Michael Wayne Arnold Avatar
Michael Wayne Arnold
Vicar @christouranchor, Data Engineer - Nashville, TN

Michael Wayne Arnold

@mineinmono I’ve got a Boox now. It’s a really good eReader and pretty good at Readwise Reader (highlighting sucks). This issue is with RSS, reading Micro.blog, and anything with a URL. Also, very frustrating to research something quickly on the Internet.


Michael Wayne Arnold

My Dream Minimalist Setup marmanold.com

Michael Wayne Arnold

Me: How many blocks of tofu should I press? Two? Wife: Oliver won’t be here. Only do one.

That boy do love his tofu…


Michael Wayne Arnold

I am distrustful of people who use fake backgrounds in video calls.


Michael Wayne Arnold

The Fallen Apple marmanold.com

Michael Wayne Arnold

The food system in America isn’t okay. www.foodpolitics.com/2024/09/t…


Michael Wayne Arnold

Here’s the thing, for those without a suburban garage EVs are still impractical. Until we can reliably “fill up” an EV in less than ten minutes and can purchase an EV minivan for less than $45k it’s just not viable. — The EV evolution is going to take longer than we thought


Michael Wayne Arnold

@JohnBrady I know this is true where I’m at. Nobody wants to help at the mission. Too “busy” voting and doing Instagram “political activism.”


Michael Wayne Arnold

I’m leading a really important discipleship course for men. If you’re in middle Tennessee or know someone who is, there’re a few spaces still open. Details: Male Discipleship Opportunity ⚓️


Michael Wayne Arnold

Wesleyans and Episcopacy microblog.marmanold.com

Michael Wayne Arnold

How a Southern, Anglican priest introduces the personal pronouns in German.

Formal you, plural you, and informal you are pretty darn easy to explain in this context!


Michael Wayne Arnold

Not to brag, but I’m 5 weeks in to my 10k steps per day plan. I’m really pleased I’ve stuck to this even though it completely sucks.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@ChrisJWilson Now that’s a top-level dad joke!


Michael Wayne Arnold

Very cool latte art this morning. 👻


Michael Wayne Arnold

not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully fight under his banner, against sin, the world, and the devil

Saw this in an old prayer book this morning at Mass and was particularly convicted.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@ericgregorich It really is a good pen.


Michael Wayne Arnold

I feel a way about AI. Not loving how it can take jobs away and how it could destroy art. But… it’s pretty cool that I can have my own walk-out music when I teach the kids German. youtu.be/whFmpPkV_…


Michael Wayne Arnold

@craigmcclellan Great review and a good prompt to start reviewing systems and prepping for 2025.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@dwalbert Same. The stuff Mozilla has done of late makes me sad. I’m hopeful they return to focusing on the browser and being the user agent for power users.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@jonah Beautiful.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@ReaderJohn I know! I’ve been using Firefox since release. It’s setup exactly how I want it. I hope it can survive!


Michael Wayne Arnold

Taught the boy how to start a grill.


Michael Wayne Arnold

It’s about to get lit this morning at Mass. 🔥 We’re singing one of my top three hymns!


Michael Wayne Arnold

@jonah Not give you homework, but… If there were one book to read to make the theological argument for traditional language in worship, what would it be?


Michael Wayne Arnold

With each passing year, the temptation to switch to Linux full time grows. — macOS Sequoia adds weekly permission prompt for screenshot and screen recording apps - 9to5Mac


Michael Wayne Arnold

Watching Windows people use macOS is wild. Literally every window is used maximized. Such a different way of doing things from someone raised on a Macintosh!


Michael Wayne Arnold

Nearly two weeks in to my new goal of walking 10k steps each day on the under desk treadmill. Simple change and I’m already feeling the benefits. Great to get exercises in while working. 🚶‍♂️


Michael Wayne Arnold

Currently reading: Poirot Investigates by Agatha Christie 📚


Michael Wayne Arnold

@jonah I liked it. Naturally as a Christian I’d already come to similar conclusions through a theological lens. But, his massive research and evidence gave meat to things we can readily feel and observe.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@ChrisJWilson His research and evidence seemed convincing to me. I feel he did a good job of showing receipts.


Michael Wayne Arnold

Finished reading: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt 📚


Michael Wayne Arnold

Friends, let’s remember not to lose our minds this election season. Sin is real. Politics affects us all. But, Jesus is Lord. He reigns even now. None of this is as important as people want us to believe. 🇺🇸


Michael Wayne Arnold

Some good ol' Anglican holiness in the collect this week.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@jonah Yes! I feel this. Keeps me checking in every week or so. Still find good links and interesting discussions. — I need traditional Anglicans, Lutherans, and Romans to move to the Fediverse as well as local news, politicians, and government services.


Michael Wayne Arnold


Michael Wayne Arnold

@jonah I've coveted that Bible. I might have to give it a more serious look!


Michael Wayne Arnold

@jonah I'm hopeful. Ten years ago, WO wasn't as big an issue. That fact that it is, is a good sign. I think we're moving in the correct direction, it'll just take time. Even with the abp election, I think the fact that he doesn't allow female rectors shows the way the wind is blowing.

And, you're right, as long as we're free to maintain the faith and valid orders at the diocesan and parish level, we're okay. My prayer is that the work at the parish level continues and that in ten years we've moved to an even greater consensus on WO.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@jonah Ordered the NT to check it out. Used it last few weeks for a study on Acts.

What I like most is that the notes are written assuming you’re a mature Christian looking deeper information instead of the basic/novice notes you usually get.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@joshuapsteele I felt it was pretty fair. Acknowledging what a lot of us are feeling, but affirming the work of the Spirit and our episcopal polity. I left the episode feeling hopeful.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@hofferdal.bsky.social That's a good call-out. I haven't engaged with Schmemann since seminary. I remember quite enjoying him. I'd totally forgotten the Orthodox connection there.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@mineinmono So good. I've loved all of his books.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@jonah I just prayed for you. I can't imagine. May God's peace and strength surround you.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@JohnBrady I had a similar experience with BH Photo. Did an online order on Friday evening and got a message saying the store was closed, but I could submit the order Saturday after Sabbath was over!


Michael Wayne Arnold

@JohnBrady It was a great read. I want to read the entire confession, now. On face value, it sounded very Methodist.

I’ve got an article saved from the same source on the Eastern Church’s response to Lutheranism. Excited to read that as well.


Michael Wayne Arnold

@philbowell Beautiful green ink!


Michael Wayne Arnold

@marmanold Thinking it through, maybe it’s a post reading thing. Maybe I should just highlight in the book and have a common place review session where I copy stuff over.