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I am a bilingual guy just trying to put my dent in the universe while drinking margaritas on an island or occasionally having a barbecue while enjoying the mountains.

I found this AI tool from Google that can help you prepare for your next job interview. I might consider using it next time I apply for a job:…

@jtr Hahah! This is great, I might use this next time 🍻

First time I get to see an up-close view of the Cybertruck!

We enjoyed the night with some Mezcal Bee’s Knees, a few burger sliders, and a lot of banter.

@maique this sounds like a lot of fun!

RDJ confirms he is playing the actual Victor Von Doom/Doctor Doom. I guess we might see another actor playing Tony Stark/Iron Man in this Fantastic Four movie since it will be in another universe.

I enjoyed these delicious tacos so much that I ordered another round after taking this photo.

I recently found my old Spanish version of the LIFE board game from the 90s. The box has been damaged by age and humidity, with several tears. Despite the wear and tear, the game pieces inside are still in playable condition.

I am thinking about getting the upcoming iPhone 16 Pro for three main reasons: AI, USB-C, and 48MP all three cameras (if not, two cameras would be enough). Also, having the Dynamic Island and Action buttons would be nice as whatever new feature Apple will bring.

After my new job attempt which did not go well, I’m revising my resume. I’ll continue freelancing while I figure out my next steps. As Steve said about connecting the dots: you can only connect them by looking backward, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future.

Exciting announcements at D23! I’m especially eager for Daredevil Born Again, but also intrigued by what The Incredibles 3, Mandalorian and Tron Ares would bring.…

I recently had a good job interview, but the company cancelled the process. When it reopened, I reapplied, but then received a message saying I didn’t qualify for the next round. It’s frustrating going through this.

Last night I suffered from an anxiety attack. I never thought I would be experiencing this but recognizing what it was is a good sign for channeling thoughts and feelings better.

This podcast did a great job of summarizing most of my reactions after seeing Deadpool & Wolverine, beware there are SPOILERS ahead only listen if you have seen the movie:…

So as many of you may know by now, RDJ is coming back to the MCU as a variant of Doom, but what is unclear is whether this is a variant of Tony Stark that turns into Doom or a Victor Von Doom variant with Tony Stark’s face. Either way, it will be interesting to see this portrayal:…

Deadpool & Wolverine are setting the stage for the future crossover event of the MCU.

A little paradise, I wish I could buy a house near this island one day—the other one up in the mountains.

I’ve always been fascinated by how far ahead of time Steve Jobs was. Here’s an old 1983 conference in Aspen where he attended and talked about several topics that seemed far back in the 80s but have way more sense now:…

@ec I ordered a bucket at KFC last night! It solved our night

I went to a place that makes this amazing pizza! I met the owner who started his journey in Wisconsin. For this pepperoni pizza, he brings out a spicy honey sauce that you can either dip into the slice of pizza or just pour a bit on top.

Following up on my Ikigai journey, I’ve always been fascinated by how technology transforms various aspects of life, such as travel, photography, international relations, food exploration, cars, etc. However, finding a way to earn a comfortable living while indulging in these passions has been a challenge.

I am considering whether I become a freelancer or stay as an employee. There are advantages to both and hurdles, but the most important is being able to retire early so I can enjoy life while I help people achieve their best.

Going back to where I grew up has been good because I got to spend some time with family and old friends but I am not sure it is the place I would like to stay and fulfill my Ikigai. Maybe I have not seen it here yet and it will come at some point. Time will tell.

Sunset view from Panama City. Felt blessed to capture all these different shades of colors.

@bryan I used to struggle with that but what I have been doing is: take 1 day every week for a month so it gives me an extra day off and still keep me on the loop. Might be worth a try

We tried to build a startup last year and it was quite the experience. As fun as the idea was, it required too much money upfront from the market to develop (we are talking Latin America here). Ultimately, we couldn’t show product market fit, it was too niche then and the margins were low.

@V_ I found one that is offering 49$ a month with an exclusive community, 30 hours of teaching material, live sessions, 1:1, etc. I speak Spanish fluent and a bit of Portuguese so maybe I can make the effort, see if my mind can take it. I am still considering if it’s worth versus using a phone translator.

@steveroy I like that color! Enjoy the new bike 😎

Something that I’ve learned in the last couple of years is that sometimes we need to get out to explore and make some mistakes to truly find what makes your heart sing and what doesn’t.

Here’s a view of the Garden of the Gods in Colorado during my visit a few weeks ago. Always have a good time enjoying these views but if you are a serious hiker there are tons of places to visit here.

I went to a bakery that got this five-strand bread with notes of citrus fruits called Zopf. Originally from the Bern region in Switzerland, but also part of the baking culture of Germany and Austria also known by the name Striezel. Bought one and plan to try it tomorrow.

@jmanes Next time I will try to remember to post a photo

@amerpie I gotta say this is turning out even better to what I was expecting.

@V_ wow that’s a lot of classes. I had a friend from Japan while attending grad school and she taught me a few words but now I only remember numbers from 1-6 and greetings :/

I also would like to visit Japan sometime next year but no concrete plans yet.

@vazquez thank you! Also knowing that I am not being targeted with ads refreshes me

@jtr thanks, I appreciate you sharing that. I already put him on my list and will be checking his posts. Yes, I’ve noticed that the discover feature is great to connect with the community.

@tsmyther That is a heck of a motivation! I can do chips and salsa all day.

@ec thanks! So far I am glad I made the decision to start. As the saying goes: Better late than never (but with Robert Downey voice from Iron Man 3)

@grubz that is great to hear. It takes some serious work to build community these days on mainstream sites. is bringing me vibes of the early days of social media.

@grubz thanks! I’ve definitely thought about creating a blog many times in the past until I came across this site and said to myself: let’s give it a shot!