TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama: Avatar
TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Wibble wobbles....


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@RobinMarx @roque I really should play both of those games. The second one looks graphically amazing on PC.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@ZorritoIV Getting where?


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@tokyobybike @gullevek Who needs eyes when you have that?!??🥵


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@gullevek I have “reading glasses” too.💀


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@k8 So why not get them to rat on whoever trafficked them? Either that's too big brain of a play, or can't bust Yakuza because they are on their payroll, or even worse, "tattoos are scary!!!1111😱 "


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@k8 Yeah. The least worst was inside Akabane Station maybe in 2018 or 2019 (i forget) I was changing trains and I got stopped by two young cops. He basically straight up told me they are only checking me for quota because they are looking for SE Asians. Somebody on Twitter (I think) explained that lots of SE Asians get trafficked here and then forced into prostitution.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@dwvcd Parts of me are very excited about what’s down there.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Went to The Great Burger for lunch today and then went and picked up the new Tycho album.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Tried this out. It does say it is still in beta and there are some bugs for sure. That said, this was really fun and my son had a good laugh and the bugs and how it was breaking the game. Good times! Totally worth messing around with.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@pippa @brian Do you understand what intent is? I know that's not a thing anymore and it's hip to ignore it, but it's still a thing. Again, you are spinning it into something it isn't. Your feeling about it aren't valid. Please think actively rather than react emotionally like an amoeba and then attacking my character and thinking that's ok.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@pippa @brian Well, you are wrong, but at the end of the day if you learned something that's what was important.

If it helps, look at it why are boxers not ok to walk around in public in, but a swimming trunks are? You are way too hung up on the gender. I just said women because they are the most sensitive about it (or so I thought). You are taking what I said, spinning what I said into a fucked up mess, and then shitting it out into something it's not.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@pippa @brian Not at all. It's just the first example that came to mind. You ignored my conversation in this thread with @jasonhill where he said he wasn't comfortable with being seen in his undershirt. Many other people didn't read into it "as women should wear only underwear all the time." You're twisting my words which I don't think is fair.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@jezebelkat Don't mind Brian. He's just simping for somebody right now.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@brian Well that clearly wasn't my intention, but both terms basically mean the same thing. I think you are reading into this a little too deeply. I wasn't trying to take over the world by having everyone run around in their undies, Brian. That's not how that works. I'm also not trying to change anything.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@jezebelkat That's another one. I mean you are segregated by physical sex. Even among their own sex though, out of the context of a gym or onsen people would be weird if they were naked in a different setting even if in front of their own sex.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@brian I’m not saying I don’t feel the same about my daughter doing the same, but you can’t really pin down the differences. I’m not saying everyone should run around in their underwear either. It was just a “why are we like that” kind of question.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@brian Fine, “social manipulation.” 🙄

That’s the very question I am asking, Brian.😮‍💨 People feel this way, but when you think of it logically and not like an amoeba reacting to the light, it does make much sense on paper.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@brian @Chanclatrix This is why I run. I need to be able to eat like trash.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@jasohill Interesting. I'm indifferent to who sees me in my boxers. Why does it bother you to be seen in your undershirt? It's just a shirt right? I'm legitimate curious about it.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Wow! OG #supermariobros for the #NES, but it's a Super Mario Bros Maker like on the Switch, but it runs on the #SNES and uses the mouse. I'm going to need to check this out. #retrogaming #romhack


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@k8 I got stopped a lot when I first moved here outside the west Shinjuku Station exit on my way to and from school. Sometimes it was the same cops. I haven't been stopped in recent years since maybe 2019 on account I've been working from home since 2020.

The worst ever was outside Shibuya Station with my daughter. when she was two or three. The cop checked my ID and then wanted a ID for her. I explained she was a Japanese Citizen and he informed me she's half. I wanted to murder him.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@Sonikku The marketing got to us. We played right into it.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Shower thought: Why do women go to the beach and wear a bikini that covers the same amount of skin as bra and panties and they feel completely fine in public being that undressed, but in bra and panties they would be upset if somebody sees them? Is this just social brainwashing?


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@willofgregor Maybe for the time, but even for that audience I don't think it has aged very well.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@willofgregor It's a so bad it's good kind of movie for sure. It's fun to laugh at.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@willofgregor HACK THE PLANET!!!!!111111


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@brian Yeah, Mclaren is the hot shit now, but Ferrari might be finally finding its groove too. This has been a great season. Rumor has it Yuki Tsunoda might be going to Red Bull.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Not to brag, but I’m destroying them. I’m up 123% in the same time frame. Git gud, hedgefunds.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

🎶What we gonna have when we have peanut butter?
Jif creamy peanut butter mothafucka!🎶

#Jif #JifPeanutButter #peanutbutter


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Just got tickets to see Nas on the 21st at The Blue Note. Pretty stoked about that.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Anxious to do something, but there is nothing to do.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

I have no idea what I did for the Instagram algorithm to do me so dirty. 😅


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Did I sleep last night?😪


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Foooking loooool! #fail #chatgpt


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Maybe I'm an asshole, but I totally understand this guy's point.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Instagram redeemed itself with this amazing comment today. I had lost faith, but this killed me.😂


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Ladies, I know I'm a disgusting dirty old pervert, but without you I would have no place in this world. You aren't an object to me, but the object of my pallet of affection. I love all of you. Hope you all are having a wonderful day.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Ran, ate lunch, took a shower, but now I need to do work, but a nap sounds so much better.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

I'm going to be 50 next year. How am I this horny all the time? I should be in my warm sweater, favorite chair, napping phase. Am I destined to be a dirty old man? Am I a dirty old man?


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

I woke up in a mood today and I only need two things:


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

Nothing but lies!!!! Where is this wind? I didn’t even feel a queef’s worth out there during lunch. It’s stagnant AF.


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

I’m trying to become more active in the community in a helpful way so here’s just a reminder. Let’s all keep healthy. Remember, a healthy body makes a horny body.😌


TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

#BurningMan is about to kick off in a couple days. The number of herpes cases is about to explode.