Jerry Towler Avatar
Jerry Towler

Jerry Towler

@sod So cute!

(I was briefly confused about why you had a picture of my dog Tuck, but Ture’s ears are floppy.)


Jerry Towler

@moonmehta Gotcha, thanks very much.


Jerry Towler

@moonmehta Can you say more (or have you written) about how this works? Do you have a “separate” Pika domain that publishes an RSS feed that gets picked up by I would love a better iOS editor than the default one.


Jerry Towler

@danielpunkass This is great advice if you arrive in the morning, but for long flights I usually prefer saving the clean clothes for the trip home. I’m already tired and not looking forward to it; fresh clothes make me feel better going in (or during a layover for spectacularly long routes).


Jerry Towler

Took a little longer than I expected, but Meera now has a proper website with a nice headshot (photo by yours truly), a professional timeline, and contact info.

Based on Kirby Turner’s timeline-jekyll-theme with a new color scheme, a little more space, and deployment tooling.



Jerry Towler

Feeling dangerously productive today. Let’s see how long I can get it to last.

I have three targets for the afternoon: two quick ones and one big thorny one. So naturally my brain wants to focus on the thorny one instead of letting me get the quick wins out of the way.


Jerry Towler

“What is a TikTok dance mash up if not a digital Dorito?”

The hierarchy Newport builds up here seems to make sense, but I’m reminded of this Dilbert strip, which makes the point that the medium may encourage certain content, but doesn’t necessarily determine it.


Jerry Towler

The previous post courtesy of Alamo Drafthouse’s season pass, which we just signed up for yesterday because for the next couple of weeks the second month is free.

Gonna try to get out of the house a bit more this summer, and into somewhere else with AC.

And it’ll be nice to see more movies. 🎥


Jerry Towler

Finished watching: Fly Me to the Moon. I was worried this would be another summer “comedy” that would leave me cringing, but it was actually a fun, fast-paced comedy/heist with a good performance by Scarlett Johansson, a hilarious Woody Harrelson in his element, Ray Romano doing work I didn’t know he coul...

Jerry Towler

By far my favorite part of Flighty is the Home Screen widget that tells you when your next flight is.

We just got home yesterday from a week in Europe, and it tells me I only have to wait thirteen days until I’m back on the road.

Flighty widget showing a Delta flight to Atlanta in 13 days.

Jerry Towler

Finished reading: Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree.

Fun prequel to Legends and Lattes, but missing some of the magic of the original. Still worth reading. Would be a great children’s/YA book with some light inessential cleaning up. 📚


Jerry Towler

The food and beer selection at CDG past immigration is criminally weak for a city that prides itself on food.

Maybe they’re just upset I’m leaving?


Jerry Towler

Finished reading: Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky.

Awesome investigation of evolution from a totally different (sci-fi) perspective. Made me think fun thoughts. Excellent up until the last couple of pages, which were totally disappointing, like the author didn’t know how to finish it.



Jerry Towler

Vianden Castle is a short but steep hike from the bus stop, but the views are excellent even before you get to tour the inside.


Jerry Towler

@V_ I agree, but then I’m from the US where we’re lucky if the trains exist, much less run on time. So in a land of castles 🏰, I stare at the trains 🚊


Jerry Towler

The reason I’m not there yet, to be fair, is that the timing isn’t literally flawless, so when my train to Ettelbruck was two or three minutes late leaving, my four-minute connection became a one-minute connection and I didn’t quite make it.


Jerry Towler

All public transportation in the entire country of Luxembourg is free of charge to all riders. And it’s mostly on time. This is a miracle. This morning, I was leaving Luxembourg City to visit Vianden Castle (still en route) and asked how to buy a ticket out here, since it’s half an hour of train and half ...

Jerry Towler

I have apparently arrived in Luxembourg 🇱🇺 on the Grand Duke’s official birthday. Unfortunately, all that was left when I arrived on the TGV from Paris was the aftermath.


Jerry Towler

Finished reading: Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman. A critical reminder that being the kind of person you feel you ought to be is impossible, and that’s okay—perhaps even freeing, when considered rightly. Burkeman spends a lot of time repeating himself, but perhaps that’s part of the point: by repe...

Jerry Towler

Finished reading: The Olympian Affair by Jim Butcher.

More swashbuckling! And spies! And a very weird planet. And cats. A good follow-up.

Now, Mr. Butcher, please get back to writing Twelve Months…📚


Jerry Towler

Today, I’m headed back to Japan 🇯🇵 for the first time since October 2022! Nineteen months is too long between visits.

I’m looking forward to sushi 🍣 and trains 🚅 and lots and lots of robots 🤖.


Jerry Towler

A first for me: a plane at a nearby gate is having a part flown in for maintenance. (Fortunately the origin city is very close, so that flight isn’t delayed by too much.)


Jerry Towler

Third Space Coffee in Colorado Springs serves artisanal coffeeee flights. We had to get one… okay, we got three. ☕️


Jerry Towler

Today was the last day of the ski season for us. We didn’t track every day, but we tracked most of them, and for a pair of engineers who live in Texas, we had a pretty good year. 🎿


Jerry Towler

I think we found our wall photo for this trip! 🎿


Jerry Towler

Sometimes the naming of ski runs is a delicate matter, full of nuance and wordplay and even history.

And sometimes a black diamond from the top of the mountain is just called KABOOM. 🎿

Meera on skis on top of Copper Mountain in front of the sign for the KABOOM black diamond run.

Jerry Towler

Meera skis like a girl. By which I mean, she had 2,000 feet more vert than we did today.🎿


Jerry Towler

Our first day this trip at Copper was exactly as beautiful as expected, if a bit warm. We spent all day on the eastern side of the mountain, taking the Super Bee lift over and over.

We even did a couple of double blacks off the back side of the mountain. I love being able to tackle harder slopes.

Meera celebrating on skis in front of clear blue skies.

Jerry Towler

Today’s the first day of the last (planned) ski trip of the season. The sun is bright, although the sky is partially clouded, and it snowed last night.

It’s going to be a good week. 🎿


Jerry Towler

Finished reading: Slow Productivity by Cal Newport. What a spectacular book for post-pandemic white-collar knowledge work. Partly philosophical and partly actionable, Newport says maybe we should step back from the cliff of minute-to-minute “pseudo-productivity” and consider the contribution of our entire...

Jerry Towler

Expanded the photo wall today to include our trips to Munich, Zermatt, Big Sky (Montana), and Solitude (Utah). I love seeing all our big trips together at a glance.


Jerry Towler

@help When I first posted this post—using the official M.b app for iOS—I included the photo, waited for it to upload (slow hotel internet), added alt text, but then it posted entirely without the photo. Alt text was lost and had to be recreated. And the upload wasn’t in my uploads list. Any advice?


Jerry Towler

@jean Thanks for the reminder; just updated mine.


Jerry Towler

@RLK That's exactly how I use my microblog: a cross between a personal website with a permanent feeling and a Twitter-like environment that doesn't expect long perfect Blog Posts. Welcome!


Jerry Towler

@dfr Oh, sorry for my mistake; I shouldn’t have assumed.

I was in Queenstown in January for a conference. Got to see Milford Sound and drink some Central Otago wines. But I think skiing will be better this time around! 🎿


Jerry Towler

@V_ Oh it was a doozy. I’m sure I’ll write it up here eventually.

I also wouldn’t have had the awareness and will to turn around, but there were three other, smarter, people with me.


Jerry Towler

@pratik Such a positive perspective!

Most trail days are good days. This day, we just couldn’t handle it. 😃


Jerry Towler

@dwalbert Indeed! I have since learned that Lincoln National Forest has many, many miles of awesome hikes that are entirely shaded, and we’ve walked many of them.

But the path around that lake has no shade at all.


Jerry Towler

@dfr Thanks! I was surprisingly challenged, when I wrote that title, to rank the hikes we’ve taken that were, in retrospect, ridiculous.

By the way, I see you’re Auckland-based; we’ll be in Queenstown next week! Sadly not doing the Milford Track. 🇳🇿


Jerry Towler

@ChrisHannah I love this perspective, and I share your feeling of "an allocated amount of time to do whatever I want," but this whole article I kept thinking, "How is this different from a plane flight?"—and you answered right before the end. I guess I fly enough that the chaos and stress of airports no longer affect me (and my being American means long train journeys are far, far more rare).


Jerry Towler

@peroty Second @jean with Good Sudoku; the same developer makes Knotwords, which is just as fun and playful (and infinitely more forgiving of breaking a streak).

My wife loves Mini Motorways, which is on Apple Arcade. 🎮


Jerry Towler

@manton Strong addition to helping people understand what you’re ~~trying to do~~doing here. I love that you followed up on values/guidelines with the names and photos of individual humans, so it’s clear that you really mean it.


Jerry Towler

@jean Awesome! Updated the list; we'll try it out.


Jerry Towler

@TheMacPsych Didn’t know any of those existed; I’ll put them all on the list. Cheers!


Jerry Towler

@jean We’ve tried a few of those, but wow, you’re not kidding about variety! Have you tried the Brooklyn Special Effects IPAs? I like them pretty well, so I’ll have to compare.


Jerry Towler

@Jean @TheMacPsych We’ve been enjoying the Deschutes non-alcoholic Black Butte Porter on the darker side. What else have you enjoyed beside Asahi?


Jerry Towler

@mroutley Maybe one of my all-time favorite opening lines: “I am, unfortunately, the Hero of Ages.”


Jerry Towler

@monday Where I have been, which is a surprisingly short list considering how much I've traveled.

Japan is high on my list to return to (and I've been back a bunch).

Next up is Chile, then Australia and New Zealand, for my first snow skiing adventure during northern-hemisphere summer.


Jerry Towler

@jean Like many, I've bounced around a lot and landed on Obsidian because it's just plain-text Markdown with some chrome on top, which is effectively future-proof. Works for notes, blog posts, newsletters, lots more. Terrible iOS apps, though, so text starts in Drafts there. Text that needs to get shared, or anything that isn't text at all, goes in Apple Notes.


Jerry Towler

@llbbl They’re exceptionally non-linear. Just jump in wherever seems fun.