custom sheath with card slots and the Bellroy one to try. I’ve ordered and returned the Field Notes branded (not Bellroy one). And I’m considering one of these. Gotta find the perfect one!


Matt Langford

@alexandra I have the M-301 (pencil) with me at my desk right now. I used the F-301 all through college. Another good option in my opinion is the F-701. I carried it for a while because it is a little more robust (without being bigger). It's the best budget all metal pen I've ever used for sure.


Matt Langford

@otaviocc I have that cover bookmarked and I keep going back to look at it. Same for the Tactile Turn pen. I have questions! How's it holding up? Is it beg enough to keep the pen inside when closed? Fit in a back jeans pocket? Any other stuff I should know?


Matt Langford

@alexandra Working on a pen upgrade. The Signo DX has the best refill in my opinion. I have some machined pens en route that will work with it.


Matt Langford

I’ve been carrying a Field Notes with me every where I go. I’ve really enjoyed returning to an analog style of Notes/To-Do Lists. I also got a Stuff Sheath that fits in my back pocket (it came with a limited edition Field Notes). My favorite notebook from them is the Pitch Black Dot Grid version.

A collection of items on a wooden surface includes an orange stuff sheath, an orange Field Notes booklet, a coin, a pen, a yellow knife, and a Hop on Pop handkerchief.

Matt Langford

Anyone have any machined pens (Tactile Turn, Saga, Machine Era, etc) that you no longer use and would like to sell/trade?


Matt Langford

My wife and I are entering the AirBnb market. If anyone else owns/operates one (or similar), do you have any tips?

A house with a sloped roof sits beside a tranquil pond surrounded by lush trees and greenery.

Matt Langford

@skoobz @ronnie There is no comparison I can find other than this blurb. And it’s misleading. The mini version DOES include map layers, sources, and notifications. It just has a few minor limits to them.

The only way to get it that I’ve found is to have an existing subscription (the free trial will work), then go to subscriptions management in iOS settings (not in the Carrot app). From there you can manage the subscription and change to the Mini plan.

Carrot weather details


Matt Langford

Carrot Weather’s unadvertised Premium Mini plan hits the sweet spot for me ($1/mo or $7/yr).


Matt Langford

@yostos No problem. Appreciate you pointing it out.


Matt Langford

@yostos Thank you. Pushed out a fix this morning.


Matt Langford

I just pushed out updates for both Tiny Theme and Sumo Theme with some bug fixes. Nothing major, but a couple of things that needed to be worked out.


Matt Langford

@canneddragons That’s a huge compliment. Thank you!


Matt Langford

I’m selling a few things soon. Putting on here before I list elsewhere in case anyone is interested:

  • AppleWatch Ultra
  • FourSevens Mini Turbo MKIII (Midnight Blue)
  • Multiple A19 Philips Hue bulbs
  • Keychron K2 (Brown switches)
  • Code V2B (Cherry MX blue)

Matt Langford

@mcg I tried a few more times and it finally went through. Thanks.


Matt Langford

Any Tapestry Beta testers have luck connecting yet?


Matt Langford

@markstoneman Good find, and I just responded on the help board. I'm seeing it across just about every site, regardless of theme. I think this one will require @manton.


Matt Langford

@manton Switch to Lex's Games instead.


Matt Langford

@rickardlindberg Welcome to M.b! And killer theme! ;-)


Matt Langford

I just pushed out a small update to Sumo theme to fix a bug with navigation buttons on category pages. I’ll be working on a few other things over the coming days. If you have a specific request, let me know.


Matt Langford

@crossingthethreshold @alexandra @mandaris @pratik Thank you all for the kind words. It was primarily some medical stuff with 2 of my immediate family. But in the end, it looks like both will make full recoveries.


Matt Langford

@otaviocc I like it!


Matt Langford

We had a bunch of life happen to us during the last couple weeks, so I fell a little behind on Tiny/Sumo updates. They’re a little delayed, but will still be pushed out within a few days.


Matt Langford

@maique I took the plunge on the developer beta on my main device (yes, I know). I'm now running the 18.1 beta 2 with AI and I have virtually no issues. Perhaps a little bit lower battery life? For a while "recent" emojis weren't populated, but that's fixed. I use it all day every day and have been happy with it.


Matt Langford

@yostos @manton Hmm. The alt text is not included when I click Copy HTML. I’m using the web version.


Matt Langford

A Spontaneous Family Road Trip

Matt Langford

I can’t find my hotel room.

A door with a sign displaying the number "404" is shown against a blue wall, with light reflecting off its surface.

Matt Langford

No matter what I do, I cannot update from iOS 18 Beta 4 → Beta 5. It simply won’t show. No errors, no messages. Just not available.


Matt Langford

Introducing Sumo Theme for

Matt Langford

I made this incredibly well designed graphic to help choose a new EDC/GADA watch. I’ve narrowed it down to 12. What do you think? (Criteria: 40-42mm, sapphire preferred, automatic preferred. Will wear casual and dress-casual. ★ = would change strap.)


Matt Langford

Episode 2: Kobos, Kindles, and Highlights

Matt Langford

Are there any network/router level options for search privacy? For example, is there a way to force google to its &udm=14 self? Or even redirect queries from one search engine to another (like Google → DuckDuckGo)? Possibly something better I’m not even considering? Update: I haven't been able to find a so...

Matt Langford

I’m aiming for this week to release Sumo Theme for It’ll support a lot of what Tiny Theme supports (same Microhooks, for example). But the real feature is easy & detailed “skinning”. You can see my site using the default color scheme. @lucas has been playing around with it too: 1, 2, 3.


Matt Langford

A little art museum kind of day.

A man wearing a tan cap and brown shirt is looking at a painting of a blue dog with yellow eyes in an art gallery.A four-panel artwork features a stylized close-up of a dog's face with blue and black fur, and striking yellow eyes.A framed painting depicts a sailing ship navigating through choppy waters under a turbulent, cloudy sky.


Matt Langford

I’m developing a new theme called Sumo (I also make Tiny Theme). If you’re the experimental type and would like to help beta test it on your site, let me know. You can see Sumo in action on my personal site. Testing will require you to install it via a github repo and manually update.


Matt Langford

I’ve used Drafts for years for mostly short form stuff, but today I wrote a full 2,500 word lecture using it. And it was…nice!


Matt Langford

I’ve decided to go another direction. Instead of bumping Tiny Theme to v3, I’m going to release an entirely new theme called Sumo next week.

There are still a few bugs and design tweaks to work out, but you can see it in its rough state on my blog.


Matt Langford

Tiny Theme 3 is coming this month.