Luke M. Perez Avatar
Luke M. Perez
Dad by day, and by night, also a dad. I teach US national security in Arizona.

Luke M. Perez

@crossingthethreshold gwt after it. Good luck


Luke M. Perez

What is the greatest television show since The Wire and why is it Bluey?


Luke M. Perez

@dwalbert For now anyway. Next time I see havoc being wrecked, I'll you succumbed to temptation.


Luke M. Perez

Sometimes you just have to pre-order the 18th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style and call it a day. Today is that day.


Luke M. Perez

Creating Deep Fakes is becoming extremely cheap and easy, Chris Welch on Threads (via Daring Fireball).


Luke M. Perez

@maique my kinda day. I gotta get some photos up from our trip to California a few weeks ago.


Luke M. Perez

@Gabz I’ve been using the same Tom Bihn, a discontinued model now, since 2008. For a while I thought I might need to replace it as the zippers were busted. But then they repaired it for free. It’s 26L. Too large for my needs. I’d love to drop down to the 19-21L range.


Luke M. Perez

@crossingthethreshold i’ve been staring at that for a while to use with my 12 Pro !ax. Even with the larger screen real estate it would still be nice to use a keyboard when I’m reading a book and just want a notes app open to jot down ideas and then get back to it.


Luke M. Perez

Classes start this week, students are all moved in. The gym was full. I caught a glimpse of the swim team getting ready for practice.

Snapshot of university swim team before practice, photographed through a window.

Luke M. Perez

@lewism @JohnBrady Thanks. Tracks with my priors. Common parlance, we have more freedoms—which includes, unfortunately, the freedom to destroy yourself. I have more than handful of classmates from high school who died before 40. (I’m not yet 45.)


Luke M. Perez

@mitchw I’m veritable, card carrying member of both groups.


Luke M. Perez

@lewism did the article suggest why? I wonder if there are structural things pulling the US numbers down, say a larger number of Americans eating poor diets and getting chronic illness. It seems like it would have to be something structural for it to be across the age spectrum.


Luke M. Perez

Writing the Canvas assignments for my first online course since the pandemic. I’m unsure whether to be happy or sad—it’ll be a tough course for students (compressed schedule), but a lot has improved since spring 2020.


Luke M. Perez

@crossingthethreshold Welcome aboard, fellow American! Feels good, voting, doesn't it? :)


Luke M. Perez

Terrible news about Lazar Dukic, who drowned at the CrossFit Games today. The reporting suggests insufficient lifeguards and preparation for such a possibility and that maybe one or two spectators tried to save him but were prevented from doing so.


Luke M. Perez

@pratik My prior on this is that there must be hundreds (thousands?) of athletes competing with covid (both those who know they're positive and those who don't). What's bonkers is that however sick he is, he still won the bronze. I get a small sinus cold and have to lay down for three days.


Luke M. Perez

Beating my head against my dataset, year-old R code, and reviewer comments… then I discover that my research assistant and I solved the problem in a half-finished mini-project. A big three week problem just became a small-to-moderate one week problem.


Luke M. Perez

@jimmitchell Don't be a quitter. ☕️☕️☕️


Luke M. Perez

Wife: “Pumpkin spice creamer is availble!”

Me: “too soon!”



Luke M. Perez

Spent the morning (re)learning some things.

Close up photograph of a fly fishing rod and reel

Luke M. Perez

@pratik Love that place. I remember when I took the tour for the first time, fall 2007. I thought, “am I being dumb, is this just going to be hookie?” Then the guide said, “we don’t know precisely who sat where all the time, but are we are confident that Ben Franklin sat in this exact chair in this spot for the whole convention.” Me: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡😭😭😭😭🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 with goosbumps all over.


Luke M. Perez

@maique ❤️❤️❤️


Luke M. Perez

@maique that’s a “short” drive for us. My mom lives about an hour from LA, my dad about half an hour. We go several times a year.

Maybe you’ll just have to schedule a west coast microblog meetup.


Luke M. Perez

@maique you go LA, I’ll drive in from Phoenix and buy you a beer.


Luke M. Perez

@JohnBrady Yup. I do think there’s an inside line in which Dems nominate someone like Mark Kelly who pulls off the win. My prior on that is that since it really only matters which handful of states swing, he or someone like him might be able to do it.

But that scenario seems highly improbable. Harris as VP is the most likely, not least because only she can easily inherit Biden’s campaign funds. Even a month ago that could maybe happen. But this late in the game, with virtual nomination already delayed a week to get Biden out, it’s going to be Harris.


Luke M. Perez

@MitchW I think so. It’s very sad. I’ve never voted for him, never agreed with his political priors, but to see him to utter unserved by his advisers like this is heartbreaking.


Luke M. Perez

@manton I originally thought on Saturday much as you blogged—it's over. Just get on with it. But since about late Monday it occurred to me that the argument for replacing Biden is even stronger because of the risk to down ballot races. Schumer said as much this morning I read.


Luke M. Perez

@danielpunkass well, the attempted assassin is dead. So there’s that. But generally, this is not good.


Luke M. Perez

Seeing Hamilton is as good as reason as any to teach your 8yo how to tie a tie. No more clip-ons or zipper ties for this kid. (Bow tie is legit too, btw.)

Photo of father and son after seeing Hamilton, the musical, in Tempe Arizona.

Luke M. Perez

Finished reading: The Civic Bargain by Brook Manville 📚

I actually finished this in May, but have been very slow to get back to MicroBlog until now.


Luke M. Perez

@odd Paramount+ Yesterday was the first day it was available but the last of our paid subscription. (We tried to watch something right after and got an error message.) It's the first live action film that my 3yo sat still and just watched along side her older sibs and us parents.


Luke M. Perez

🍿 IF (2024) - ★★★★★

IF poster

Underrated and under-appreciated. Among the best family I’ve seen in a long time. Held my kids and wife’s attention the whole time. Simply splendid.


Luke M. Perez

@pcora No, new car. The cost of a new engine was prohibitively expensive for a car of that age and mileage (2014, 176k).


Luke M. Perez

@pcora The engine was blown. We’ve been without a car since last week. Got a new one queued up, but with the holiday weekend, I’m still waiting on my check from the bank to drop off at the dealer. Hopefully it’ll arrive tomorrow, Tuesday at the latest.


Luke M. Perez

@Kalena Those shades!


Luke M. Perez

My wife just used the term “Bayesian prior” in casual conversation. My work here is done.


Luke M. Perez

Happy monday, folks 📷

Photo of minivan with a blown radiator

Luke M. Perez

Lot of folks ask, how hot is it in Arizona? Well, it’s nard to say. I mean, you get used it. But…

Screenshot of iPhone overheating warning.

Luke M. Perez

🎥 Turning the Tables on AI, iA Writer.

I like the idea of getting the AI to ask the writer questions for clarity; I suspect many of my students will find that useful too.


Luke M. Perez

Your periodic reminder not write and edit your own wikipedia page. It’s just bad form.


Luke M. Perez

You guys! I don’t pickleball is coming in Spring 2024.

Photo from June 2024 of a sign for a pickleball court “coming spring 2024”

Luke M. Perez

44 rotations around the sun. (It was yearerday, but I always give D-Day pride of place, especially this year, 80 years since.) I have this running joke with the kids that I’m 100+my real age, hence the numbers on the cake.

Portrait of author with his four kids and a birthday cake.

Luke M. Perez

🗞️ NCAA 2.8 Billion dollar settlement will pay college athletes directly. WSJ

Long-time coming. Probably bad for college sports, but justly over due.


Luke M. Perez

Monday vibes

Wide angle crop of children playing in a splash pad