Ged Maheux Avatar
Ged Maheux
Co-founder of, RIT alum, designer, emoji maker, Trekspert, aspiring chef, cancer survivor, doggo lover & all-around everyman. "You're cool in my book" - LeVar Burton ghed may-hew • he/him #ProjectTapestry #LineaSketch #WallarooApp #StarTrek #Zelda #CritterCam #TeamOrca

@patc Yeah I love our Roborock though ours doesn’t have a camera!! That’s cool.

Leonard Nimoy Makes You Fear All the Things 🖖

@CStamp What are you making?

Who puts the eggs at the very bottom of your grocery bag? The store manager, that’s who! 🤦‍♂️

@octothorpe Yeah, I had originally thought I was going to watch but now I think I’ll wait like you will for the analysis afterwards.

Join me in wishing a very happy birthday to @bigzaphod. An über-talented engineer, dedicated father and husband, super geek and all-around great human being. Happy birthday, Sean! Here’s to many more. 🎉🥳🎁

If you’re looking for Harris to come into the debate and knock Trump out in a series of viral moments, you might want to get used to disappointment now. According to this piece, she’s taking an entirely different, higher road during the debate.

It seems like a smart strategy that’s worked so far for her, though I suspect it will be unsatisfying for most progressives. She’s not trying to win our vote. She’s trying to win the independents. #USPolitics

@ezwal At least once that I know of, Nixon I believe.

Another pro-Trump opinion piece in the @postopinions from Marc Thiessen. You’d think he was on the take from Russia or something. #USPolitics

Opinion | Trump can knock Harris out of the race in
one debate. Here's how.
By Marc A. Thiessen

@chockenberry @louie @bigzaphod Yes, that’s what I meant. The dot along with its entire contents are recolored.

I also presume Louie wants to be able to re-position a non-selected dot. So you might currently be viewing the orange dot and wish to move the green which is not currently selected. Doing so *might* end up re-coloring the one you are currently viewing. But that’s par for the course - on the user, they’re the one moving the dots around.

@chockenberry @louie @bigzaphod I would say the green dot pops into place then it is recolored to purple along with the other dots after it to their proper colors (in a pleasing crossfade / wave animation 😉)

Sixty four days later and I’d say my little lemon tree has not only fully recovered but is more robust than it was last year. No fruit but I don’t care, just want the plant to be healthy. It’s going to have to go back in the basement again in a month or so so hopefully I can do a better job taking care of it this winter than I did last year.🤞 #garden

A bushy little lemon tree sits in a large grey pot on my deck with lots of new growth all over.

@fahrni @andyn @Ronnie Yep, tricky is an understatement. Thank you.

@fahrni @aaron.rupar I wish he’d go straight to hell.

@louie @bigzaphod @chockenberry Don’t know how Craig feels but this is a nice idea to me. Keeping the color order would be key I think. I’ve added it to the request list for Tot now. Thx man. 🖖

@andyn @Ronnie If you guys have any specific recommendations or thoughts about how Tapesry should approach this I’d welcome them. We haven’t started thinking about the payment model for the app yet so any insights would be helpful. Thx.

@AbandonedAmerica @TheManyVoices Likewise. I’ve very much enjoyed Mastodon and it’s sad more people won’t give it a go. Glad you are here

@bigzaphod @Ronnie Was apparently 113° for a friend of mine today in Glendora, CA.

@CStamp Depends on how thick the shake is and how thin the straw is :-)

@CStamp Way better. Same with Henry Blake. Both characters were holding the show back. Too one note. Charles and a potter both brought depth and great change.

@flipflap it was pretty slow. They are def draaaaawing stuff out.

I think if I live stream any more #ProjectTapestry drawing sessions I’ll probably do so over on YouTube. The tools to stream seem more flexible there. Just a head’s up.

@jwisser Very interesting, appreciate the info. Kudos to you for being so kind to them. It’s a lot of work, so hats off to you!

@jwisser I’m curious what is the mixture you prepare for your little feathered friends. What is the process there?

I mean I knew it was expensive to produce but I had no idea just how expensive. This guy crunches the numbers and it’s kind of fascinating in a “can’t look away from a train wreck” kind of way.

Why in the world does The Rings of Power cost a Billion Dollars?

@chockenberry @paul @mark I almost sent a video showing you something in Ivory today. Almost. 😘

@bigzaphod @CStamp I just completed my absentee ballot request with North Carolina. Thanks for the reminder!

I can vouch for this. I’ve been a registered Dem for over 30 years and my mailbox here in NC is being deluged with Trump spam snail mail almost daily. I don’t understand it but it’s good to know I’m not alone and that Trump is wasting his money on me.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if after the election and Trump and Vance lose, we hear news of JD Vance’s wife filing for divorce. She doesn’t seem like the type of person to put up with all of this anti-women BS.

Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear.

Cheney has far more courage than McMasters who wont say publicly he’s voting against Trump.

Ah there it is again. The same old “Mastodon isn’t fun” argument that crops up every six months or so. I personally don’t get it but go use Threads, Bluesky, even the crap-filled X if it feels “fun” to you. 👍

Live feed of NASA undocking the Boeing Starliner from the ISS

Seems totally legit. 🤔

Screenshot of an email with the following text:

Your Apple Developer Account
Could Bring You $1000
Hey there B,
We're looking for Apple Developer
Program account holders with published
apps who want to earn up to $1000 per
month. Full support is provided during the
entire process
Let's talk if this interests you! You can
contact me at

So are vampire’s clothes also undead? Is that why they don’t show up in their reflections? I’ve never quite understood how this part of their mythos works..… 🤔

A woman in a red dress being dipped by her male dancing partner in front of a mirror and only she is visibleA group of teens, speaking with a vampire from fright nightAnd reflection only the teenagers are visible. The vampire is not shown.

Just learned about this apparent “raw milk” trend. Holy crap people are STUPID. I mean I knew they were dumb, but why don’t you just consume uncooked chicken and get it all over with already? Holy cow. (GET IT?!) 😂

This really breaks my heart. Poor Elon & his investors. 🎻

5 Elon Musk's Twitter investors have lost billions in value.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al Saud -1.4B
$529.2M - Jack Dorsey
$280M - Larry Ellison
Sequoia Capital
Vy Capital
Andreessen Horowitz
Qatar Investment Authority

• How? Musk relied on investors to buy Twitter, now X, in 2022. Since then,
his and his partners' stake has shed $24 billion in value — partly because
advertisers have fled the platform.
• Other Musk news: A Brazilian judge ordered the suspension of X on
Friday following a dispute with Musk. And Trump is considering giving Musk
a role in auditing U.S. agencies.

The white zone has always been for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There just no stopping in the red zone.

Listen, Betty. Don’t start up with your white zone shit again. ✈️

Holy cow I adore these. So creative, so fresh. 🥰

Holy bat-tastic builds, Batman! Very much want. #LEGO #Batman via @talosman

Box of a new Lego build of the classic TV series Batmobile starring Adam West. 1822 pieces.

#USPolitics is just so damned depressing. The choice this election is *litterally* between the sitting VP and a convicted criminal, sexual abuser and insurrectionist and polling is STILL within the margin of error. The election is going to come down to about 100k people in the same old battleground states as it always has. A woman’s right to choose threatens to be wiped out nationwide and yet the outcome is still uncertain.

Should be a blow out but no. Sometimes I really dislike this country.


I’ve never actually made collard greens before (I know I know) but this recipie from VP Harris sounds yummie and I may just have to try it. #KamalaHarris2024

Have the Bell Riots started yet? #StarTrek

Burger King employees had the BEST hats in the 70’s. ✌️☮️🌈