David Schlaepfer Avatar
David Schlaepfer
Video editor. Music/movie/game/tech lover. Dad.

David Schlaepfer

Just a lil Pygmy Nuthatch checking me out ❀️


David Schlaepfer

🍿 Public Trust, 2020 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

This beautiful osprey posed for me on my way home from work yesterday.


David Schlaepfer

🍿 Lost in Translation, 2003 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 Dune: Part Two, 2024 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 Raising Arizona, 1987 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 The Hudsucker Proxy, 1994 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

Got in the top 250 on the Apple News crossword today. davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 O Brother, Where Art Thou?, 2000 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 Inside Out 2, 2024 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, 2004 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

My Four-Star Letterboxd Wall davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

Checking up on my goals davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

Every sports team I follow is cursed. ⚽️⚾️ davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 The Descendants, 2011 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 After Hours, 1985 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 Stagecoach, 1939 - β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 Come and See, 1985 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 Sunset Boulevard, 1950 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 Taste of Cherry, 1997 - β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 Free Solo, 2018 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 Shoot the Piano Player, 1960 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

🍿 My Cousin Vinny, 1992 - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

Hawk vs Crow - who would win?


David Schlaepfer

Finished reading: Stardust by Neil Gaiman πŸ“š A fun cat-and-mouse-and-bigger-cat adventure. It took me a little while to settle into the rhythm of it. Things just happen, supernatural stuff hidden in the prose, and you kind of think, β€œDid I just read that?” Just like Tristran (a name unpronounceable in my m... davidcs.net

David Schlaepfer

@manton If I'm being honest, I don't feel like a news section fits on Micro.blog. The emphasis is on inter-personal sharing and conversation. As we enter what will undoubtedly be an extremely polarizing year, it will be nice to have a place on the web that doesn't put headlines front and center. There are plenty of other places to get news. I value your desire to make a news site without misinformation though. But that could also become difficult; some things are more easily fact-checked than others. My two cents.


David Schlaepfer

@jtr Interesting. Is this on Sonoma? I’ve used Al Dente for this in the past.


David Schlaepfer

@rcrackley Maybe that then is the radical change: treating others equally at the expense of capital or nationalism. If only Christians always treated others equally though! Christianity in a position of power doesn’t always live up to its ideals.


David Schlaepfer

@rcrackley Maybe there’s a clarification needed around β€œcommunity”. Ancient Rome was a massive economic and political machine, but was it a community? Communities thrive on treating each other as equals, while economies often thrive on the opposite.


David Schlaepfer

@rcrackley Perhaps humans evolved to be communal β†’ communities thrive when people treat others with respect β†’ this is observed and becomes enshrined in religious belief. Or, to approach it from a Christian perspective, perhaps God endowed humankind with an innate desire to treat others well.


David Schlaepfer

@isaact Major Toonami vibes. youtu.be/evLDubA-B...


David Schlaepfer

@manton Honestly sometimes feels like using Siri in the car is worse in regards to safety than just tapping your phone to do whatever you need. More often than not she does something so contrary to what I asked that it becomes a big distraction while on the road.


David Schlaepfer

@isaact My project folder structure shouts at me all the time. β€œPROJECT, FOOTAGE, ASSETS, EXPORTS!”


David Schlaepfer

@JohnPhilpin Thank you. Fixed the link. And yes, it seems like the wooden part is being removed.

I actually don't know what they plan to do with the ship. I imagine they'll leave it and let it remain as an artificial reef.


David Schlaepfer

@JohnPhilpin Here's the correct link: davidcs.net/2023/02/1...

It's weird. I published it and then I wanted to change something so I deleted it. But looks like the deleted post is still showing in the timeline and my new post isn't. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

And yeah! SC.


David Schlaepfer

@schlaeps oh yeah. Anna turned to me when his Avatar woke up at the beginning and was like β€œβ€¦did they really bring him back? πŸ˜’β€

And for sure Sully’s characterization is pretty rough. I’m hoping that his character grows in the next one because of [that story point at the end]. I was also a little disappointed that Neytiri was sidelined until the end, but it was almost worth it to see her let loose after being cooped up.

I see why people are so divided on it! So many things to love and not love.


David Schlaepfer

@vincent Agreed. The official Mastodon app has the same feature. I want to know how things make it to that page. Is it links that are shared the most within your federated timeline? Or is it some kind of curation? Eagerly awaiting Ivory to see if they steer away from that.

BTW really enjoying Gluon and the feature to turn off sponsored posts at no cost. I leave them on bc sometimes there’s something cool, but I greatly appreciate the option!


David Schlaepfer

@isaact Nice! Congrats!


David Schlaepfer

@rknightuk That's probably healthy. I tend to hem and haw and backtrack over if I should give something a four or a four and a half. Ultimately it's like... was it good? Was it not? Anything beyond that is pretty arbitrary. :)


David Schlaepfer

@rknightuk Was about to get kinda mad until I realized you score out of 3, not 5. πŸ™ƒ 100% agreed on that last shot. Such a weird decision.


David Schlaepfer

@Christopher @acfusco Incredible photo.


David Schlaepfer

@jean Really excited for The Fabelmans. I need a sappy Spielberg film in my life rn :)


David Schlaepfer

@isaact This is really cool! I've had this itch since earlier this year to use older stuff. I dug out some old mighty mice (which I ditched real quick because of the scroll wheel ball) and bought an A1048 keyboard off ebay (which is heaven). But I'm not as dedicated as you. Just on a Gen Z nostalgia trip. :)

What Apple Silicon device are you migrating to?


David Schlaepfer

@manton Hey New Brighton! That’s in my town. Worked at Loft Coffee up the road for a bit when they launched. No shortage of good coffee shops here β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ