Larry Anderson Avatar
Larry Anderson
Trained in history. Terrified by the present.
“A glorious bearded fossil.” —Randolph West

Larry Anderson

@tewha Already on it. Not like I’m gonna vote for the orange shitgibbon, anyway.


Larry Anderson

@tewha I wish California bordered Canada, because your whole family is absolutely welcome here.,


Larry Anderson

@brandonscript Unfortunately, nobody has the balls. Including that guy now.


Larry Anderson

@tewha That’s insane.


Larry Anderson

Folks, I think we have a new winner here.…


Larry Anderson

I have a song stuck in my head, and it’s in Japanese.

上を向いて 歩こう 涙が こぼれないように 思い出す春の日 一人ぼっちの夜

Ue o muite arukou - Sakamoto Kyu


Larry Anderson

@CStamp As a man who hasn’t even owned a suit in maybe 20 years, that’s a big no. I pay more attention to how a man speaks and acts.


Larry Anderson

@jcrabapple That’s…impressive.


Larry Anderson

@mtt What @grubz said, although I don’t think I’ve seen Threads replies come through yet. Threads isn’t completely Fediverse-compliant just yet.


Larry Anderson

@sirshannon Indeed. I have everything I’ve purchased in the last five years or so on my Kobo (and also backed up, of course). Much more space-efficient. 😉


Larry Anderson

@allenstenhaus I feel this.


Larry Anderson

@sirshannon I only buy ebooks now. Among other things, we’re out of shelf space and room to add more. My wife has every book she ever acquired, including those obtained while she was getting her Ph.D. We could probably open our own library.


Larry Anderson

@peemee My dad would be 97 later this month had he lived. He only made it to 47.


Larry Anderson

@tewha I see you’ve figured out a way to make sure he doesn’t ask again. 😂


Larry Anderson

@ai6yr 80°F in Ventura right now. 😁


Larry Anderson

@Ronnie I missed my true calling.


Larry Anderson

As someone who grew up in Southern California and lived through the Sylmar and Northridge earthquakes, I think I figured that out already.

Geologists say California is at risk of dangerous land movement - Video link


Larry Anderson

@ai6yr I honestly don’t understand why e-bikes aren’t treated as motorcycles - or why any parent would buy one for their kid.


Larry Anderson

@mivox 100% this.


Larry Anderson

RIP James Darren, whom I will always remember as Vic Fontaine, the Alpha Quadrant’s coolest hologram. 🖖…


Larry Anderson

@grubz I've grown to appreciate the lack of traditional social media things such as likes and follower lists on as well. I thought it would bother me, but it's not a bug, it's a feature. Anyway, I'll keep seeing you around here. :-)


Larry Anderson

@ai6yr Wow. When I was a kid, about a hundred years ago, that was one of my family's favorite places to go for a picnic. Sorry to see it's changed so much.


Larry Anderson

“They can send all the warnings they want,” another resident, Tom Keefer, told the New York Times. “We’re not leaving.”

If I were living in an area where the ground is moving 10 inches per week, and the water, power and gas had already been cut off, and I was being advised to evacuate, I’d get the hell out.…


Larry Anderson

Join Hildur Knútsdóttir & Mary Robinette Kowal for a virtual launch party of the English Translation of The Night Guest by Hildur Knútsdóttir & translated by Mary Robinette Kowal.

TIL that not only is Mary Robinette Kowal a fabulous author in her own right, but is also fluent enough in Icelandic to translate someone else’s novel. Damn. That’s impressive.…


Larry Anderson
@larand Was relatively simple to put together, but quite a few screws that were not accompanied by pre-drilled holes. Of course, the battery in my cordless drill decided to pack it in just when it would have been useful.


Larry Anderson
@larand Still considering that. 😉


Larry Anderson

@Ronnie You should write a song about that.


Larry Anderson

@bennomatic The ‘64 was basically a Falcon with better styling. It took a couple of years and Carroll Shelby to turn it into a legend.

My own Mustang story involves an overnight drive across eastern Arizona on I-40 in a friend’s new ‘90 GT 5.0 at 100 mph. 😈


Larry Anderson

I have successfully assembled a large plastic outdoor storage container using hand tools. I am a home improvement god.

A large gray outdoor storage box with an open lid is placed next to a wooden bench on a patio.

Larry Anderson

@bennomatic Yeah…but I’m kind of OK with it. The Mustang has evolved over the decades into something very different from the secretary’s car the 1964 model was. It will continue to evolve, and given industry trends, if the name is to survive it probably needs to diversify. Just my opinion.


Larry Anderson

@konrad I can only assume that the descending darkness has something to do with the AfD’s election victory. 😉


Larry Anderson

@briandigital Reciprocated 😊


Larry Anderson

If you’ve followed me but haven’t interacted, say hi. I’m on, not Mastodon, and don’t get new follower notifications. Can’t follow back if I don’t know you exist.


Larry Anderson

🎶 Blood on the tracks, blood in the mine
Brothers and sisters, what a terrible time
Old 97 went in the wrong hole,
Now in Mine No. 60 there’s blood on the coal 🎶

Guest, Shearer and McKean really are amazing.

Blood On The Coal – The Folksmen


Larry Anderson

Who would you cast?

If they make a movie out of this, I’m thinking Martin Short, Steve Martin, and maybe Jack Black.


Larry Anderson

If they make a movie out of this, I’m thinking Martin Short, Steve Martin, and maybe Jack Black.


Larry Anderson

You’re way too excited about an ampersand, Habit.

Excerpt from promotional email: “Guess what? We've added an & to our name.     We're now Habit Burger & Grill! “

Larry Anderson

TFW you’ve followed someone who is Internet famous for years because you like their work, and gradually come to realize that they’re kind of a self-destructive asshole who doesn’t appreciate what they’ve been given. Disappointing.

(No, I won’t say who it is. I won’t contribute to a pile-on).


Larry Anderson

I see no reason why GM needs any additional brands beyond Chevrolet and Cadillac, and I’m not entirely convinced about Cadillac.

GM folding its all-electric BrightDrop vans into Chevrolet brand


Larry Anderson

Testing Threads integration after re-enabling it for


Larry Anderson

Today is my Friday, just before a 4-day weekend, and my motivation to do just about anything seems to be missing.


Larry Anderson

Based on how balky and recalcitrant it’s being, it seems that Excel doesn’t want me to get any work done today, and to be honest I’m not inclined to argue with it right now.


Larry Anderson

Props to Bluesky for rolling out some welcome new features relating to trust and safety. As the post-Twitter social media landscape continues to emerge, it’s good to see efforts like this. I also am increasingly convinced that they should go hand in hand with increased federation and openness.


Larry Anderson

From my Mastodon mod account:

People of If you report an account, please cite an offending post. Your mods are not inclined to go play detective.…


Larry Anderson

It’s amazing how much more work you can get done when your boss is on vacation.


Larry Anderson

Came home from vacation last week to a jury duty summons for mid-September, so I had to order some appropriate clothing since I’ve lost a bunch of weight and don’t have anything that fits me now other than shorts and T-shirts. Took a chance, and…

People, I now fit into slim-fit jeans. 🤯


Larry Anderson

Finally figured out I need to use a code block to type ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or will mess it up.


Larry Anderson

I’m calling it: the beta crossposting from to Threads is broken. Hasn’t worked for me in days. Hashtag betalife.



Larry Anderson

Had a Loco Moco for lunch. Don’t tell my doctor.


Larry Anderson

No, I’m not paying to read your blog post.