Holger Frohloff Avatar
Holger Frohloff
I love bouldering and long-distance cycling on road and gravel, coffee, beer and whiskey. In my day job I develop web software for samedi in Berlin. He/him EN/GER

Holger Frohloff

Iced Americano ☕️


Holger Frohloff

Good Morning ☕️


Holger Frohloff

Started reading: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson 📚


Holger Frohloff

@tante every time I am fed up with VSCode for the reasons you mentioned I switch to my neovim editor. It stay there for a few days and then eventually switch back. Neovim really made vim better (for me!​)


Holger Frohloff

Finished reading: The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England by Brandon Sanderson 📚 My first Sanderson book. I didn’t know what to expect. It’s book two from the special projects series and unrelated to other books. Was a quick read and entertaining. 4/5 stars. Good main character. 😅😉


Holger Frohloff

I recently found1 and older post by @manton about integrating footnotes2. This post is a only-slightly hidden exercise in using them.

  1. I use Omnivore as a read-it-later tool and did some clean-up there… ↩︎

  2. www.manton.org/2023/09/1… ↩︎


Holger Frohloff

I used to be a big fan of Mozilla’s Firefox browser. Now I read about For Advertising Firefox Now Collects User Data By Default. Learning about stuff like this makes it hard to continue to trust them. What are the alternatives? Going back to Safari? Not sure about what to do.


Holger Frohloff

One more Ed Zitron quote

I hate to be that guy, but it’s all beginning to remind me of the nebulous roadmaps that cryptocurrency con artists used to offer. What’s the difference between OpenAI vaguely suggesting that “Strawberry” will “give LLMs reasoning” and NFT project Bored Ape Yacht Club’s roadmap that promises a real-life clubhouse in Miami and a “top secret blockchain game”? I’d argue that the Bored Ape Yacht Club has a better chance of delivering, if only because “a blockchain game” would ostensibly use technology that exists.


Holger Frohloff

It’s kind of like saying you’re on the first step to becoming Spider-Man because you’re a man.

Ed Zitron in his latest email newsletter on the ai nonsense-hype on the topic that LLM’s will start “reasoning” soon.

Read it. It’s really good and will make you think. www.wheresyoured.at/put-up-or…


Holger Frohloff

Heute morgen auf dem Weg zum Jugendamt. Wir brauchten ein Dokument für die Schule neu ausgestellt. Das ursprüngliche hatten wir verlegt 🙈.

Das Ursprüngliche hatten wir verlegt.

Wenn man es so schreibt, bekommt es einen anderen Charakter. Und gilt vermutlich ganz allgemein für unsere heutige Gesellschaft.

Unterwegs habe ich eine Folge RadioWissen gehört, über Die frühe Bundesrepublik- Die 1950er Jahre. Für mich als 1982 Geborener sehr interessant. Vieles wusste ich nicht.


Holger Frohloff

I just added stubs to pages I want to fill on this blog. You can find them in the navigation already even though they are quite empty still. Adam Keys brought my attention to those through his blog post “Slash pages & micro-features”


Holger Frohloff

Something on my feature branch breaks a feature that used to work before. That feature is only losely related to the changes I made. The feature that is now broken is old and has no test coverage. It’s real work to figure out why it’s affected in this way.


Holger Frohloff

A new Alfred workflow: Quickly open Merge Requests in GitLab holgerfrohloff.de

Holger Frohloff

I am using Apple’s 100 best albums of all time page & right now am at number 95: Usher’s Confessions. Usually I listen to Rock and Metal, or Blues/Soul/Jazz. So it’s a mixed bag in every regard. I like being exposed to different music and it’s fine to keep it in the background while working.


Holger Frohloff

@toddgrotenhuis By now I have read books 1 and 2 of the Tawny Man trilogy. Have you read any of those yet?


Holger Frohloff

Wonderful. Thank you for sharing @heibie@mastodon.social bielinski.de


Holger Frohloff

@z428 iPhone 15 Pro Max


Holger Frohloff

@daniellefyi 🫶😍 what a great shot


Holger Frohloff

@z428 oh thank you very much! Just glad I could capture some of those evening vibes


Holger Frohloff

@jean This is impressive! Is that constantly changing? Does the sand return eventually? Where does it go? What causes it? So many questions.


Holger Frohloff

Finished reading: Cantoras by Caro De Robertis 📚

Moving, inspiring. What a journey. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💙💜💖🫶


Holger Frohloff

Since Bartender 5 for Mac was sold without informing me as a longtime user to Applause Group — which I don’t know and don’t want to get to know — I removed it from my system.

As an alternative I am now using Ice. Thanks Christian for introducing me to Ice through his blog post.

Ice seems cool. 😅


Holger Frohloff

Finished reading: Golden Fool by Robin Hobb 📚 Just finished. I believe I never read a book quicker than this. It’s like many second parts of a trilogy. It advances the storyline and prepares everything for the big finale. It is still full of suspense and I can hardly wait to read the rest. Still, book one ... holgerfrohloff.de

Holger Frohloff

Finished reading: Fool’s Errand by Robin Hobb 📚

I finished yesterday. Being sick and laying in bed all day has upsides. Wonderful start to the series. Very emotional and thrilling.


Holger Frohloff

@eurobubba I used them in a special university building in Berlin a few times. It was always so scary because they actually moved faster than I wished they did.


Holger Frohloff

@numericcitizen oh yes I second that opinion. Although in the last years the hardware wasn't much topic of WWDC anymore, was it? I would love to be able to work on software development tasks from my iPad. And MacOS needs improvements like you mentioned. Other than that I am pretty ok with the status quo in my day-to-day use.


Holger Frohloff

Bouldern im Family Rocks in Oranienburg ★★★★☆ A person wearing climbing shoes is bouldering on an indoor climbing wall with orange and green holds. The climbing facility features padded flooring and additional climbing walls in the background. The climber’s face is covered with a smiley face emojiA child standing inside an indoor rock climbing gym, wearing a smiley face emoji over their face. The climbing walls feature various colored holds in blue, yellow, orange, pink, green, and gray. There is a hexagonal wooden structure inset intoA young child sits at a table in an indoor climbing gym, eating food with a drink bottle and a cup of Costa coffee on the table. The gym features bouldering walls and a children's play area in the background. holgerfrohloff.de

Holger Frohloff

@V_ oh it’s only pixel art from afar. too bad


Holger Frohloff

@V_ such a lovely pixel art cover


Holger Frohloff

@V_ oh is this about a hacker? 😈


Holger Frohloff

@heibie awesome. Ich hoste aktuell ja bei micro.blog und nutze nur das TinyTheme. Bin mir noch unsicher, wie ich meine Seite erweitern moechte, und welche IndieWeb features ich eigentlich brauche. Bin gespannt, was du schreiben wirst. Danke dir.


Holger Frohloff

In meinem RSS feed erscheinen regelmäßig die Beiträge von @heibie@mastodon.social. Mit dabei sind Posts in denen man sieht, dass er einen Artikel »liked« oder »bookmarked« hat. Und ich frage mich, wie er das technisch umsetzt. Falls du das siehst, Heiko, magst du oder hast du darüber geschrieben?


Holger Frohloff

@maique What a great photograph! 😆 Have a great day.


Holger Frohloff

@maique Where are you headed? Stay safe!


Holger Frohloff

Dadurch, dass ich nun ein Backbone für mein iPhone habe, benutze ich es ab und an wieder ohne Hülle. Die Apple Finewoven Case passt nicht ins Backbone. 🤷‍♂️ Jedenfalls ist es wieder ein Genuss, dieses Titangehäuse in der Hand zu haben. Ohne Hülle ist besser. Aber halt auch gefährlicher…


Holger Frohloff

@samgrover Ah very well. I haven't used your software for that long and wasn't aware of that blog post. 😊 Thanks for looking into it. If you have specific questions or would like me to try something or ask for feedback, please feel free to ping me directly here on micro.blog.


Holger Frohloff

Erd-, Stachel- und Johannesbeeren halten sich an ihre Jobbeschreibung! 👍🫶

ein Foto von noch grünen, wachsenden Erdbeerenein Foto von noch grünen, wachsenden Stachelbeeren ein Foto von noch grünen, wachsenden Johannisbeeren 


Holger Frohloff

@samgrover I was just trying it out. The descriptions were accurate and quick to get. Do you envision an option to change the language of the alt text? For my German posts it would make sense to have German alt text.


Holger Frohloff

@Mikehendley That looks impressive!


Holger Frohloff

@bryan uuuuh. I haven't listenend to Minidisc for quite some years. It was my goto choice for listening music back around 2002 I believe. 20 years. Thanks for the reminder. 😀


Holger Frohloff

@jagibson that looks and sounds like a fun day!


Holger Frohloff

Vogelgesang während der Hunderunde Mein Hund Milo steht auf dem Weg und blickt nach hinten. Der Weg ist sandig. Im Hintergrund sieht man grüne Bäume. Es wirkt sehr ländlich. holgerfrohloff.de

Holger Frohloff

Today is the final day of a three-day workshop on FHIR and the firely server. I am actually writing some C# code today. Haven’t interacted with that language for over 10 years. Three days of workshops is a nice change of pace. Also lots of delicious food and a great presenter/coach in Mirjam Baltus.


Holger Frohloff

@holgerfrohloff Da fehlte ein emoji am Ende: 😅


Holger Frohloff

@leitmedium Das ist wieder so ein Satz, bei welchem „wenigerteuer“ zusammen geschrieben werden sollte, imho.


Holger Frohloff

@rug_b Das stimmt. 🤤🫣


Holger Frohloff

@marekfort Thank you very much. It means a lot to me to get so much positive feedback.


Holger Frohloff

@leitmedium Ich fand Schloss Drachenburg sehr interessant, aber ist halt nen Stück auswärts.


Holger Frohloff

@heyloura I believe I didn't mention you correctly, so you might not see that post holgerfrohloff.de/2024/01/2... Sorry, if you get this twice…