Halsted M. Bernard Avatar
Halsted M. Bernard
Fiction, foibles, and fountain pens from a black swan with digital wings. Posts about writing, books, public libraries, community, games, analog delight, and food.

Halsted M. Bernard

One day I will see this mop bucket and not immediately start singing Ready for the World’s 1985 synth-funk hit. Today is not that day.

black mop bucket with a red handle and O-Cedar in white lettering

Halsted M. Bernard

Our first time growing heirloom tomatoes, and the Japanese Black Trifele is a winner. 🍅 Sweet and smoky taste with a silky texture.

Eight heirloom tomatoes atop a black tea towel. The pear-shaped tomatoes have striped green shoulders and red bodies.

Halsted M. Bernard

2024 Week 35 Notes: Gotta Restart Somewhere cygnoir.net

Halsted M. Bernard

@alexink I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but I find the cold water defrosting method very handy!


Halsted M. Bernard

Social media timelines stress me out. One of the best things about Micro.blog is the ability to subscribe to an RSS feed of posts from the people I follow. I don’t have to stay anxious to stay informed.


Halsted M. Bernard

@Lutheran This is beautiful, and reminds me how much I value that direct and small connection with my own parents, who live far away.


Halsted M. Bernard

@bapsi I don't know anything at all about film photography, but I love the vibe in these shots. The light especially, but the colors too!


Halsted M. Bernard

@Annie Word. I'm feeling this acutely today.


Halsted M. Bernard

@fabio Both are fine, not really giving me much joy these days, but I’m sure I’m just in a slump.


Halsted M. Bernard

Moody grapes. 🍇 I’ve been in quite a mood lately, or set of moods, none of them particularly good. Struggling to meet expectations and responsibilities while not sinking into self-pity.

heavily filtered photo of a bunch of red grapes hanging on a vine on a wooden trellis - the filter is dark, intensifying the reds and greens

Halsted M. Bernard

@manton This is a defining feature of Micro.blog, for me, and I'm so happy that you stand by this decision.


Halsted M. Bernard

@Burk So it wasn’t just me. That icon freaked me out!


Halsted M. Bernard

During my workday, I try to take short breaks outside away from everyone so I can take my mask off for a minute. I spotted this broken mirror on one of my breaks.

top-down view of an oval mirror, cracked in many places, on the ground outside surrounded by dead leaves and dirt, with the slats of a wooden deck along the lower edge of the frame

Halsted M. Bernard

@pratik I’m so glad you posted about it. It means we can connect on more than just the wins, which is crucial to building real community with each other.


Halsted M. Bernard

@pratik That sucks. But having read about how they treated you prior to this, I’m glad you’ll be shot of that workplace. Onward! 🚀


Halsted M. Bernard

@bapsi That looks amazing 🤤


Halsted M. Bernard

@bapsi Thank you!


Halsted M. Bernard

@UndamnedOne Thanks!


Halsted M. Bernard

@manton That’d be great. Thanks!


Halsted M. Bernard

@Lutheran Very true! For me, “read it later” tends to be “read it never” 🤭 But in this case, I wanted to share something I bookmarked on my website.


Halsted M. Bernard

@fabio Hey, stranger! Good to see you here again. How’s it going?


Halsted M. Bernard

@pratik Congratulations!


Halsted M. Bernard

@help How do I edit the metadata of a link I've bookmarked? I bookmarked a particular page in a Notion site and the title is saved as "Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases."


Halsted M. Bernard

Finished watching: 📺 The Umbrella Academy (2019) - ★★★☆☆

All in all, a mixed bag with extremely fun moments. I understand why time travel had to be a part of this story, but I can’t shut off the parts of my brain that try to figure it out.

The Umbrella Academy poster


Halsted M. Bernard

This feeling of chasing the car of my own life as it speeds away. Slow it down so I can catch up.

a field of pink windflowers in the golden hour, heavily filtered to accentuate the delicate pink petals and fuzzy stalks

Halsted M. Bernard

@bapsi This was a helpful review. Thanks for writing it! I am sure you've looked into other planner systems (other than the Cousin, which you mentioned) so I won't be that person who gives you unwanted feedback. Just know you're not alone in the search.


Halsted M. Bernard

Yesterday’s Micro.blog Analog Tools meetup featured the intersection of analog and digital, archiving for retrieval, and much more! 🖋️📓🗂️ We’ll meet again in September. Let @jessekelber and me know if you’d like to join us!


Halsted M. Bernard

The reminder for the next Micro.blog Analog Tools Meetup has been emailed, now co-hosted by @jessekelber! 🖋️📓🗂️ If you’re not on this list and would like to join us, let Jesse or me know.


Halsted M. Bernard

@patrickrhone Have I talked with you about Braver Angels before?


Halsted M. Bernard

@BestofTimes I'm disappointed to hear about the ghosting. Thanks for testing it out for the rest of us!


Halsted M. Bernard

@KimberlyHirsh Congrats on the new gig! 🥳


Halsted M. Bernard

@ner3y Whoa. I love the look of this!


Halsted M. Bernard

@Munish My pleasure! And if you ever want more book recommendations, let me know. It’s my professional and personal delight.


Halsted M. Bernard

I love traveling and hate choosing which books to bring. 📚 This trip I’ve chosen Kelly Link’s “The Book of Love”, Yōko Ogawa’s “The Memory Police”, and Haruki Murakami’s “The City and Its Uncertain Walls”. Vibe: untethered and disconcerting.


Halsted M. Bernard

Time to put those fancy pens to use, analog friends: let’s write some Postcards to Swing States. 🗳️ I ordered mine a couple of weeks ago, right before a surge in sign-ups put them on pause, but they’re starting to send postcards out again now. Join me!


Halsted M. Bernard

Finished reading: Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro 📚 Another calm, meditative exploration of connection and what it means to be human. Ishiguro’s writing is so good it’s like a magic trick; I’m torn between experiencing it and tearing it apart to see how it’s done.


Halsted M. Bernard

@BestofTimes I'm also struggling with the new Overcast. I used to be able to reorder playlists, especially important in the new design, and I can't figure out how to do it anymore.


Halsted M. Bernard

@pratik Maybe so! 🤭


Halsted M. Bernard

🎙️ Listened to the “If Books Could Kill” podcast re-release of the episode on “Hillbilly Elegy”. I read parts of the book when it came out, and couldn’t understand why it was so popular, so this was an interesting listen.


Halsted M. Bernard

Project 2025 isn’t theoretical. Those of us working in libraries, schools, and universities have been under attack for years. Get informed and fight back.

Moms For Liberty now has more power than actual librarians or educators to decide what is or is not appropriate for classrooms and libraries. That’s not accidental.

That’s Project 2025.


Halsted M. Bernard

The next Micro.blog Analog Tools Meetup has been canceled because I won’t be able to host it. 🖋️📓🗂️ If you’d like to be a backup host for future meetups, please reply and let me know. See you in August!


Halsted M. Bernard

Day two of the PNW Pen Show was calmer, shorter, and over far too soon. 🖋️ The lesson of the weekend is how much I need to have a life outside of work that includes creativity and joy.


Halsted M. Bernard

First day of the PNW Pen Show was wonderful. 🖋️ It was such a bubble of shared joy (and my phone notifications are so curated) that I missed all of the day’s news until I arrived home.


Halsted M. Bernard

Halloumi with corn, cherry tomatoes, and basil, a quick and easy vegetarian dish for a summer weeknight. 🥘 I love the teeth-squeakiness of halloumi. When combined, everything together tastes like it was drenched in butter.

skillet filled with golden-brown chunks of halloumi, thinly sliced onions, halved cherry tomatoes, corn kernels, and chopped basil

Halsted M. Bernard

Raspberry-almond clafoutis. 🧑🏻‍🍳 Not pictured: raspberry freezer jam. I’m trying to keep up with the canes this year!

closeup of a golden cake embedded with raspberries

Halsted M. Bernard

Portraits of the Bottlebrush Brothers, our smiling sweethearts. 😺😺

contented brown and white tabby cat sitting on a grey rughappy-looking brown tabby sitting on a hardwood floor


Halsted M. Bernard

Finished reading: The Future by Naomi Alderman 📚 If you dream of a world free of the rampant, unchecked greed of tech behemoths, this is the novel for you. Wonderfully complex characters and a thrilling plot. I loved it!


Halsted M. Bernard

Finished reading: The Good Enough Job: Reclaiming Life from Work by Simone Stolzoff 📚 This was an important read for me, in a phase of my career marked by overwork. Especially resonant: the chapter featuring Fobazi Ettarh.


Halsted M. Bernard

Today’s Micro.blog Analog Tools meetup featured notebooks, both blank and pre-printed, of all sizes. Quite an array of types and purposes! 🖋️📓🗂️ We’ll meet again in July. Let me know if you’d like to join us!