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Hunter Ward
Songwriter and all-around creative writer. 📍DC

Hunter Ward

What? You’ve never heard an electric harp? Let's fix that with Dorothy Ashby’s funky, soulful, underappreciated album Afro-Harping (1968).

Just listen to the first few seconds of Ashby’s take on “The Look of Love” on YouTube. If you don’t instantly love it, you can tell me I’m wrong. 🎵


Hunter Ward

Wow, look at him go

A cat wrestles with his fabric rainbow toy, licking his nose. He's high on catnip.A cat plays with a fabric rainbow toy that's full of catnip. His mouth is open very, very wide.


Hunter Ward

Wow, look at him go

A cat plays with a fabric rainbow toy that's full of catnip. His mouth is open very, very wide.

Hunter Ward

Japanese Funk and Soul That Will Brighten Up Your Day 🎵

My Analog Journal plays fantastic selections from enviable vinyl collections. The sound, video, and overall vibe on these videos makes for perfect summer listening.


Hunter Ward

Playing: American Truck Simulator while listening to Beck’s Midnite Vultures. “Sexx Laws” hits the spot while long-hauling imaginary freight from Seattle to Bakersfield. 🎵🎮


Hunter Ward

Watching Orlando (1993). 📽️


Hunter Ward

Reading: The Once and Future King. 📚


Hunter Ward

Watched: It Comes at Night (2017), an incredibly well-written movie. 📽️


Hunter Ward

@PineCellar "Success sometimes isn’t crossing every “t” or dotting every “i”. Sometimes it’s just taking a step forward and learning from setbacks."

I need to remember this! 👆🏻


Hunter Ward

@PineCellar I can’t believe how real this looks!


Hunter Ward

@velocykel Thank you! He’s a challenging one, but cute.


Hunter Ward

2024 is off to a promising start.

Hunter is an androgynous white man with long brown hair and blue eyes.

Hunter Ward

Reading My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones. Only about 125 pages in, but Jones’s prose is fantastic. 📚


Hunter Ward

Watching Rosemary’s Baby.


Hunter Ward

Making a character in Shadowdark, which is a tabletop roleplaying game resembling what D&D used to be: a survival horror dungeon crawl. 🕯️


Hunter Ward

Listening to Sofia Rei’s “De Tierra y Oro” 🎵


Hunter Ward

Good morning! I’m listening to The Gnostic Preludes: Music of Splendor.

It’s mystical, lyrical music for harp, vibraphone, and guitar performed by some legendary figures from NYC’s downtown experimental music scene.


Hunter Ward

You’ve gotta hear “La Araña” by punk legend Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds! 🎵


Hunter Ward

Learning about how pelvic floor muscles play into singing. Wild. How’d I never notice that?


Hunter Ward

@PineCellar Cheers to a platform that doesn't incentivize people to farm each other for likes!


Hunter Ward

Listening to Patchouli Blue by Bohren & Der Club of Gore while reading My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones. 🎵📚


Hunter Ward

“The process of falling in love at first sight is as final as it is swift… but the growth of true friendship may be a lifelong affair.”

The Country of the Pointed Firs by Maine legend Sarah Orne Jewett


Hunter Ward

Bub looks like a teddy bear who lost a button. 🐈

An orange tabby with one eye sits between a synthesizer keyboard and a laptop.

Hunter Ward

On to Gnostic Trio’s In Lambeth: Visions from the Walled Garden of William Blake.

What a fun surprise to hear Ikue Mori’s distinct electronics work on track “The Minotaur” 🎵


Hunter Ward

Listening to In Search of the Miraculous, an album of mystical-sounding music by John Zorn’s Alhambra Trio joined by guests Kenny Wollesen on vibraphone, Carol Emanuel on harp, and Shanir Blumenkranz on electric bass. 🎵


Hunter Ward

Listening to: Derek Bailey’s Pieces for Guitar 1966–67 🎵🎸


Hunter Ward

Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality wins the “most eye-catching book title” contest that I didn’t know I was judging. 📚


Hunter Ward

Mr. Business says “daylight savings time” is a bullshit human construct. Lunchtime is now 11:00 sharp.

A one-eyed orange cat meows with his mouth wide open. His ears are pointed straight up, and he's really planting himself and putting his breath into this meow.

Hunter Ward

@ArnoldHoogerwerf Now I can listen to everything Ikue Mori has ever released on Tzadik 🖤


Hunter Ward

@PineCellar Those are nice colors, not gonna lie


Hunter Ward

@PineCellar 🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏻‍♂️


Hunter Ward

@PineCellar Seeing you here puts me in an intense state of NAGE 📼

Welcome to, Pine!


Hunter Ward

@jean Not yet! Adding Truly, Madly, Deeply to my list. Sounds like a perfect Halloween movie. Thank you!


Hunter Ward

@odd It's hard to categorize, but The Lighthouse really did feel like a horror movie to me. 😅 Really great acting and cinematography, though!


Hunter Ward

@wm back at you! 😆


Hunter Ward

@yurkevich Xena sitting on her horse in front of a burning building in commercials for the show is an image seared into my brain forever 🔥


Hunter Ward

@Miraz I remember catching it here and there back in the 90s too, but it was on really late at night so I didn't see many episodes. The show's a lot of fun so far!


Hunter Ward

@dominikhoecht Thank you, Dominik! 🧛🏻‍♀️


Hunter Ward

@mbkriegh Beacon and Hudson Valley sure are photogenic 🌳


Hunter Ward

@Chadgmoore Those themes definitely came through to this child-free person too. I also got to thinking about how tangling with problems that are larger than any one can inspire others and eventually lead to breakthroughs we didn't foresee. If only existential problems were easier to solve and harder to cause, eh?


Hunter Ward

@odd Thank you for reminding me—I loved the first Blade Runner and meant to watch the second!


Hunter Ward

@odd I love that piece and think about it a lot, especially as I’m playing that new Chrono Trigger-inspired game 💚


Hunter Ward

@MultoGhost thank you so much for these. Sharing these with my partner, who’s writing short medieval horror films right now 👻


Hunter Ward

@jean Thank you, Jean! I love it here. Great onboarding experience 👍🏻


Hunter Ward

@maique I love it here. Thanks for the warm welcome!


Hunter Ward

@JohnPhilpin Thank you! 😄