Rick Cogley Avatar
Rick Cogley
Welcome to blog Cogley. I've been sticking out like a sore thumb in Japan since 1987! 日本語もOK ☞ I'm founder and Co-RD at eSolia.com ☜ I ❤️ family life, Maru the Shiba, blogging, coding, hiking.

Rick Cogley

Maru the Shiba looking cool on a hot summer day 😎

A dog wearing sunglasses and a yellow scarf with green stars stands in front of a door.A dog wearing sunglasses and a yellow scarf with stars licks its nose while standing in front of a building entrance.A dog wearing sunglasses and a colorful scarf stands indoors near a door.


Rick Cogley

If you use a Yubikey for MFA for your Apple Id: it failed for me during the install of a new Mac (rejected the correct PIN), so I opted to setup later. When I did so, MacOS raised an error about the Yubikey being a keyboard, so I resolved that first, then was able to setup Apple Id. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Rick Cogley

@stopthatgirl7 just a comedy of errors.


Rick Cogley

@mejh they fit me just right


Rick Cogley

@chartier glad I can’t get it in Japan. That sounds like a massive mess.


Rick Cogley

@jamesvandyne oh my aching yen!


Rick Cogley

@matuzo I use tape.app; it seems to work pretty seamlessly


Rick Cogley

@brian I'd have it with, because I need to get back into Japan, but that's really good to know. It's easy to forget something.


Rick Cogley

Jogged about 13km from Totsuka to Kamakura in the Xero H-Trail sandals on Saturday early AM, then used the shower facilities at OSJ Shonan Club House before meeting A for lunch. Convenient, and they had a full range of Altra shoes! 🚿

Kamakura OSJ Sports clubhouse sign, white letters on orange backgroundKamakura beach looking from OSJ Shonan Clubhouse area, under a perfect blue sky


Rick Cogley

Had my hugo build scripts all break at once, because of some deprecations. Fortunately an easy fix. ⚙


Rick Cogley

@jamesvandyne @brian thanks for the extra info. Have you ever rented a car in your home country with your Japan IDP, and, was there any trouble? (James we lived in the Izumi-ku area in our first couple years of marriage, and I always thought their bureaucrats had it together. Always quick service at the kuyakusho. Totsuka got it's act together later.)


Rick Cogley

@pippa one can only hope. I think Biden was a good man, but it was time. I really hope Harris can get all the support and votes she needs. I just feel bad for her since the onslaught of right-wing b.s. and muckraking against her will start now.


Rick Cogley

@RoboticistDuck oof, I hadn't heard about THAT particular wrinkle. The page I read did say that you should bring the old one when you apply for a new one. Wonder what problem that odd bureaucratic flourish is designed to prevent?!


Rick Cogley

I’ve been wearing “barefoot” shoes for jogging for a few years now, and decided to try these Xero H-Trail running sandals. Wore them this AM on a 3km jog on various surfaces, and they worked well even in the rain. The key was to not grip the toe post too much and to stay relaxed. 🏃


Rick Cogley

My US driver’s license is expired so I am getting an International Drivers License to be able to rent a car when I visit. It should be easier than this, but, I just want to say that the process at the police station in Totsuka was super simple, friendly even. 👮


Rick Cogley

JIS finally released the Japanese language version of ISO 27002, called “JIS Q 27002:2024”. This is the guideline to ISO 27001’s annex A, a good practice guideline for implementing infosec controls. Now we don’t have to rely on beta translations. 🚀

Screenshot of the JIS Q 27002:2024 cover page.

Rick Cogley

@TomatoGrilledCheese that’s weird and great!


Rick Cogley

@ChrisJWilson my daughters are grown. I wish they would make forts in the living room again, or go outside and get all muddy. Truly halcyon days.


Rick Cogley

@chrisaldrich typewriters used to really stress me out. I had a kind of "PTSD" from typing class, where I was so bad at it. But because of that pressure, I can touch type without looking at the keyboard, and my career has benefitted from that. I think I would like to type on a typewriter. This is random, but I found this interesting: www.thenewsminute.com/telangana...


Rick Cogley

@amerpie oh, this is cool, thank you & duly added!


Rick Cogley

Plant Plunderage cogley.jp

Rick Cogley

Have you heard of the important BSI Standard PAS 5222:2024, developed to give guidelines for safeguarding children during out-of-school activities? My hope is that ISO and JIS pick it up. 🛝


Rick Cogley

@johoo welcome and, cute critter


Rick Cogley

Maru’s favorite spot, looking handsome after his trim. 🐕

A happy male Shiba dog lies on the grass in a wide open field under a clear blue sky.

Rick Cogley

@chadkoh had the Dog one with my wife last night. Was an IPA and went great with the roast beef.


Rick Cogley

@amerpie I must have missed the 3rd and 4th :)


Rick Cogley

@amerpie sounds like I have some catching up to do!


Rick Cogley

@Burk I think that’s unfortunately true; the spec was written by optimists relying on the honor system. I always set it up because of the sitemap link feature it has, and as an explicit statement re who I want indexing me, as a matter of course.


Rick Cogley

@pippa oof that’s messed up, I’m sorry to hear it


Rick Cogley

Lucky Brews for this lucky dad! 🥰

Several can beverages featuring "Lucky Dog", "Lucky Cat", and "Lucky Chicken" designs are displayed, with informational cards and a snack container in the background, all set on a blue-checkered tablecloth.

Rick Cogley

@gregmoore aerobic carb using zone?


Rick Cogley

@arstechnica especially concerning given their many security certifications. If such a bad system can be released, it means none of their purported security controls are effective. Smh


Rick Cogley

Daughter 2 brought delicious cannelè sweets in various flavors from Shinagawa station. It’s a celebration! 🥳

A selection of assorted French cannelé sweets, including green matcha, chocolate, citrus and almond-flavored ones, is presented in a round box on a table.

Rick Cogley

Another abandoned building in my area, this time a “danchi” public housing apartment building. You can put them up, but it costs money to tear them down, so they sit and rot! (This is why we sold off the apartment my FIL built.)

A dilapidated multi-story "danchi" public apartment building displays signs of heavy staining and neglect, with boarded-up windows and overgrown vegetation. In Yokohama Japan, under grey skies.

Rick Cogley

@rickcogley these particular shoes are even more comfortable now after a couple weeks' wear.


Rick Cogley

Abandoned kindergarten where our girls went is supposedly managed by a Uni, but it’s just overrun with weeds. 😔

A rusty blue gate with a “no entry” sign in Japanese, stands in front of an overgrown grassy field and abandoned school buildings under a clear, sunny sky.

Rick Cogley

We are usually flexible when delivering professional services, but recently a client went so far as to complain about being billed for what they ordered, despite us having done extra scope for that job. It’s time to train them by strictly controlling scope. 🗡️


Rick Cogley

The reactions of Trump followers regarding the unanimous guilty verdict handed in by the jury were predictable, and comical. I guess they don’t realize both sides select the jury?! 🤡 Also a pleasure to see the press refute every single lie spouted at the post-verdict press conference.


Rick Cogley

Google should pause AI overviews until they are sure the advice is sane. It’s like taking sarcastic Reddit copypasta as your source of truth. I signed Mozilla’s petition. 🤥


Rick Cogley

I’m a Spingle fan. They’re a Hiroshima shoe brand, and I’ve had good luck with fit and durability. My old canvas ones rotted so I got these. 👟

SPINGLE SPM-324IL Gray canvas

Rick Cogley

I tried Uber Eats for the first time here in Japan, and there was a tip option. I feel like tipping is really American, but still I tipped. Sincere question: do the drivers not get paid unless you tip? Appreciate any insights…


Rick Cogley

The “NY cheesecake” Lotte Chocopie is good. Really really good. 🤩

Chocopie wrapper

Rick Cogley

Yesterday was removal of about 6000m of old LAN cable from an office that was moved out of. We installed this 20 years ago. 💪


Rick Cogley

In a Starbucks before a meeting, and the noise pollution is quite incredible. There’s the BGM, door open pings, mobile order bings, staff taking orders, and of course people in remote calls. Noisy! 💥


Rick Cogley

“The Favourite” on Netflix is just fantastic. A hysterical romp. 😀


Rick Cogley

We had decadent parfaits in Atami, and the food at the cottage was 5🌟

Decadent chocolate parfait with wine gelee Breakfast genmai, nuts, veggies


Rick Cogley

It’s been a hard couple of months with no Golden Week, so we are at a detached cottage in Ito soaking in the onsen. Lovely place! 😊