Joel Hamill Avatar
Joel Hamill
I have No Idea what I am doing. Thoughts and observations along the way.

Joel Hamill

Please talk more about how you hate Europe and bicycles.

  • Ron Swanson

Joel Hamill

Was he killed by a younger, stronger barber?


Joel Hamill

@cliffordbeshers more like, " ... and the marketing manager doesn't realize the trouble he's in because he clicked on a phishing email, but the IT manager is there to save the day.". All in a David Attenborough voice.

With the extra bad British acting of people trying to play it serious but knowing it's not really serious.


Joel Hamill

Why is corporate IT security training so bad?

Planet Earth was a great series. Maybe we should make a cyber security training course with a David Attenborough sound alike?



Joel Hamill

Leave the World Behind, 2023 - ★★★

Joel Hamill

@pratik I never complain about autocorrect. I wouldn't be able to spell some words without it. I like to blame it for typos, but really I just don't like editing my texts.


Joel Hamill

@jsonbecker what is going on here? What are Swift fans unhinged about?


Joel Hamill

In Avengers Endgame, Why does Friday not tell Tony Stark that Thano’s ship came through the portal from 2014? Especially because they just initiated the “Barn Door” protocol just before Hulk snapped the Infinity Stones.


Joel Hamill

@herself is a pretty dead simple blogging platform to setup.


Joel Hamill

@Munish yes. And the regular season is from early April to late September then the post season (championship playoffs) is in October for those teams that make it.


Joel Hamill

@Munish the regular season is 162 games long.


Joel Hamill

@richText and if you're in the local market of the home team won't even let you watch due to blackout restrictions.


Joel Hamill

@richText They do not offer single game passes. Full season is $120 or so per year.


Joel Hamill

Hit Man, 2023 - ★★★★

Joel Hamill

@skoobz no idea, honestly. I just found it online. Not sure how the creater made it.


Joel Hamill

Oh, neat. MarsEdit will edit posts after they're published and will update those posts. I did not know that.


Joel Hamill

I have 2 moods. Sometimes at the same time.

two moods


Joel Hamill

Look at this beautiful creature.



Joel Hamill

@manton Wifi speed is dependent on the coffee shop's internet speed and not all internet plans are as fast as LTE.


Joel Hamill



I think it might be time for a rewatch.


Joel Hamill

Well, isn’t this pretty cool?

Retro Radio

This might be my next Lego set.

Oh, and it works, with your phone.


Joel Hamill

I think Blending Spoons has done a good job with Evernote so far. Their design updates have been needed improvements from previous versions.

I would like to see them work on widgets next. The widgets on Android still have the older design style.


Joel Hamill

@ridwan No, the opposition party cannot force another. Elections are held after terms are finished. The length of the term depends on the office.

However, the opposition party can make it difficult to govern. In fact, that has been the Republican party tactic to governing for 20 years now.


Joel Hamill

@pratik well, that's unfortunate.


Joel Hamill

Does this person think maps didn’t exist before GPS?
That GPS is the only way to know how to get from point A to point B?

Pizza Delivery



Joel Hamill

Mike Johnson’s third reason to take on the Justice System,

… and because people are losing faith in our institutions.

Sure thing.

Let’s attack one of our institutions with another institution because people are losing faith in our institutions. That’s going to totaly increase people’s faith in our institutions.

Makes total sense.


Joel Hamill

@ridwan Okay. I'll give this a go. But, first off, why is 'auntie' part of Kamala Harris' name in your question? Genuinely curious here. I've never seen that wording before.

  1. Yes, The vice President assumes the office of the President if the president dies.
  2. The Vice President nominates a new Vice President and the Senate confirms the new Vice President.
  3. No, the losing presidential canidate does not become the president.

Joel Hamill

Curtis McHale on the Rabbit R1,

So the same Crypto scammers are getting in on AI scams now.

The keyword here is scammers; not AI or crypto - scammers.

The scammers don’t change; the medium changes.


Joel Hamill

Someday I will have to try to write about why I enjoy the Google Pixelbook over the Apple MacBook Air (M1) over any other laptop that I have used. But, that is not today.

Today I will say that the keyboard on the Pixelbook is one of my favorite keyboards to type on.


Joel Hamill

@jtr Thanks for listening. I do apologize for the tone of the question in my response. Rereading it now and there is a bit of accusation there that was not intended. Appreciate that it found you in a constructive way rather than an attacky way.


Joel Hamill

@jtr Why are you holding other people to your personal standard of blogging? Just because people do not write as much as you want them to write is not a "depressing pattern" in independent blogging for the writers; they are writing when they want to write.


Joel Hamill

The Fall Guy, 2024 - ★★★★

Joel Hamill



Joel Hamill

@numericcitizen But, it could be. That is why they keep writing that. The iPad Pro could be a Mac if Apple decided to do that. There is nothing other than Apple stopping it from happening. MacOS and iPadOS run on the same chip that are in both the iPad Pro and MacBooks. Utter flexibility would be an iPadPro that ran BOTH MacOS (when it was in keyboard mode) and iPadOS when it was not docked in a keyboard. The potential is there. If the potential is there, people will write about not living up to the potential.


Joel Hamill

That's 18 quakes of 2.5 or higher since 10:30am PST today.


Joel Hamill

Delta is about 45 km wouth east of Mexicali and east of Laguna Salada


Joel Hamill

Cluster of Earthquakes in Delta Mexico this morning. At least 10 that are 3.0 or above.


Joel Hamill

Looks like there is already a backlog of the nano textures glass on the iPad Pro with ship dates into June.


Joel Hamill

$1,500 for 11 inch M4 iPad Pro, Magic Keyboard, and Apple Pencil Pro.

$1,099 for 13 inch M3 MacBook Air or $1,299 for 15 inch M3 MacBook Air.

Wild that an iPad costs more than a Mac.


Joel Hamill

There’s 72k people waiting for the Apple event to start on YouTube.

I wonder how many people are waiting for it to start on


Joel Hamill

300, 2006 - ★★★★

Joel Hamill

@danielpunkass My issue is with shooting a family pet because it "isn't well behaved" without trying to properly train the pet or put the pet up for adoption, not that the pet in question was a dog.


Joel Hamill

@nitinkhanna not positive but I think that is a proprietery Tesla software.


Joel Hamill

@manton Why does there have to be a "next"? Why can't there be a continuation? A refinement? A broadening as it were. Make the best platform for short form posts on the internet by focusing on core features, bug fixes, stability, and enhancements.


Joel Hamill

@Miraz That's a good name for a creek.


Joel Hamill

@JohnPhilpin Indeed. However, we're more normal than the Bay Area. At least, we tell ourselves that.


Joel Hamill

@JohnPhilpin definitely not. Just a normal Southern California resident who doesn't claim Bakersfield as part of the state.