Brett Kosinski Avatar
Brett Kosinski
I'm a life-long nerd who's obsessed with more hobbies than I have time for. During the day I'm a professional product manager, and by night I'm a programmer, knitter, skier, cyclist, cook, guitarist(ish), and a dozen other things besides!

Brett Kosinski

Another Tour raffle prize done! Well, assuming they end up fitting the winner, anyway…


Brett Kosinski

As I continue the process of learning to drive, and now need to start hunting for a new job, some thoughts on failure.

Brett Kosinski

Man it was a whole journey to get to sock number one in this pair. I copied the motif from some photos, then improvised the slip stitch sole and striped gusset, all while re-learning Fair Isle knitting. Turns out, when you make something up as you go, you make a lot of mistakes and find as many design choi...

Brett Kosinski

Man, 30 years later and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is still a banger. While I remembered the game having amazing level design, when you consider the context at the time, what they did in that game was really remarkable. And damn that soundtrack is great! And it played great on the Miyoo A30 I picked up in a l...

Brett Kosinski

Somehow, despite running a blog (sometimes quite intermittently) for the past twenty years, I never knew August 31st was World Blog Day. So it seemed as good a day as any to finally write a long-overdue post looking back on this break I’ve been on, and looking forward to what comes next.👨‍💻

Brett Kosinski

First few jars of Haskap (and a bit of blueberry) jam! I’m a bit concerned it’ll end up too stuff (the candy thermometer read 220 but… I dunno…) but we shall see. It sure looks pretty, though!


Brett Kosinski

First batch of fermented pickles are done (well, almost, left one jar on for a bit longer)! These are 10% vinegar and a 3% brine, fermented for 10 days, and they came out just perfect. Theyâll now go into the fridge for long term storage, but will not be heat processed as that kills off all those lovely...

Brett Kosinski

@odd Thank you! As usual of course I notice all the flaws, but I can't deny they're turning out pretty good so far!


Brett Kosinski

First pair of Tour socks completed, shipped, and received, and the second pair is started! I haven’t done colour work in a long time and you can tell (or, at least, I can)…



Brett Kosinski

Over twenty years ago, now, I played a small role in the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 hacking community by reverse engineering the level data compression algorithm used in the game. I figured it was about time I wrote my side of that story, so, here it is!

Brett Kosinski

Well, six of twenty hours of manual driving lessons done (plus a bit of in-between practice) and the instructor has only had to use the “uhoh” break once, and only because I almost blew through a yield sign that was hidden behind a tree. Progress!


Brett Kosinski

@mroutley Thank you! It was indeed!


Brett Kosinski

That’s it! The 2024 Tour Alberta for Cancer is a wrap. I was once again blown away by all the support I received, and then by the event itself. A few thoughts as this year’s tour is behind me and next year’s lies ahead!🚴‍♀️

Brett Kosinski

Tour day one done! The plan was to cruise with my riding partner for the 40k to the lunch spot, then do the 140k challenge route. Unfortunately directions got confused and I ended up on the 100k instead. So I decided to push pace and finish fast. It wasnât the day Iâd planned but it was still very sat...

Brett Kosinski

It’s been a long while since I wrote anything about the tour, so I figured I’d post an update about training and the final draw!🚴‍♀️

Brett Kosinski

It’s Haskap time! We have just three good sized bushes in our front yard, two Borealis and one Aurora, and we managed to pick about three pounds from the Borealis bushes without trying that hard (we tend to leave the Aurora for the local bird population).


Brett Kosinski

Well, it’s June, and that means it’s time to thin the ol’ apple tree. I knew it’d be a big job–after landscaping trauma she’s in a boom-bust cycle, and this year is a big one–but wow. Four hours and a full 20L pail later…



Brett Kosinski

We did it! Thanks to the generosity of so many, including Taber Cares, who matched the donations that put me over the top today, I hit my $2,500 goal for my Tour Alberta for Cancer ride!🚴‍♀️

Brett Kosinski

A beautiful day for a training ride! As a reminder, the second of three draws in the hand knitted sock raffle is coming up in June 19th, so donate now to get in on the action:

🚴‍♀️ 🧶


Brett Kosinski

A little selection of photos from our second trip to The Rock. Newfoundland truly is an absolutely magical place.



Brett Kosinski

Apologies to my donors for the late update, but Iâm excited to announce the winners of the first round Tour Alberta for Cancer raffle draw: Liz Fox is the winner of the first pair of socks, while Howard Fiderer won the stuffed gnome! Thanks to their generous donations and the contributions of many others...

Brett Kosinski

So a quick update on my Tour Alberta for Cancer donor raffle: In addition to hand knitted socks, I’m excited to announce a fun little early bird prize for those who donate before May 29th: a hand-knitted stuffed gnome! For more information and a sample photo of what you could win, see my raffle post.


Brett Kosinski

This will be my third year riding in the Enbridge Tour Alberta for Cancer and it occurs to me I’ve never really articulated (or even deeply thought about) why I keep coming back. And so, two months away from the big event, it seemed like the right time to put into words what the Tour has come to mean to me.🚴‍♀️

Brett Kosinski

A week of no riding and travel coming up soon means my training routine is set to be seriously disrupted. So I finally just pulled the bike indoors and got on the trainer while I have the chance. And boy it was tough⦠Meanwhile I hit the $400 mark in donations! Still a long way to go but I know folks...

Brett Kosinski

I did it! I successfully replaced the bad top screen on my DS Lite. The most nerve wracking part was transferring the speakers but otherwise it went fairly smoothly. Shout out to The Fix on YouTube for the video and Zedlabz for the replacement part!


Brett Kosinski

So when I’m not raising money for cancer research I’m a pretty capable knitter with a specialty in much-sought-after socks. Well, now is your chance to get a pair of your own! Contribute to my fundraising campaign and enter a draw for a pair of custom, hand knit socks! Click through to the post to find out more!🧶

Brett Kosinski

While lean product development is all about trying small, cheap experiments, itâs applicable to anything you try for the first time. This is my first year starting plants indoors and I didnât want to invest in expensive kit while Iâm still learning. So here we have my grow table on the cheap: a repur...

Brett Kosinski

@khurtwilliams Welp, looks like, while it worked in the past, something broke and right now the answer is no (the comment was syndicated to M.B via my RSS feed but the webmention didn't result in a reply to this thread). Apparently I have some debugging to do!


Brett Kosinski


“can you successfully post replies to M.B. from your blog?”

There’s only one way to find out…


Brett Kosinski

@V_ Now that is an excellent question! My wife has claimed this first little creature, so I'd have to check with her, but I suspect she's not had enough time to make that weighty decision.


Brett Kosinski

@mindofaaronw That's very kind, thank you! It seems I'm running across a lot of people at similar crossroads. But, reflecting is the critical first step, and in my case that was really accelerated at the urging of an executive coach who got me to really pause and consider my career and the kind of impact I wanted to make. I just wish I'd done it sooner!


Brett Kosinski

@jsonbecker Well, I just switched my site over to your lightbox package, and it is a very nice piece of work. Thanks again for the suggestion!


Brett Kosinski

@jsonbecker Just checked out the demo, that does look very nice. I will take a look! Thanks!


Brett Kosinski

@greghiggins Definitely second the recommendation of The Expanse. I feels like a King novel in terms of pace, prose, and characterization, but they can actually write endings. ;)


Brett Kosinski

@chrisaldrich Hah, yeah, it seems like the least annoying way to test the integration without standing up my own Mastodon instance! :)


Brett Kosinski

@crossingthethreshold Darn right! Lots of folkies up here in Edmonton! And that's just the Thursday night crowd (the festival runs through Sunday)...


Brett Kosinski

@Mark_DuBois I love funnel weavers! Not the least of which because, unlike orb weavers, these guys don't set up traps outside your front door for you to run into first thing in the morning...


Brett Kosinski

@ArnoldHoogerwerf I'm just finally getting around to watching season 5 now (I'm on the Netflix schedule). So good! The problem is I sometimes forget to pay attention to the story because I'm so fixated on the cinematography...


Brett Kosinski

@amit I wonder if I'm the only one who thought about these guys when I saw this:


Brett Kosinski

@lukemperez Give yourself to the dark side....


Brett Kosinski

@SamHawken Honestly that by itself is astounding given the quality of the writing. I'm a huge TNG fan, but if you ask me, having just finished the first season, season 1 of B5 >>> season 1 of TNG.


Brett Kosinski

@pimoore I just recently saw that! The funny thing is, through trial and error, I settled on basically the same technique (which largely hinges on a very low, controlled brew). About the only thing I don't bother with is killing the boil at the end, as I don't find it makes a big enough difference for me to bother.


Brett Kosinski

@joshuapsteele Relax. Ask for help. Have fun! Oh, and get a rubber duck.


Brett Kosinski

@pgkr That looks like an Anne Pro 2 with a new set of keycaps to me...


Brett Kosinski

@SimonDH Wow, that looks like stained glass! Beautiful shot!


Brett Kosinski

@qldnick Thanks so much for the kind words! I will admit, as the new year has begun, the idea of a sabbatical has become increasingly attractive...


Brett Kosinski

@jsonbecker it's on the queue!


Brett Kosinski

@jsonbecker I'm only a couple chapters in and I'm already hooked! Which is good, as I wasn't sure what I was gonna pivot to after finishing The Expanse...