Matthew Gregg Avatar
Matthew Gregg
Dad, Hacker, Ops, writer of boring posts, animal lover and occasional photographer. I live in the south, but try not to act like it. Coffee in, typos out.

Matthew Gregg

@manton Well said.


Matthew Gregg

@manton Ignoring the environmental impacts of training and running LLM's....

Here is a solution, pay people/orgs for the content LLM's are taking to train on. LLM's training on public content or "google zero" are both extractive and do not give back to the sites they are extracting from. A search index allows the indexer to "profit" and drive traffic back to the publisher, so they also "profit". An extractive process like this cannot sustain itself. It will end up enriching a few big players and then what? Also "near future AGI", AGI isn't near, LLM's are not AGI and not even in the same ballpark.


Matthew Gregg

@bobwertz Great post. I grew up in Greenwood SC and have many fond memories of hanging out at the Cross Creek mall there. My first real job was working in the Aladdin’s Castle arcade.


Matthew Gregg

Maybe the blind trust of OpenAI/Sam could be misplaced.

Leaked OpenAI Documents Show Sam Altman Was Clearly Aware of Silencing Former Employees

Matthew Gregg

@matti @manton As one who did originally engage and didn’t, until now, with that “news”, I didn’t mostly ouf of exasperation. I didn’t see a point in continuing, Sides have been chosen.


Matthew Gregg

@manton Assuming the story isn’t just PR from OpenAI, which is what it appears to be, they are claiming it was done out of incompetence, not malice. This does not help their case.


Matthew Gregg

@manton Have you listened to the voice? To me what matters is if the artist that was asked to do the voice, said no, thinks the voice sounds like them. Enough so, to lawyer up.

What part of the story isn't being told quite right?


Matthew Gregg

@manton But it does sound like her, and they asked her to do the voice. Even if they didn't already have a history of disregard to artists with training data.


Matthew Gregg

@pratik FWIW I don't think the folks that want to leave are doing it just due to AI bad takes, but others in the past as well.


Matthew Gregg

@manton We know how OpenAI got it's training data. We know they disbanded internal safety groups. In the case of the Sky voice, we will never know the truth from OpenAI's end, only some rather damning evidence of what was done in public and with Scarlett Johansson. The deference you're showing towards OpenAI is worrying.


Matthew Gregg

@manton Can you point out the places where OpenAI has done something to make you trust them so much?


Matthew Gregg

@petebrown Very much agree.


Matthew Gregg

@pratik You’ve been using it as I meant. Thought you might be running single apps per space.


Matthew Gregg

@numericcitizen Apple keeps throwing more power at a device that can’t utilize it. I think that is why folks keep hammering it’s limits. And it does have some ridiculous OS limits for such a powerful device.


Matthew Gregg

@pratik I’ve you’ve been using SM with only one app/window per stage, you’ve been missing out.


Matthew Gregg

@pratik Couldn’t you drag Finder into the stage with the app then drag drop?


Matthew Gregg

@jsonbecker Dabbled with Erlang in a past life. Wouldn’t say no to a change to Elixir.


Matthew Gregg

@manton I work in the Ruby/Rails world and used to admire 37Signals, Jason and David. Over the last few years they have done things that have turned that admiration into distain. Frustrating.


Matthew Gregg

📺 Trying to watch Tencent’s “3Body” and the pacing is glacial.


Matthew Gregg

@ronkjeffries The Deco’s are XE5300. I don’t think you can have separate SSID’s for 2.5 and 5. You can for 6, but I use that as a dedicated backhaul network. The Firewalla is a Purple.


Matthew Gregg

@mmetcalfe Looks like I'm wrong. I thought you could add multiple fediverse destinations. The most you can do is have posts show up on your M.B fediverse account and one other cross-posted account.


Matthew Gregg

☕️ When will I learn that an Americano is not good coffee. #coffee


Matthew Gregg

@mmetcalfe Isn’t your first point possible? I believe you can setup multiple mastodon accounts to sent to.


Matthew Gregg

Have been using History Book for a while now and it’s such a great tool.…


Matthew Gregg

Excised Eero devices from my network a while back. Replaced them with a Firewalla and Deco mesh. Highly recommend.


Matthew Gregg

One of my favorite things is going to bed late, wife is asleep, phone has long been on sleep focus, I put my phone on the MagSafe charger….. BAAACHING!!!!

Come on Apple, make that sound respect Focus modes.


Matthew Gregg

@canion Loved the show. Any wait for more.


Matthew Gregg

@odd Must have been put there when the tree was small, then grew around it. Too high in the tree for anyone to stick it on easily, recently.


Matthew Gregg

An Eastern Shovel tree. A tree truck with a red plastic toy shovel stocked oddly out of it. It appears to be growing out of the truck. Green trees can be seen in the background.

I do wonder how this happened.


Matthew Gregg

Realized that the most janky website I visit is YouTube. To penalize Firefox or combat ad blocking, I guess Google thinks it’s ok to slow the site down or simply break it.


Matthew Gregg

@manton Thanks for clarifying "replying". Haven't seen an issue with the feed download, it was a surprise to see happen.


Matthew Gregg

@maique Musk's handling and promotion of Tesla's FSD as working well is bad enough, but pushing it to everyone like this is scary.


Matthew Gregg

Every now and then my Discovery radio will slip into,… mode.


Matthew Gregg

Starting a new little Python project. Step one, what’s the preferred packaging and virtual environment setup this week? Almost went with Ruby, just for this being long solved problem.


Matthew Gregg

Found a tiny turtle friend. Baby Yellow-bellied turtle sitting on an opened hand. Vibrant green grass in the background.


Matthew Gregg

Ended up watching the entire season of “Three Body Problem” yesterday. So good. 📺


Matthew Gregg

Youngest had an outdoor piano recital today. Seems like a good #ADayInTheLife choice.


Matthew Gregg

Just realized a weird pre-internet thing with me. I have had car insurance well before the internet was a thing, with the same agent from my hometown. This meant a phone call to do any insurance business. As much as I loath making a phone call, I find that I will call that agent before using the company’s ...

Matthew Gregg

We were in a car accident April 30th. No injuries, but our car has been in the shop since then. 3+ months! I really don’t want to get another vehicle, but don’t think I can ever trust this car again.


Matthew Gregg

Totally thought Hijack on ATV+ was a movie. It’s a series 🤦🏽‍♂️


Matthew Gregg

Glad Silo in ATV+ was renewed for a second season. Great show, love the intensity.


Matthew Gregg

These gulls know what’s up.

Three sea gulls sitting on top of a yellow sign. The words, “Voted World’s Best” are written on the sign in red lettering.

Matthew Gregg

On vacation this week and giving the 3.0 client a spin. It’s come a long way and I think it’ll be my full time client now.

Distant image of four people standing in the surf of a beach. The water is blue and green with visible white foam. In the distance a fishing boat can be seen.

Matthew Gregg

My governor…..

I look forward to the day democrats are so rare we have to hunt them with dogs

– Henry McMaster


Matthew Gregg

Flowertown festival this weekend and traffic is extra terrible.


Matthew Gregg

Enjoying the new Hipstamatic more than I should. Lack of ads and the temporary nature of posts makes it a fun distraction, but I’ll probably grow tired of all the over processed photos.


Matthew Gregg

Tiny blooms on our Pawpaw tree.


Matthew Gregg

🎬 I realize I am kinda late to this, but finished watching “The Batman” last night and it’s a great movie hiding in a way too long ok movie. I’d love to see about an hour edited out of it.


Matthew Gregg

I guess @manton can remove Twitter crossposting now.