Andy Nicolaides Avatar
Andy Nicolaides
I'm a dad, husband and consultant. I dabble in blogging, gaming and iPhone photography, with questionable levels of success across the board.

Andy Nicolaides

@petebrown it's not fun is it? I've never seen that before. My wife and daughter always freak out when they see some and I always tell them to just ignore them and that they wouldn't just attack for no reason but I take that back now. I'll be running in fear from now on also. My face still hurts! 😂


Andy Nicolaides

@vincent 👀


Andy Nicolaides

Ow ow ow I just got attackex by wasps. Really painful sting on my chin and then another attacked and got the side of my head! One landed on my head so I tried to dust it off but it was holding on so I grabbed it and threw it but it turned around mid air and charged at my chin and stung me so I turned aroun...

Andy Nicolaides

That being said, I've put my 10 free connections in and put the app on my desktop to see if it starts filling a hole or not.


Andy Nicolaides

The new Reeder sounds reasonably interesting, but can I be arsed to manually add all blogs, YouTube channels and big Mastodon accounts I want to follow? No, no I cannot.


Andy Nicolaides

Bloody Call of Duty man. To open the BO6 beta you need to open the normal game, it then tells you it needs to restart, so fire it back up, then once loaded you have to select the BO6 beta, which then closes the game, and reopens the BO6 client and then says it needs to restart again and THEN you're in. Fun...


Andy Nicolaides

I'm loving the Earthen in #worldofwarcraft. So much so that I've switched my Warrior and Shaman over to one.


Andy Nicolaides

At this point, I think Iâve written and deleted posts about why I moved to Windows, why I ditched the iPad, and other things on this topic about 10 times at least. I go through the usually thought process of 1) no one will care, 2) you sound like a douche bleating on about something you love which no one...

Andy Nicolaides

@ChrisJWilson Yep! It has a little magnetic flap to just pop open and add what you like.


Andy Nicolaides

I’m sorry, I know this isn’t very kind (and it’s better than I could do!) but man this UI is just a mess.


Andy Nicolaides

At first glance I read this authors name as ‘Fanny warts’. For the fellow Brits, that sounds pretty naaaaasty.


Andy Nicolaides

AI is so sh*t they always have to add a disclaimer that it’s likely going to be wrong. Why are so many people investing so much into this poo?


Andy Nicolaides

The benefits of loving a 20 year old game … it runs like a dream on the Surface Pro 😂


Andy Nicolaides

Why is it that AI image generators still can’t get simple text correct? Even if you tell them a specific word to include it just butchers the spelling. There must be a reason it’s doing that?


Andy Nicolaides

You don’t need to be an analyst to know that the lacklustre ‘intelligence’ coming to iOS 18 wouldn’t make someone want to buy an iPhone they weren’t already interested in.


Andy Nicolaides

❕ Lost and absorbed in WoW again.


Andy Nicolaides

Hard agree. This is the best bit of tech I’ve bought in some time also


Andy Nicolaides

I’m interested to see how well this Surface keyboard holds up over time. The material feels a bit weird, but I love it. It feels nicer to use than the iPad Pro keyboard attachment so far and the row of function buttons are very handy.


Andy Nicolaides

The new COD beta is out already? Good lord. Fine, I’m going in! WoW will have to wait for a bit.


Andy Nicolaides

I love this little menu you can get on the Surface when you pair a Pen to it. Quickly jump into your favourite pen supported apps.


Andy Nicolaides

I always thought my gaming PC was pretty fast, but good lord it’s nothing compared to this new Surface Pro. I’m used to a pretty snappy iPad Pro but even that feels a bit slow compared to just the speed of navigating and UI elements on the Surface. I can’t see me buying an iPad again.


Andy Nicolaides

I wonder if it actually has intelligence yet?


Andy Nicolaides

Oh no, it looks like WoW runs surprisingly well on the Surface Pro. It's all over.


Andy Nicolaides

This Honest Smart Sim sounds pretty handy actually. Itâs £5 a month, for unlimited data to use for âessentialâ apps whilst roaming across 100 or so destinations. The essential apps are things like WhatsApp and Google maps etc. It looks like thereâs a waiting list, but itâs due to launch tomorrow...

Andy Nicolaides

Upgrade of mt Surface SSD from 256GB to 1TB went smoothly. It took about 5 minutes, not taking the restoring process into account. Love it.


Andy Nicolaides

@Gabz glutton for punishment! haha.


Andy Nicolaides

@vincent ah so sorry for the late reply Vincent. I’ve been sharing to m.b from Masto but havent actuslly been visiting here so I didn’t see your reply. I think the issue is more with echofeed perhaps, or maybe even Ivory, but when it shares one of my ‘short’ posts there it inserts the text but then also seems to pull / display my blog logo as a massive image, so its not very subtle haha. I think I just need to think how i’d like to post short tweet like stuff moving forward. Filling my blog with short posts may not be ideal.


Andy Nicolaides

@todor well, I ordered a 4070, but Amazon has since lost it (or the courier stole it more likely) so now I’m just upgrading to no money, and no new card 😂


Andy Nicolaides

@ChrisJWilson yes, quite possibly. I just hope it is indeed more to it than just a drive to protect her income.


Andy Nicolaides

@UndamnedOne ooh yeah definitely! I can see why they don’t as you say but that would be great.


Andy Nicolaides

@gr36 I’ve not seen anyone that is enamoured with it.


Andy Nicolaides

@MitchW I wish it would just not lose stuff that goes into a folder at least haha.


Andy Nicolaides

@BenSouthwood right, makes sense! Perplexity tells me the desktop client search is a lot better / more robust than web or the iOS all (where I use it 99% of the time) so maybe direct everything to iCloud for a bit and see how it holds up. You’re right the aliases and ‘hide my address’ or whatever it’s called is very handy also.


Andy Nicolaides

@MitchW yeah gmail is boring, ugly and … Google. But you’re right it defo does a job and emails don’t generally disappear into a black hole!


Andy Nicolaides

@BenSouthwood no, that’s a very fair point and in the same to be honest. But also don’t want to keep losing the few emails I do need. Are you sticking with iCloud for now? Gmail is, annoyingly, on the horizon haha.


Andy Nicolaides

@BenSouthwood yeah I’ve had something similar with some emails I was looking for recently. I know I saved them to a folder but they are long gone. Despite paying for it I think I’ll need to use HEY or Fastmail or something to get something reliable. Or just go back to gmail.


Andy Nicolaides

@maique yeah I’ve just done the same. I don’t think that’ll be missed.


Andy Nicolaides

@mattgemmell congrats on the release! Looking forward to diving in.


Andy Nicolaides

@gdp manly because the company only ever post stuff to bloody X! Haha. But yes, it’s a ‘full’ app this time that can be set as a default browser etc. it was submitted to Apple yesterday. There aren’t really any details of what it can do / looks like as yet.


Andy Nicolaides

@gdp perfect, thanks Gregory!


Andy Nicolaides

@mcg this is definitely the right take! :)


Andy Nicolaides

@gdp oh thanks for taking a look. I updated the Index file for my theme with this so it only pulls in certain post categories.


Andy Nicolaides

@abc well its a different animal to I wouldn’t say its competition, just an alternative :)


Andy Nicolaides

@ChrisJWilson yes. At the moment is on Scribbles and is hosted on


Andy Nicolaides

@maique another one I’ll look forward to!