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Dave Gullett
I try to help people. Sometimes for money, sometimes not. O||||||O 🖋️☕ 📚  🇮🇩🏕️🥾

Dave Gullett

The mind that comes to rest is tended In ways that it cannot intend: Is borne, preserved, and comprehended By what it cannot comprehend.

Your Sabbath, Lord, thus keeps us by Your will, not ours. And it is fit Our only choice should be to die Into that rest, or out of it.

-Wendell Berry, Sabbaths 1979


Dave Gullett

“A great relationship is not only finding the person you have fun with, but also finding the person you want to be bored with. The beauty of long-term relationships is often hidden in boring, ordinary moments.”


Dave Gullett

“Nothing good ever comes from indulging the egos of old men.”

From Political Proverbs.


Dave Gullett

@JohnBrady @ChrisJWilson I’ve been rethinking a lot of things lately and this might be the most helpful and challenging idea ever.


Dave Gullett

Water Lillies.

Monet's Water Lillies (Agapanthus) on the wall at the Cleveland Museum of Art


Dave Gullett

Food for thought on the 4th

An iPad on a table with coffee and flowers


Dave Gullett

“I used to think that basically, the whole world, that all humanity were basically bastards. I’ve since found that most people seem to be pretty nice—basically good people doing the best they can. There is rarely, however, a neat takeaway. You have to learn to exercise a certain moral relativity, to be a g... micro.davegullett.com

Dave Gullett



Dave Gullett

“Wilbur Wright explained that were he ‘giving a young man advice as to how he might succeed in life, I would say to him, pick out a good father and mother, and begin life in Ohio.‘”

(from The Daily Dad)


Dave Gullett

Sunday Morning Coffee.

My favorite coffee mug, and a French press sing on our kitchen table in the sunlight on Sunday morning


Dave Gullett

Northern lights in southern Ohio.


Dave Gullett


Total Solar Eclipse.


Dave Gullett


Dozens of puzzle pieces with blossoms and leaves that have been on our kitchen table for too long.


Dave Gullett


Flowers on our (messy) kitchen counter.


Dave Gullett

@bloftin2 @patrickrhone @petebrown Fwiw you can sign up for online cards at multiple libraries if you meet the residency requirements or if they don't require it.


Dave Gullett

Food for the mind and soul.

The covers of two magazines, Plough Quarterly and Comment.


Dave Gullett

@patrickrhone This made my day.


Dave Gullett


An empty stage with a grand piano and two guitars.


Dave Gullett

@Annie Thank you for this.


Dave Gullett

@patrickrhone This sounds delightful.


Dave Gullett

@foryou I feel like this series is ripe for a micro.blog hosted audio version.


Dave Gullett

@ChrisJWilson That’s where I heard about it. It’s a short book that has taken me a while to get through.


Dave Gullett

@help Looks like all the images from my posts have disappeared?


Dave Gullett

@danalcantara That looks like a. nice inviting space.


Dave Gullett

@BenSouthwood My wife is Asian, so it’s an almost necessity. We actually have both a large and a small one. She would not want to live with out it.


Dave Gullett

@patrickrhone This is delightful and challenging. I need to get better at understanding, empathy, and “eulogizing” people before they are gone.


Dave Gullett

@patrickrhone sorry. Didn’t see the whole thread.


Dave Gullett

@patrickrhone I know absolutely nothing about this. But a quick read suggests that if your wife and daughter have a combined majority or you and your daughter have a combine majority then you would qualify? Of course, paper work and lawyers and such.

“Minority-owned Business Enterprise (MBE)—an eligible business that additionally: • is at least fifty-one (51) percent owned by one or more minority persons, and • has its management and daily business operations controlled by one or more minority persons who own it.

Women-owned Business Enterprise (WBE)—an eligible business that additionally: • is at least fifty-one (51) percent owned by one or more women, and • has its management and daily business operations controlled by one or more women who own it”



Dave Gullett

@hollie Maybe @penaddict can give some advice? I go in for blue blacks and turquoise-esk inks these days.


Dave Gullett

@odd fwiw I’ve been using apps from www.olivetree.com since the Palm OS days.


Dave Gullett

@patrickrhone FWIW we went with a handed down iPhone for our teen because of iMessage and Find My. It does require a bit of a Screen Time diligence but it is working for us so far.


Dave Gullett

@JMaxB Yep. We have a few along the edges of our yard. I lived in the Adirondacks for a bit and spring (well, mud season) was welcome after the long dark winter, but I missed the redbuds as well.


Dave Gullett

@joshuapsteele it’s kinda fun. Check out Federico Viticci’s short cut if you are on iOS: www.macstories.net/ios/intro...


Dave Gullett

@patrickrhone Our power was out yesterday for a great while. It was a joy to see the whole family turn to books.


Dave Gullett

@patrickrhone Perfect. Thanks so much again.


Dave Gullett

@joshuapsteele All I know is that for reading at night I want e-ink and physical buttons. I’ve been nursing my cracked Oasis along for over a year.


Dave Gullett

@patrickrhone Thanks so much, Patrick.