Preslav Rachev Avatar
Preslav Rachev
Currently, I am writing “Write Your Book With Obsidian.” Help fund the draft here: #obsidian

I am a software developer, turned entrepreneur, educator, and writer. Knowledge management is my second name.

I co-created @murmel_social and @feedle, because I believe in building tools that foster discourse on the open web.

tech stack: #java (#quarkus), #django, and #golang

@killick the first book I read about photography was about film, yes. Of course, it would be extremely impractical these days.

Don’t know what happened, but that photography bug bit me again, 20-something years after I first found a book about analog photography in my home town’s library.

So, I went on eBay and picked up an ancient Canon 7D 📸

I couldn’t justify spending a few grand on something, but old DSLRs are just as good and are up for grabs on the second-hand market.

I know, I know, the lens is kind of crap, but it’ll do for now. Wish me luck and expect photo spam. ;)

#photography #canon #canon7d #dslr

#ProcessZero with some minor color and perspective correction of the end RAW file.

#shotoniphone #photography #munich @halide

@christianselig but the release of the M1 wasn’t so long ago. How come has your battery gone so bad so quickly? It’s probably a defect.

@klove This should be available on all migration tools for all tech stacks. There is the danger that it may as well wipe out the production database, but I’d still love having a command like that. Yeah dropping the DB manually is an option, but it gets me out of context every time.

☕️ A poll for coffee drinkers. You can choose from one of the four options below only. Which one would you go for?

#poll #coffee

#ProcessZero with some minor color and perspective correction of the end RAW file.

#shotoniphone #photography @halide

I still love @murmel_social so much!

Which makes me sad, because it seems like it’s not been really catching up with the Fedi people. I mean, it has its sheer number of core supporters, but the revenue we get is not nearly enough to sustain us working on it even part-time. We reduced prices to a laughable minimum, but people are still not catching up.

We are not pulling the plug ayntime soon, but the project will have to run on its own for a while. At least, until we can sustain it financially

Email subscriptions are back! If receiving every single blog post of mine via RSS isn’t really your thing, you can subscribe via email and get around one email per month with all my writings of that month, plus some random links and thoughts.

#blogging #rss #newsletters

@samir you’d be surprised to figure out that they’re singing pretty much about the same things as everyone else: money, cars, guns, sex, drugs :)

The easiest way to learn the language of the street is to listen to German rap songs and watch crappy fake-reality TV shows on channels like RTL2, SAT1, or Vox

Ladies and gentlemen, I refuse to believe that this is the same Internet I fell in love with, two decades ago.

@agturcz but say, after a few weeks or months?

You woke up one morning and social media was gone. All of it. X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn - all gone.

Even Mastodon became dust overnight.

Would that make you feel ...?

#socialmedia #fedipoll #mastodon

@Edent If I have to be honest, I did not expect this exact answer, but OK, I respect your right to say no. Wasn’t the point of the open web the ability to freely repost and link back in forth, and thus, make sure that great content reaches all the corners of the Internet universe?

@thorgal Indeed, it looks like Fuse can return the matches, so I will work on that:

@thorgal My blog uses a client-side search library called Fuse.js (, but I am also experimenting with all kinds of solutions ranging form Apache Solr to MeiliSearch (

I think Fuse offerese the possibility to exract highlights. Let me check, and I will update the template. Great idea!

@Edent this is so good! With your permission, I’d like to deposit the content on my blog to keep for posterity (and give you full credit, ofc).

To be honest, I am really for removing content farm sites like from @feedle, because they simply dump a ton of speculative content without much factual coverage.

Case in point:

I know that this sort of policing isn't what the open web i all about, so we still keep them there. But I am interested to hear what you think.


I am obsessed with searching. So obsessed, in fact, that searching front and center on every site I build, including my blog. My blog is my official second brain. Everything I’ve ever published is just a CMD-K away. No mouse necessary.


@nlopes @Skivling looks like it’s working now. I assume, it was the temporary rate limiting that was already mentioned. Still annoying, though.

@iamwaseem @christophberger there was a proposal to add a “try” keyword to the language back in 2019, but it did not fly:

The argumentation was that it would feel too much like an implicit macro - the function would implictly return in case of an error, which would contradict #golang’s emphasis on making code as transparent as possible.

Hey, #logseq users. I tried checking a few of the plugins on my installation for updates and got the following error messages.

Has anyone else experienced it?

"Technology is the art of arranging the world so we don't have to experience it." - Max Frisch

#technology #freedom #nature #quote

A panoramic view of the Schwarzwald national park in Southern Germany, from a recent trip of mine. Wooods and mountains, for as far as the eye can see.

@sepdroid @lehtimaeki it’s a totally different question why anyone on earth would want to announce the death of their dog to strangers online, and what they expect to get out of it.

@lehtimaeki still miss it to this day. G+ was rather nice and not emotionally loaded. You wanted to share some cool findings with the right circles and just did it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Most non-fiction books I end up on these days, are like a long-play version of ChatGPT. They begin with a thesis that then gets repeated over and over across the span of a few hundred pages.

It would be stupid to say that the book could have been an article, because I want a book and not an article. A book that slowly develops the idea over time and not just rehash chunks of it like a parrot.

#ChatGPT #books

Same here! The Mini holds a special place in my heart (and on my desk).

@impersonal there are a few decent options, but nothing with the polished user experience of Jupyter. Plus, not all are self-hosted.

Not 100% sure, but I think you can schedule regular Python scripts inside Jupyter, too. I’ll give it a try later on.

Of course, there’s also always the option to just set up from tasks directly inside the machine running the scripts.

@jraedisch I’ve been living in Germany for far too long- I’m still keeping up with those myself 🙈 But indeed, there are quite a few, you can always check up with @cellfourteen or @trubadurs_mag - they will point out some good works for sure.

@jraedisch it's a Bulgarian one. I have the story in English, too, and might eventually publish the translation on my blog (or write a small book of short stories).

It’s never too late to become a writer.

At 36, I submitted my first ever sci-fi short story to a competition this week.

Wish me luck!

#writing #scifi

Do I know somewhere in my network who has experience with running scheduled jobs as part of Jupyter notebooks? I am talking about the standard scheduler extension for Jupyter, not any form of cloud-hosted implementations.

Thing is, the job scheduler would always run a specific version of the notebook, regardless of the changes I made to the notebook afterwards. The only way to solve it, is to delete and recreate the job every time.

Is this by design?

#jupyternotebook #python

@thorgal it’s on par. The UX of AnyType is really well-designed, so you should feel at home with it.

Sadly, so is the complexity. If you use Notion’s DB features a lot, you’ll be OK, but if you’re planning to just draft pages of text and media, you’ll have a hard time. Creating a new page requires choosing the right type for it, the right template, layout, and a few other things that kill your motivation for writing.

AnyType is more of a database for content storage than a notebook taker.

I usually have no problem shortening a 1000-word non-fiction text down to 500, or even, 100 words.

On the other hand, shaving even a hundred words off of a short fiction story while keeping the level of suspense the same, has proven a nearly unsurmountable challenge.


#writing #scifi

Added a few more keywords to the query (NES, SNES, etc.), so it should be getting even more relevant results now.


#retrogaming #retrocomputing

Do you remember the blog search engine BlogSurf? That's right, you don't. Because it no longer exists.

This is the one thing we're commited to for @feedle - keeping it alive and stable. We see a fantastic communtiy forming around it, and the interested in indexing people's blogs has been enormous. For the time being, we are still able to support it alongside our client projects, but we'd love it if it had a sustainable revenue stream of its own.

How do we get there? Help us figure out.


@christophberger @notNapoleon Yeah, I have to say that they've taken Notion's idea of a relational-DB-for-mere-mortals one step too far. Now that you said it, I realize I've been doing the exact same thing with Obsidian props, too :)

The one thing I'm missing from Notion and Obsidian, is the ability to nest notes within each other. While I favor composition, there are a few cases where inheritance is still teh perfect solution to the problem (listen to the Java guy 🙈).

@notNapoleon it’s always the same story. In the end , someone has to pay for a product that is actually usable. It’s either the end customer or some investor. Since few people like paying for software these days, teams are finding other ways to sustain their living.

I’m sad to say it, but the majority of truly free and open-source solutions in this space are terrible to even look at, let alone spend time using them.

@trubadurs_mag може ли разказите да са директно на английски, или трябва да са на български, и чак тогава да се преведат?

@trubadurs_mag Бих искал да се пробвам, но не видях краен срок. С какво време разполагат авторите?

I have to admit something. I am starting to like AnyType more and more. Which, for someone witing a book about Obsidian, doesn't make much advertising for the book 🙈

Of course, in the end, I remain true to Obsidian, but if you like Notion's way of building database, and in a completely open-source form, you should check that out.

#obsidian #anytype #notion

I love playing retro games, I love talking about them, and I most definitely enjoy reading other peoples's retro gaming blog posts and stories.

That is why I embedded this @feedle search right on my blog, so I can frequently go back and revisit interesting stories. Hope, it helps others discover new blogs too.

P.S. If you believe a blog must definitely be in this list, let me know in the replies.

#gaming #retrogaming #blogging

@andrasbacsai has it happened? Curious to hear more details. Will make a nice anecdotal story for the next time I try to convince people to switch back to VMs and containers.

@tante ehh, I’m sure they’ll soon find a new toy to play with, like they always do.

@prma Phoenix is great, and if you’re OK with the whole FP/Actor stuff, and the Erlang legacy, it’s definitely a solid choice. I wish I’d sticked with it far longer, but alas, we have so many Java projects to deal with, that even something as general-purpose as Go was seen as exotic, let alone Elixir and Phoenix.

The long awaited pop we've all been waiting for?

#finance #economy #markets

There are two types of writers:

The one who puts commas everywhere, and the one who doesn’t even bother.

Which one are you?
