John Gibson Avatar
John Gibson
“When I was a kid my parents moved a lot, but I always found them.” ― Rodney Dangerfield

John Gibson

Purple corn, with occasional flowers.


John Gibson

@manton I’m always shocked how good EarPods sound. I struggle with ear fit at times but sonically they are worth the price of admission.


John Gibson

@Denny I intentionally put on “Land of Confusion” by Genesis earlier today and went from there down an 80s rabbit hole.


John Gibson

@JohnPhilpin wonderful photos btw!


John Gibson

@manton This is awesome Manton.


John Gibson

@help thanks! all good!


John Gibson

@manton Likewise. Obama chose him as VP for his relationships and ability to negotiate in the Senate. He has wielded those traits as President admirably today considering the clown car that is Congress. He is a genuine positive force and has done a lot to support this country. His age certainly doesn't concern me. 🇺🇸


John Gibson

How Far the Song has Fallen from the iTunes Tree an iMac G4 with iTunes Music Store on the screen and and iPod sitting to the right of it on a flat surface.

John Gibson

@help I have the family plan and have been playing around with a test/second blog. Nothing urgent but I can't post anything there as it states I need to upgrade my plan.


John Gibson

Man, I sure miss Bowie.


John Gibson

Today I posted a Stone Temple Pilots drum snippet and a lame attempt at playing samba.


John Gibson

@caseyliss well, I did replace the brake light housing and wiring under warranty 6 times due to melting, so I suppose the lack of an engine would one less thing to worry about 😁


John Gibson

My go-to beer is the Run Wild IPA from Athletic Brewing but it’s hit or miss finding it in the stores here (or any NA beer besides like O’Doules). Today they had Stella NA and I was skeptical but it tastes great!

A hand is holding a bottle of Stella Artois Liberté, which is a non-alcoholic beer with 0.0% alcohol content, in front of a grassy background.

John Gibson

@caseyliss unsolicited advice but as a former Hyundai owner, stay away. Their engines are crap and they make you jump through hoops for recall work.


John Gibson

@mcaloney Sober Carpenter makes a good hoppy NA IPA, I believe they are from Alberta.


John Gibson

Summer, signaling its beginnings.


John Gibson

I’ve been enjoying posting little short snippets of my drum playing on YouTube but I think I’m going to transition to hosting them here instead.


John Gibson

@chartier lots of things can come into play but I will note that Verizon (spectrum’s partner for cell service) and ATT both had extensive outages throughout the week last week. Group texts are typically sent through the mms network (using data) so if they indeed resolved those issues can try power cycling the devices and test again to see if that works.


John Gibson

Frozen fruitcicles


John Gibson

Friday last week, we installed the pedals on my son’s balance bike and he didn’t skip a beat, was successfully pedaling on his first try.

my almost 4 year old son, riding his bike on a gravel road after we installed pedals

John Gibson

I posted another drum cover short on YouTube. Jimmy Chamberlin (Smashing Pumpkins) is a great drummer but I never loved the Pumpkins that much. This song is from Jimmy’s jazz/fusion/rock band Jimmy Chamberlin Complex and Billy Corgan provides the vocals. Wonderful song.


John Gibson

Trying this out, my first YouTube short playing drums.


John Gibson

Incredibly disappointed I missed Godzilla Minus One in the theaters but super happy it was released on platforms today. It was excellent.


John Gibson

My (other) tribe

Three cats, two black and one tortoiseshell, sit and lounge on a gravel path with a grassy area, tree, and garden cart in the background.

John Gibson

I’ve discovered an excellent new blog, by Arun Venkatesan. Today I read a mini first impression of the Daylight Tablet Arun posted back in March of this year. Long story short, I ended up pre-ordering the device, as it seems to be a promising take on e-ink tablets which is something I have been intrigued with since the first Kindle came out back in the 2000s. Of particular note in his commentary, I appreciated this the most: "In my previous post, Why we crave healthier computing, I explored how the evolution of computing over the last century has made our devices both more powerful and mo...

John Gibson

I am this close to some day capturing a lightning bolt.

Dark thunderheads after a lightning flash.

John Gibson

@jason 🎶you can caalll meee Al🎶


John Gibson

It’s so silly, but I love that Call and Oates is still active, many years ago I saved the number in my contacts and tried it today and it worked! For those not familiar here’s the npr story from 2011.


John Gibson

@numericcitizen yeah, personally I find reaching to a laptop screen to zoom takes too much effort for me vs a good trackpad or mouse, but I’m happy to chalk that up to being a gen x person 🤣


John Gibson

@numericcitizen anecdotally from what I have observed with people using touchscreen laptops, scrolling has been the biggest use case. I still have a surface book 3 that I use for certain things but never really got into the touchscreen when in laptop mode. I always just removed the screen to navigate the device in tablet mode.


John Gibson

@Denny thanks! all credit to @numericcitizen who talked about the Spectre app and I used it once on that windy day.


John Gibson

@holgerfrohloff indeed it was! Very grounding (no pun intended)


John Gibson

@Denny Chromebooks became popular for that very same low maintenance reason (granted at a much lower price but I would argue iPad has more power features while still maintaining low maintenance). I suspect the mini will still keep the A series chips this year.


John Gibson

Lots of jumping and rolling in the grass today.

My boy, jumping from a backyard platform/stage and rolling onto the grass.

John Gibson

@Denny great write up. The notion that iPadOS needs to essentially be Mac OS in order for there to be value for the hardware is misguided. Anecdotally the iPad usage I have seen in the last few years have exceeded from just Netflix gadget. I imagine iterative improvements to stage manager and things like that coming in the next version of iPadOS.

I bought a family member an iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard (she’s been a windows user since forever) as her main machine and she is enamored about how she just doesn’t have to put effort into her computing needs, and she didn’t realize how much effort she was putting previously even with her OS comfort level in Windows. The iPad Pro will last her for a significant amount of years and the stability will carry on with her general computing needs.

I still wish for an iPad mini with full screen stage manager support when connected to a monitor. I don’t need to be full time iPad computing but occasionally plugging in to a monitor with some decent windowing support with a keyboard and mouse would give me the best of both tablet and general computing machine. Alas, I may cave and get the 11 inch air if the mini doesn’t get those enhancements soon.


John Gibson

Wild asparagus, with occasional grapes.


John Gibson

@jarrod would be lovely to get external monitor w/ stage manager support. Seems unlikely.


John Gibson

Playing drums to a loop for giggles, it’s been a while since I did anything electronica-ish. The recording quality through GarageBand (on my phone) is remarkably improved over Yamaha’s Rec ‘N’ Share app. Going to play around with using my old iPhone SE as an overhead mic combined with the EAD10 to see ho...

John Gibson

@JohnPhilpin outstanding photo!


John Gibson

I appreciate marveling very much


John Gibson

@JohnPhilpin hey cheers for the mention!


John Gibson

The iPad I want isn’t here yet. But my complaint is not what the general tech pundits argue about. Still absent in this year’s lineup is an updated iPad mini. I find it to be the perfect size for “tablet” things. My one wish is that Apple would bring external monitor support and the light desktop exper...

John Gibson

@JohnPhilpin saw this just now on Daring Fireball, so much better!


John Gibson

Steve Jobs:

It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough — it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the results that make our heart sing.



John Gibson

The clouds yesterday put on quite a show 📷

streaks of grey clouds over an old school analog roof antenna.

John Gibson

If the internet went away tomorrow, I think we would all be just fine.


John Gibson
