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Scott Yoshinaga
Director of IT for K-12 school in Honolulu, Hawaii. Co-creator of ♥: Guitars, Apple, WebDev, Birds, Photography, Manga, Comics.

Scott Yoshinaga

Today, I did a mini training session on FileMaker Pro for co-workers. I did the maths and realized that I've been using this app for 32 years.


Scott Yoshinaga

@bjhess Interesting! My team was just working on ways to manage shared emails at our school today.


Scott Yoshinaga

@lmika hahaha! I don’t know what I’m doing with any of this 😅 still learning but hoping to get to recording eventually.


Scott Yoshinaga

The summer of synth continues and I still have no idea what I'm doing…

Roland JX-08 synthesizer module with Korg nanoKEY Studio, shieldXL, NeoTrelis and Plink. Yamaha practice amp does the noise.

Scott Yoshinaga

iPadOS 17.6.1 seems to have borked all TestFlight apps. Apps are no longer able to be updated. TestFlight is fine on my phone with the same OS. My other iPad with iPadOS 18.1 beta seems fine too.


Scott Yoshinaga

Purchasing Japan concert tickets as a foreigner is almost impossible.


Scott Yoshinaga

@hawaiiboy I feel the same way. I’ll watch it when I have time and restart my sub!


Scott Yoshinaga

I never got to watch it, but the Acolyte has been cancelled.


Scott Yoshinaga

@jsonbecker oh no! I hope you’ll have a speedy recovery!


Scott Yoshinaga

School started up again this past week for the 21st time. I wish I could say this doesn't get old, but I can't. Also, was finally able to fill the tires on my bike so I can ride indoors again during the early morning hours.


Scott Yoshinaga

@shawnyeager Sorry to hear that. I'm able to figure out most of the issues with stuff not syncing (either not at all or slowly), but I think the average person would think their device was borked.


Scott Yoshinaga

I’ve been setting up a new iPad Pro over the last few days. Encountered so many iCloud sync issues across different apps. Sometimes it works and sometimes you wait and nothing happens.


Scott Yoshinaga

@cdevroe if you tap at the top again, it takes you back to the original spot in the timeline. At least it does for me.


Scott Yoshinaga

@Miraz I love them! Very similar to the Japanese White Eye (Meijiro) we have in Hawaii!


Scott Yoshinaga

@alpower Thanks! When I was investigating building a norns, I looked at the price of the grid and thought it was a mistake. I'm glad this project exists and now I can really dig into the norns ecosystem.


Scott Yoshinaga

Spent the weekend building the neotrellis, a monome grid clone. A very satisfying project.

The shieldXL (monome norns shield clone) hooked up to the neotrellis (monome grid clone) and running the Bloom script.

Scott Yoshinaga

@jsonbecker no idea. It seems broken a lot of the times when it’s available on macOS. At first I thought maybe it was my ad blocker but it just seems to fail without an error when I try to use it.


Scott Yoshinaga

@crossingthethreshold @rom I’m sure they’ll be iterating quickly!


Scott Yoshinaga

@rom I got the same error. :-(


Scott Yoshinaga

@maique glad to hear. Hope you all can get some rest!


Scott Yoshinaga

@jsonbecker I enjoy using Nova but often worry that there aren’t enough updates to some of the extensions. Sometimes I feel like Panic should add stuff in themselves. Overall, it works for what I use it for but I could probably move to another app at any time.


Scott Yoshinaga

Good to see a post about what cadence sensors work with Apple Watch and how to use them. Will probably pick one up for my bike, even though I only ride indoors…


Scott Yoshinaga

If you're using the EchoFeed service with Cloudflare on your domain, you'll want to add this rule to make sure that EchoFeed doesn't get stopped by Cloudflare's bot fight mode.

The Cloudflare dashboard setting under Security > WAF > Tools. The Cloudflare dashboard setting under Security > WAF > Tools.

Scott Yoshinaga

@craigmcclellan it’s absolutely crazy what they do and get away with. I guess maybe they just can’t be bothered to do their job?


Scott Yoshinaga

I can’t understand why FedEx claims that they attempted to deliver a package when they clearly did not. I was home the entire time and a FedEx truck never came down my street.


Scott Yoshinaga

@gregmoore so sorry for your loss.


Scott Yoshinaga

@jsonbecker Aw man. Sucks that you'd need to change it out for another one.


Scott Yoshinaga

@jsonbecker does that board have a nook to stash the pedal power underneath?


Scott Yoshinaga

@manton I sure hope you have a breeze of some kind…


Scott Yoshinaga

@manton Ah! I spoke to soon! I'm seeing this in the logs for my feeds Feed: Unknown error 403 Forbidden, Net::HTTPForbidden.

I don't see being blocked on Cloudflare, but I did find this recent post about CF and Imunify360. Is there a way to see what encounters when trying to get to my feed? Maybe that could help me figure out if it's possible to fix with my current hosting company or any that use Imunify360.


Scott Yoshinaga

@manton I haven't seen / Cloudflare / Imunify360 error show up in my account feeds for a bit. Just wondering if you made a changes to fix?


Scott Yoshinaga

Testing... 1, 2, 3


Scott Yoshinaga

🍕 WWDC 2024 Prediction Results

Scott Yoshinaga

@alpower this is my third synth project and so far, it’s been fun to learn how all of this stuff works. I probably have way too many projects going on, but I really wanted one of these. Hoping to use it with the Norns to do some ambient/soundtrack stuff.


Scott Yoshinaga

🍕 WWDC 2024 Predictions

Scott Yoshinaga

I guess this will be the summer of DIY synthesizers…
- Plinky kit (GET!)
- Neotrellis compatible grid kit (GET!)

Complete Plinky synth kit from Denki-Oto

Scott Yoshinaga

@jedda I hope you like your new camera! The one you'd prefer really depends on what you regularly take photos of. I've heard lots of folks say that 28mm is too wide, but if you can "zoom with your feet" it's fine. I like 28mm for the added context it can give. 40mm is great sometimes but too tight at other times.

I really like the HDF version and have a tendency to just leave it on except in really low light situations.


Scott Yoshinaga

@jedda I have the GR III Street Edition and the GR IIIx HDF. I've been carrying the HDF since I got it back at the start of April, but recently switched out for the GR III. I like them both and usually spend a few weeks out of the month with each. I enjoy the 28mm field of view but the 40mm is nice for reach. I've really been having fun with the HDF feature on the IIIx.


Scott Yoshinaga

@jsonbecker they also have every Tube Screamer in one pedal too.

I built a 6 sound Rat clone from BYOC a while back and it's cool, but I don't think they sell that kit anymore.


Scott Yoshinaga

Leica announced the D-Lux 8, a stripped-down version of the 2018 D-Lux 7 with the same 21MP Micro Four Thirds sensor and f/1.7-2.8 lens but resembling a mini Leica Q. Not much of an update. Other than software, I doubt there are many changes under the hood, but there will be accessories (lol)! Camera make...

Scott Yoshinaga

Strange issues with my Amazon packages this week. One was expected yesterday and another today. Both say they are now delayed until Friday. Tracking shows that the package arrived, then left an Amazon facility in Honolulu, but later shows "Package delayed in transit". Shouldn't it just be a handoff to USPS?


Scott Yoshinaga

I'm enjoying discovering and reading other blogs on the Scribbles platform Explore Blogs and Posts page. I know I could add some of these to my RSS reader, but I think it would be cool if it were possible to follow other Scribblers from my account.


Scott Yoshinaga

I wish I had some clever predictions for Apple”s iPad event happening in a few hours but I don’t. Perhaps I’m just tired of waiting for Apple to free the iPad of its limitations. Maybe they’ll release something amazing that finally sets the iPad free but I’m not holding my breath.


Scott Yoshinaga

Began testing out Raycast this week and wrote my first script for it last night. Just a simple one to add reminders to Dueapp. Just a few more things to migrate and I’ll be able to see if I can move to this from Alfred.


Scott Yoshinaga

Writing this down for posterity. My one prediction for Apple's A.I. offering(s) during WWDC this year will be branding their A.I. as "Apple Intelligence".

It would be a missed opportunity if they don't. I also feel they need to put the Siri brand to rest.


Scott Yoshinaga

The zeptocore is a handmade, handheld sample player/synth from the folks at infinite digits. Kinda like a Teenage Engineering PO-33 but MOAR! Available assembled or as a DIY kit. Check out their webpage for more info.


Scott Yoshinaga

There seems to be a lot of folks getting locked out of their Apple ID tonight with no explanation. More info here and here.


Scott Yoshinaga

I previously wrote about my experience converting a 5K iMac into stand alone 5K display, but this person took it to another level by keeping the rear ports, FaceTime camera, microphones and speakers functional so they're all integrated just like a stock iMac.

Scott Yoshinaga

Found the perfect container for my shieldXL at Daiso. Great way to protect the knobs without spending a lot of $.