Mark Stoneman 🌐 Avatar
Mark Stoneman 🌐
Historian, editor, and translator for hire. Caregiver, grandfather, and more. Conway, NH, and Washington, DC (he/him) 🏳️‍⚧️🇺🇦🫏

Mark Stoneman 🌐

Microsoft installed Copilot on my mother’s machine earlier this week, and it took multiple rounds of force rebooting before I had control of the computer and could delete the thing. This feels like an aggressive move by a giant corporation against an octogenarian, who already feels like she’s losing her te...

Mark Stoneman 🌐

Good on Ukraine for using a little leverage against the Putin lackey Viktor Orban. It was high time. Details of the spat are in this short Politico piece: “EU ‘ready’ to negotiate as Hungary-Ukraine oil row boils over”.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Interesting notes on DNC process in the coming weeks: “DNC poised to move forward with virtual roll call after Biden dropout” (Elena Schneider, Politico).


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@danielpunkass This is why I deleted my account in 2022.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@mitchw World War Two. Who knew?


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Things are gonna get ugly, of course. Instead of ageism and ableism, we’ll have racism and sexism. And we’ll still have a ridiculously, dangerously bothsidesing press to parrot it all.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

I was undecided about whether Biden should step aside, but I trust his judgement on this. He’s a public servant as too few are these days. I am looking forward to Harris’s nomination.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@amerpie Sometimes it seems that if I like a show, it will get cancelled.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Briefly looked at my social media feeds this evening. Bad idea. I can’t take any more 24/7 coverage of the Rotten Orange Ass and his band of sycophantic hangers-on.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@pratik I'm sorry you feel that way. 😉


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Turned off NPR this afternoon because I am sick to death of the cliched, both-sides genre Let’s Talk to Voters in Swing States. This particular report (on Here and Now) was trying to be original by talking to swing-state voters considering voting differently this year, but it’s still the same old same old....

Mark Stoneman 🌐

@pratik I figured. Even there I sometimes turn to other translation sources, especiall DeepL.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

"The Kremlin switches messages at will to its advantage, climbing inside everything: European right-wing nationalists are seduced with an anti-EU message; the Far Left is co-opted with tales of fighting US hegemony; US religious conservatives are convinced by the Kremlin’s fight against homosexuality. And the result is an array of voices, working away at global audiences from different angles, producing a cumulative echo chamber of Kremlin support, all broadcast on RT. Peter Pomerantsev, Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia (New York: PublicAffairs, 2014), ...

Mark Stoneman 🌐

@pratik I just use the contextual menu on my device.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

“Here Come the Russians, Again” by David Corn, Mother Jones, May 24, 2024.

The media has an important role to play. The more attention it can cast upon the Russian efforts, the greater the odds that a slice of the electorate will comprehend the threat and perhaps be inoculated from being unduly influenced by these operations.

Of course, the media is largely failing us on this score.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

“Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested." by Jordan Green, Raw Story, July 10, 2024. – Surreal report. The big orange ass attracts the freakiest henchmen.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@MitchW I thought Kilgore Trout was a Vonnegut creation, so I had to look it up. Funny to see that name on an actual periodical.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@Annie During my move from Wordpress to Microblog, I noticed that a lot of my posts ca. 2016–22 could be categorized under something like "individual and society." And then that period was capped off by the murder of a place where I had found and built community over years. 🐦


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@amerpie And here was me thinking a certain amount of black magic was involved.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@Mtt Movement in the comfort of AC sounds good to me.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@mwerickson Beautiful!


Mark Stoneman 🌐

“How Charles Holman discovered the Bushes’ ancestors had enslaved his family” (Washington Post)


Mark Stoneman 🌐

“Scientists identify victim of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre in mass grave” (Washington Post)


Mark Stoneman 🌐

My impression is that there is a lot more activity going into third-party tools for Mastodon (and the Fediverse more broadly) than there is for Bluesky. I like the apparent optimism about the ActivityPub protocol.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@MitchW I didn't make it as far as you did.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@odd Might also be used to talk about portion sizes or the physical characteristics of people.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@notunremarkable I don't know about the material, but light colors reflect heat instead of absorbing it.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@wcaleb When I was growing up in rural New Hampshire in the 1970s, I used to find big trees in the forest uprooted by a hurricane in 1938. Seems like this part of New England was pretty lucky in the intervening years, if the locals still knew what year the bad hurricane was from.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@amerpie Congratulations on your stats, by the way.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@amerpie I used to be an addict back in the days of actual shareware. I also loved going through the old VersionTracker and MacUpdate before those became useless.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@manton Yep. The only way him stepping aside would work would probably be at the DNC by not accepting the nomination. If I'm not mistaken, we elected delegates, not him directly, so there wouldn't be any legal issues. But the constant drumbeat to make his age and mental acuity an issue, and only his, that is ridiculous.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@MitchW If you need to bookmark and you're not reading on a phone, DT will let you clip pages as a paginated PDF, or a single long PDF. Those can be bookmarked. If you're reading on a phone too, the webarchive works well. In that case I'd be looking at highlighting (jump to relevant highlight with with document annotations inspector) or simply making a note of the section title or first sentence or clause of the paragraph where I want to jump back in (the way I would note a location to cite any unpaginated text in a footnote). This is the method I would use on GL too. I've never managed to make DT feel good as a working environment on my Mac or iPad, but it makes a decent archive, and it's okay to read in. Also, you can open its files in any app configured for that particular file format.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@MitchW I've been using it for about a month because I liked what the developer did with 1Writer, including continuing its development, unlike what happened with Editorial. GoodLinks has its quirks, but it's not bad for links and reading. For longer-term archiving, though, I tend to use DEVONthink.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

I was imagining a different scenario, but it's too hot for me to remember what it was.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@manton Thank you.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

@pratik FYI: Philip Bump on Bluesky The three charts he's posted say a lot, and they offer useful context to your quote.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Delirious Television Propaganda

Mark Stoneman 🌐

Russian Hybrid Warfare

Mark Stoneman 🌐

According to the Frankfurter Rundschau today, Russian food producers are adding banned “meat glue” (transglutaminase) to products to increase their volume in the face of the inflation that Putin’s illegal war is bringing them. HT


Mark Stoneman 🌐
@markstoneman Follow-Up

Mark Stoneman 🌐

"“We believe Russia is a great empire that other powers want to tear away parts from. We need to restore our power, occupy our lost lands, grab Crimea from the Ukrainians,” the football supporters say, then in the same breath: “We want a Russia for Russians, all these darkies from the Caucasus and Central Asia need to go home.” This has always been the paradox of the new Russian nationalism: on the one hand wanting to conquer all regions around, on the other wanting an ethnically pure great power. And all that comes out of this confusion is an ever-growing anger. Peter Pomerantsev, Nothing Is True ...

Mark Stoneman 🌐

My website is not working this evening. Seems to be another SSL connection issue on the server’s end. At least I found the status page and know that it’s not specific to my blog.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Republicans are not only a threat to my family, friends, career, values, and future, they are proud to be a threat to my family, friends, career, values, and future.

Republicans vote to kill.

We must protect each other to survive.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

How do you build a history based on ceaseless self-slaughter and betrayal? Do you deny it? Forget it? But then you are left orphaned. So history is rewritten to suit the present.

Peter Pomerantsev, Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia (New York: PublicAffairs, 2014), act 3, section: “Another Russia”.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Got to see a niece today who I hadn’t seen since 2017. She got to meet a niece of her own, my granddaughter.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Grey sky, cold water, sand, a few black specks (humans in wet suits) in the distance.

From a walk on the beach with pleasant cloud cover this afternoon: Nauset Light Beach, Cape Cod National Seashore. This is the colder side of the Cape. Sometimes there are seals, we were told. When that happens, avoid the water because great white sharks might be hunting.


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Something I blogged 16 years ago on the basis of documents I frequently taught undergraduates: Received Rights versus Human Rights in the ‘Declaration of Independence’


Mark Stoneman 🌐

Important historical context for this week’s unconscionable immunity ruling: Sean Wilentz, “The Dred Scott of Our Time”, NYRB, July 4, 2024, (archived version so anyone can read about this vital topic)