Chris Hannah Avatar
Chris Hannah
I write a lot of code and drink (also a lot of) Guinness.

Chris Hannah

I’m Probably Going To Buy an iPhone 16

Chris Hannah

The view from Heybridge Basin, Essex, England. August, 2024. Full image

Chris Hannah

My Digital Life After Having a Baby

Chris Hannah

Using Stow to Make Managing Your Dotfiles Easier

Chris Hannah

The view of Flamingo Beach from inside a local shop. May, 2024. Full image

Chris Hannah

Definitely looking forwarding to watching Gladiator II after watching the trailer. Although I must admit I didn't expect to hear a song like "No Church in the Wild" by Jay-Z and Kanye West. That threw me a bit.


Chris Hannah

Protocols, platforms and priorities

Chris Hannah

Protocols, platforms and priorities

Chris Hannah

I just watched Perfect Days (2023). I haven't yet fully understood the effect it's had on me. But I think it's one of the best films I've ever seen.


Chris Hannah

What's Holding Me Back From Android?

Chris Hannah

The Millennial Captcha

Chris Hannah

If I ever switch away from using an iPhone, it would cause a massive cascading effect on nearly every part of my digital (and some physical) life. Simply because, if I could ever bring myself to break out of Apple's walled garden, I would want to steer clear of anything similar. I wouldn't want to just re...

Chris Hannah

If I ever switch away from using an iPhone, it would cause a massive cascading effect on nearly every part of my digital (and some physical) life. Simply because, if I could ever bring myself to break out of Apple's walled garden, I would want to steer clear of anything similar. I wouldn't want to just re...

Chris Hannah

Last year I decided to upgrade to the big iPhone 15 Pro Max, after two years of the iPhone 13 Pro. And while there are definitely benefits of a larger phone, (and I've definitely enjoyed having it at times) there have been quite a few times where I've been frustrated that it's not really usable with a sing...

Chris Hannah

Some Recent Bash Scripting Fun

Chris Hannah

I’m never really a fan of covers, but Royel Otis' cover of Linger by The Cranberries is incredible. Feels like going back to the 90s/00s.


Chris Hannah

I think my Mac is becoming more and more “linux inspired” by the day. I’ve got yabai installed as my tiled window manager, alacritty as my terminal, dmenu-mac as my application launcher, and I also live in the terminal using tmux, neovim, and a bunch of custom scripts. What’s next?


Chris Hannah

I’ve been playing around with bash scripts today. Most recent is one that uses fzf to list alacritty themes, and then lets me change it without editing the config file manually.


Chris Hannah

It’s saturday, and I’ve got nothing to do until Arsenal play in around 8 hours. So I’m pretty sure that means I’m going to have to build something. What I want, is a quick way to post a micro post to my eleventy blog via the CLI. But I’m not sure what route to go down. A complex shell script? Maybe a custo...

Chris Hannah

I made the switch to alacritty today. Feels much better than iTerm 2. I much prefer having static config files to a preferences pane.


Chris Hannah

I made the switch to alacritty today. Feels much better than iTerm 2. I much prefer having static confiles to a preferences pane.


Chris Hannah

Day 6: windy


Chris Hannah

A CLI Tool to Post to Micro.Blog

Chris Hannah

@ChrisJWilson analog, but not Olympus 😜 Canon AV-1


Chris Hannah

@ChrisHannah the dessert was an ice cream with bienmesabe. Which tastes like sweet almonds, and turns out is a local treat of Gran Canaria/Canary Islands. I’m pretty glad they ran out of chocolate brownie now.


Chris Hannah

@matthewlang Yeah, this feels more like a travel diary/journal platform to me than Mastodon or other social networks.


Chris Hannah

@jatowler that’s probably a better way to put it. I guess everyone has their own version of a period of time where they can do anything they want. For me in the UK, trains are so easy it makes getting in a plane seem like so much of a hassle.


Chris Hannah

@joshua that's a great set of comparisons, thanks for sharing. I think from that, I like the look of the SE and the XS. I can see why the 12 Pro would be desirable for some people, but I think I'd prefer the others.


Chris Hannah

@mejh I didn't think of that, but that's true for me as well. It feels like more of a journey when you can see the progress.


Chris Hannah

@sod Thanks. I did notice I got a few follows on Twitter and Mastodon, so that may be related. Nothing else just yet. It would be interesting to see if my RSS feed is getting more attention, but not sure I can track that with a Ghost blog.


Chris Hannah

@skoobz I'll have to give it a look


Chris Hannah

@adders oh perfect! I wasn’t sure if a Ghost pro account would have access to all the settings and a custom theme.


Chris Hannah

@frostedechoes I'll definitely write it all up, hopefully later on today.


Chris Hannah

@mike It's been mostly fine for me, but I usually get into issues when travelling, and maybe i'm out for the entire day.


Chris Hannah

@AndyNicolaides No, this one is a personal one. I was too lazy to write it in a way that it could be used by other people.


Chris Hannah

@gr36 At okay, so it’s pretty much the same thing. That is mostly down to doing its thing. All I did was use a relatively simple RSS feed template, but kept the title field permanently blank. The it just appeared. 🤷‍♂️


Chris Hannah

@gr36 I’ll have to write a full technical post explaining everything. But the main parts were defining a tag to use, and then adding custom RSS feeds to either include or not include posts with that tag. Although it also means adding a custom feed template, which I hope I did properly!


Chris Hannah

@AndyNicolaides Thanks! Yeah, I spotted a few things I need to fix, but I did a mini redesign the other day.


Chris Hannah

@KimberlyHirsh Well, I think I know what I now need to read again!


Chris Hannah

@manton That's true, "global" never does seem to scale well. But you're right, I think there's a lot of value in being able to discover relatively large numbers of people to follow. Maybe it can relate to Discover in a way, where you get a list of recently active people that post about a specific category.


Chris Hannah

@manton @andynicolaides I'm not sure how it would fit into, but I suppose a "global" feed, similar to what had may help? That way you can still keep a separate list of people you follow.


Chris Hannah

@mike Yep! I've switched the default app to be QuickTime now. It seems absurd that opening an mp3 means you want it in your Music library.


Chris Hannah

@ChrisHannah It was definitely just me. Turns out my Mac was playing all audio weird when connected to my speakers.


Chris Hannah

@martinfeld Not sure if it's just me, but the audio for this seems very glitchy. Even if I download the mp3 it has the same issue.


Chris Hannah

@mike Nothing specific, althought I love the colourful iMac. It's just the idea of using a desktop that seems appealing to me right now.


Chris Hannah

@ndreas I hadn't heard of it before, but it looks like a pretty good way to share photos! Obviously not a full Instragram replacement, but a minimal photography portfolio maybe?


Chris Hannah

@manton Oh yeah, I always had that thought as well that they surely couldn't be totally real. But it's sort of impressive the level people go to, to produce those videos.