Jesse Kelber Avatar
Jesse Kelber
Seattleite | Writer | Wanderer of forest paths

Jesse Kelber

Rufus says, β€œNo, thanks. Try again tomorrow.”


Jesse Kelber

@Miraz You're not alone there, and like Cheri I was born and raised here. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


Jesse Kelber

Rough day in Dingusland. Made friends with the two tradesfolk who came by in the morning, ran a couple of errands with me (guarded the car), spent some time NOT chasing the ball out back, and β€˜helped’ me with revisions (supervising from the couch, naturally).


Jesse Kelber

20 minutes. He spent 20 minutes like this, being yelled at by a juvenile squirrel. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


Jesse Kelber

Chuck Wendig with the best summary of the recent…kerfuffle around GenAI (spurred by the NaNoWriMo announcement that’s sent everyone into a tizzy). For the record, I agree with Chuck.


Jesse Kelber

Now he’s β€œhelping” me revise…


Jesse Kelber

Rufus has no idea what you’re talking about, he totally fits in my lap.


Jesse Kelber

I’m at the point in revisions (on my first novel) where, frankly, I’ll settle for β€˜more or less coherent.’


Jesse Kelber

@jack Nice, that's quite a mix! Yeah, that stripe is pretty similar, interesting.


Jesse Kelber


Wow, yeah, really familiar! is your buddy also a Cattle Dog mix?


Jesse Kelber

Ladies and gentlemen - Sir Dingus.


Jesse Kelber


Sure. Because. Why not.


Jesse Kelber

Well…I was meditating.


Jesse Kelber




Jesse Kelber


Tech? RSS and a text editor. Non-tech? Trees, walking in the woods, and mountains.

(That said, I would love a new Bialetti...πŸ˜‰)


Jesse Kelber


Gotcha, and Yeah, I agree 100%.

I keep trying other options for that exact reason, yet here I am returning to anyway. I am a *former IT professional turned writer and have spent the last 7+ years intentionally trying to lose whatever tech BS was still floating around my brain...sigh.


Jesse Kelber

@rscottjones Gotcha. Have you looked at any of the photo plug-ins? There's one called Justified Swipebox that creates galleries. From the web app, click on 'plug-ins' on the left then sort by Photos and take a lookβ€”maybe something there will work for you?


Jesse Kelber


You can draft your post in an external editor, I use ulysses but there are others, then use their export function to send it to with all the formatting, pictures, etc...


Jesse Kelber

β€œOy! Quit licking the cabinets.”

Is a thing I just said.


Jesse Kelber


β€‹πŸ˜‚ πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ β€” Again. And yes, nerdy is the perfect way to say it! Word Nerd Grammar Geek Punctuation Wonk I know there are more, but I've had a long ass day and lack the brainpower to come up with them. πŸ˜©β€‹ ​


Jesse Kelber

@estebantxo β€‹πŸ˜‚ πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ I forget about our international reach here on!​ It's a play on words, if you read it out, pronouncing the (English) name of the punctuation mark, you get Kamala. As in Harris. It's a clever hat I saw a supporter wearing recently.​


Jesse Kelber

I can't be the only wordy thinking this, but as far as branding goes ",la" is fucking brilliant.


Jesse Kelber

Sir Dingus seems to have been tuckered out by this morning's neighborhood wander. On the other hand, we spotted a backyard pirate ship!

#dogsofmastodon #acd #australiancattledog #walking #exploreyourneighborhood


Jesse Kelber

Chuck Wendig, telling it like it is. (two quotes about AI and it's impact on writers)

Original article here:

(Artbarf robot πŸ˜‚ )

#writing #amwriting #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon


Jesse Kelber

This week's edition of I Like How You Think is live, this week, join me for a wander through an odd liminal space...a medical imaging office.

#amwriting #writingcommunity


Jesse Kelber

A few recent moments from the life of Rufus.

#dogsofmastodon #acd #australiancattledog #itsadogslife


Jesse Kelber

Guilt trip? Why, yes. Yes indeed.
How dare I try to get some work done with my laptop on my lap when that spot is clearly marked as belonging to him?

#dogsofmastodon #acd #australiancattledog


Jesse Kelber

Hey #writersofmastodon Γ’ a newsletter I read (Mike Sowden's Everything is Amazing) is using this cool platform called Threadable ( to do a sort of asynchronous book group. I just got off a call with one of the co-founders and one of the audiences they'd love to target...

Jesse Kelber

#writerscoffeeclub July 31Γ’Many writers have a wealth of ideas. What will you write after your WIP? I've already started collecting research for the next installment (I view my WIP as the first in a series with this protagonist). I've also got a lengthy list of ideas for short stories I'd love to get m...

Jesse Kelber

And just like that, it’s Wednesday again which means this week’s edition of I Like How You Think is live!

This week I try to see the bright side of being laid off and look at how the ability to flip your perspective can open up whole realms of possibilities.


Jesse Kelber

And just like that, it's Wednesday again which means this week's edition of I Like How You Think is live! This week I try to see the bright side of being laid off and look at how the ability to flip your perspective can open up whole realms of possibilities:

Jesse Kelber


Good on ya! πŸŽ‰

Have you ever read the book It Starts With Food? Quite literally changed my life as I ended up losing 80+ lbs after reading it and doing the version of an elimination diet they talk about.


Jesse Kelber

Crosspost time!

This week’s edition of I Like How You Think is up and ready for your eyes and minds.


Jesse Kelber

Whoops, this week's edition of I Like How You Think came out right on time yesterday morning...I just forgot to post that fact here. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

#amwriting #writing #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon #personalphilosophy


Jesse Kelber

This week's edition of I Like How You Think is out, it's more or less a follow-up on a piece from last month about jumping careers:

#amwriting #writing #writingcommunity #personalramblings


Jesse Kelber

@odd Right?! I'm saying that a lot today...honestly, all it would have taken is one read-through. That's it. There were other examples, but they might have given away the hiring company and I'm not out to shame anyone. Yet.


Jesse Kelber

@Miraz Right?! I am a terrible person.


Jesse Kelber

@pratik Thank you kindly!


Jesse Kelber

@alexink Truly glad to hear she's OK and recovering well!


Jesse Kelber

@pratik Hmm...It's loading instantly for me now...


Jesse Kelber

@boris Oof! I forget how much brutalist stuff you have up in Vancouver, and this one's a gem. It reminds me of my years at UW, there's a whole generation of buildings there this would fit right in with. Great shot, by the way!


Jesse Kelber

@hollie Well, now that's just rude. 😎


Jesse Kelber

@skoobz Exactly. The longest I can remember waiting for a bridge...maybe 8-10 minutes and that was mostly because of the crappy light timing once it went down! To get from Fremont to the nearest alternative means to go all the way to the Ballard Bridge, which Google says is just over 2 miles and 7 minutes away. Double that to come back on other side of the cut... Sigh πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


Jesse Kelber

@pratik that's Sir Dingus, thank you very much.


Jesse Kelber

@Miraz πŸ˜‚ He certainly think so.


Jesse Kelber

@CarolineAnn Nice πŸ˜‚ What would the equivalent be the other way 'round? Telling the dog not to run with scissors?


Jesse Kelber

@CarolineAnn This is true, at least from what my parent friends have told me. Dogs to strike me as perpetual toddlers. At least when they're not in the teenage velociraptor phase, as Rufus (aka Sir Dingus) currently is.


Jesse Kelber

@bryan Wow, that's...terrifying. I don't know what sort of role you're in, but might you be able to set up protected time of some kind? At my last place, I had chunks of "deep dive" time blocked out on my calendar and Slack, so when I went MIA it was clearly planned (and I had my manager's blessing, of course). I also had an internal auto-responder on email that made it clear I checked and responded 2x/day. Reading through this, I realize how lucky I was at that