Ben Southwood  Avatar
Ben Southwood
Doctor Who. 📺 Forteana. 👽🦑👻🤫 Burnley F.C. ⚽️ Children’s books. 📚👧🏽 Dogs. 🐕 He/him.

Ben Southwood

@leeperry Well, that’s a shocker.


Ben Southwood

@leeperry Decent start, though we generally start well.


Ben Southwood

@leeperry Another mental line-up on the face of it. This one is on telly in Ireland.


Ben Southwood

@maique It’s always pleasing to finish assembly, but a pain in the arse.


Ben Southwood

A lovely walk with these two. 🐕

Shane the hairy lurcher and Leela the terrier sit in the back of a car after a lovely walk. Shane the hairy lurcher and Leela the terrier sit in the back of a car after a lovely walk.


Ben Southwood

A typical Burnley game, mistakes costing us and poor finishing. That said a point and penalty at Old Trafford can’t be sniffed at. ⚽️


Ben Southwood

@UndamnedOne What an appalling human she is.


Ben Southwood

I think we’re dangerously close to bringing a third dog into our home. I might have to mute the animal rescue pages, I want to adopt all the dogs. 🥺🐕


Ben Southwood

@mattgemmell That’s what I’m talking about!😍


Ben Southwood

Currently Reading: The Whisperwicks: The Labyrinth of Lost and Found by Jordan Lees 📚


Ben Southwood

Finished reading: Winter’s Gifts by Ben Aaronovitch 📚


Ben Southwood

Again, having to Google how to do something that should be simple on an Apple device (deleting all downloads from Apple Music) shows that it’s an appalling experience trying to navigate the Apple ecosystem at times. 💻


Ben Southwood

@leeperry It’s hard to pinpoint, I know Muric’s errors cost us but there’s been so many of those moments. Sheff Utd are comfortably the worst team in the Prem, but the manner of our win is pleasing nonetheless. We were so naive, it’s hard to come back from that. You never know!


Ben Southwood

The Mighty Clarets give themselves an outside chance of Premier League survival. ⚽️


Ben Southwood

Just consumed a dreadful vegetarian breakfast. Rank. 🤢🌱


Ben Southwood

@maique Sometimes great things can happen out of bad. Whatever happens, a family makes a home and you’ll all be together making the next chapter just as happy.


Ben Southwood

@maique I have everything there and it just works for me. Gave Scrivever a go and think it’s great, but if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. :-)


Ben Southwood

Currently Reading: Winter’s Gifts by Ben Aaronovitch 📚


Ben Southwood

@maique Ulysses with its curves and suchlike.


Ben Southwood

My, quite frankly, promiscuous flirtation with whatever app looks pretty at any given time is stopping me from actually being productive. 💻


Ben Southwood

Finished reading: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 📚


Ben Southwood

Currently Reading: Nation by Terry Pratchett 📚


Ben Southwood

Currently Reading: The Neil Gaiman Reader by Neil Gaiman 📚


Ben Southwood

Finished reading: Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett 📚🦧


Ben Southwood

@peterw Yeah, I’m buying the omnibus editions. They’re all great, but some are (obviously) better than others.


Ben Southwood

@mattgemmell I like the look of those. I have a few controllers and a MiniNova, but they get very little use at the moment. My space is awkward.


Ben Southwood

Currently Reading: Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett 📚


Ben Southwood

Finished reading: Fear Ground (Dread Wood, Book 2) by Jennifer Killick 📚


Ben Southwood

@mattgemmell nice synth/controller.


Ben Southwood

Currently Reading: Fear Ground (Dread Wood, Book 2) by Jennifer Killick 📚


Ben Southwood

Finished reading: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett 📚🦧


Ben Southwood

@chrisd This delivery guy did end up saying he would shoot anyone who tried to wipe his mind. :-D


Ben Southwood

@chrisd My wife once gave me a bollocking after a delivery guy asked me ‘what do you think about these aliens then?’ and I engaged him in conversation for twenty minutes rather than make my excuses and go into the house.


Ben Southwood

@vincentritter No,


Ben Southwood

I’m starting to see the benefits of using Scrivener over Ulysses for my planned novels. Don’t get me wrong I still adore Ulysses, but once the way Scrivener works clicks its potential starts to become clear. 💻


Ben Southwood

@skoobz I haven’t really properly followed WWE for years, but The Rock’s current persona has me intrigued. He’s gold.


Ben Southwood

@odd Sorry, just seen this. Really good, it’s clever and well-written. He’s an interesting and knowledgeable chap.


Ben Southwood

Hoping the upcoming week is more conducive to garden work. 😐🌱


Ben Southwood

Currently Reading: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett 📚


Ben Southwood

Finished reading: The Dog Sitter Detective by Antony Johnston 📚


Ben Southwood

@mattgemmell Absolutely. I’m pretty much tied to Apple but happy enough as things stand, though there’s no perfect solution.


Ben Southwood

@mattgemmell It’s interesting that you’re faltering over your ‘all in with Apple’ approach. I’ve read of your love for the Kindle, but was wondering if you’ve thought ahead if you do persue an Apple free future. Scrivener or something else? I’m seeing a lot of folk down on Apple.


Ben Southwood

@leeperry Yes, Forest just got away with it. I always expected us to get a new goalie but I think we panicked when Verbruggen went to Brighton. I’d be stunned if we kept on buying, not without moving on around 5-10 players at least.


Ben Southwood

@leeperry I think Kompany has made a right pig’s ear of the season. Those who got us up should have kept their places initially, though we now have a £19 million reserve goalie. Too late now, but at least we can finish the season strong hopefully.


Ben Southwood

@leeperry I wonder what finally convinced Vinny to play Muric? While I think the criticism of Trafford was ott, it was clear he was far too young and undeveloped physically. With Cullen making a huge difference, now Muric too, I hope Vinny has learned lessons about trust.


Ben Southwood

@odd Cheers Odd, glad to see you’ve made steps to improve your health too. :-) Yeah, I’d like to get back running again, ideally, though not sure my lurcher would be keen. Before Shane joined the family, Leela (my terrier) and I would run loads, but he’s a dawdler and sniffer. Diet first, though.


Ben Southwood

@ner3y Me when women tried to flirt with me in my single days.